A fun New Year’s Eve Tradition in Germany for families try to divine their fortune for the New Year is Bleigiessen, Lead Pouring. This ancient form of divination, also known as Molybdomancy, has been used during the Raunächte for 1000s of years in many cultures. Now it’s mostly just for fun, although… there may be something to it….
Originally, a small bit of lead or tin was melted, and then dropped in water. The form created by the metal is examined to determine the future. Some forms need you to be very open minded. Then, your fortune for the year is set. For instance, if the lead forms a ball (der Ball), it means luck will roll your way. The shape of an anchor (der Anker) means help is coming when you need it. But a cross (das Kreuz) can mean death.
Today, kits are sold to make it easier. In the kit comes a spoon, some lead (often formed into celebratory shapes) a chart to help interpret the shapes, and a poem. Because of restrictions on lead, tin and wax kits are becoming more common.
How does Bleigiessen Work?
A candle is lit, and placed on the table. A bowl of water is also placed on the table. The chunks of lead are put in the bowl of the spoon, which is then held over the candle. The lead has a low melting point, so it melts fairly quickly. Then the lead gets poured into the water.
There seems to be a trick to this. Holding your spoon close to the water before dumping the lead gives it more of a shape. (I don’t know what the fortune gods think about taking multiple turns to get a preferred shape… so you may have to remember what others did in the years before to get what you want).
To better see the shape, allow the light to cast it’s shadow on the wall. The chart for interpreting shapes is below.
Today, because playing with lead is considered dangerous for children, many families use wax. Perhaps cut off a bit of a red candle for fortune-telling?
See Bleigiessen in Action-
This poem is often recited before casting your lead figure:
In der Silvester-Nacht
wird das Blei zum Schmelzen gebracht.
Es wird gekippt in Wasser, kalt und klar;
rate, was stellen die Figuren dar?
Schau sie an, so wie sie sind;
rätst die Gestalt du nicht geschwind.
Halt sie hinters Licht,
das Schattenbild dir mehr verspricht.
Kommt es dir nicht in den Sinn,
schau auf dieses Büchlein hin.
Es sagt dir frank und frei,
so allerlei…!
Purchase Your Own Bleigiessen Kit Here-
Bleigiessen Kits are harder to come by in the US and Germany because of the Lead content.
A Wax kit is a safe alternative.
Fortune-Telling with Wax – New Year’s Activity KitBeeswax Charm Refill Kit for Fortune-Telling with Wax
Amazon Germany sells kits made with Tin
7-Teilig Zinngießen Zinn Giessen – Alternative zu Bleigießen mit 6 Figuren & Löffel & Orakelheft – Partyspiele 2021 Silvester Neujahr (1x)AMAZON.DEWeidebach® Spaßiges Zinngießen Set, Bleigießen Alternative inkl. Buch mit über 500 Deutungen, ungiftiges Zinn Giessen als Silvester Spiel, umweltfreundlich Zinn Giessen Set, Zinngießen SilvesterAMAZON.DERobin Goods® 6X Zinngießen mit 4 Figuren und 1 Löffel, Silvestergießen das Wahrsagerei-Partyspiel – die gesunde Alternative zum Bleigießen, Nicht nur zu SilvesterAMAZON.DE
Also find interpretation Books…
Feuerorakel – Keromantie und Molybdomantie: Rituale und die Orakelkunst des Wachs- und Bleigießens inklusive Lexikon mit über 700 Symbolen (German Edition)Geheimnisvolles Bleigießen (German Edition)Bleigießen vs Kerzenwachs: Sivesterorakel (German Edition)Bleigießen: Eine alte mantische Kunst und ihre Symbole. Geschichte des Bleigießens. Interpretation von über 300 Symbolfiguren von A bis Z. Sachlich und klar verständlich.
This looks like a bird…. so that means good luck is coming!
Interpret Your Lead Figures-
Figure | Meaning |
Acker (field) | luck and happiness |
ähren (grain head) | your wishes will be fulfilled |
Adler (eagle) | profit in your job |
Amboss (anvil) | be careful with your job |
Anker (anchor) | you will receive help from others |
Apfel (apple) | your trust will be broken |
Auto (car) | promising venture or enterprise |
Automat (vending machine) | be careful with spending |
Baum (tree) | growth in your capabilities |
Becher (mug) | luck and health |
Beil (axe) | disappointment in love |
Besen (broom) | conflict or small argument |
Beutel (bag) | unexpected luck |
Biene (bee) | prospect of marriage |
Blumen (flowers) | new friendships will develop |
Bock (ram) | expect an inheritance |
Bombe (bomb) | you will escape danger |
Boten mit Brief (messenger with letter) | you will receive important news soon |
Brille (glasses) | you will live to be old |
Brücke (bridge) | you will form new ties |
Brunnen (fountain) | deep love for everyone |
Burg (fortress) | you wish for change |
Chrysanthemen (Chrysanthemum) | someone needs your help |
Degen (sword) | cutting change |
Denkmal (monument) | you overestimate yourself |
Dolch (dagger) | you will be victorious |
Dreieck (triangle) | finances improve |
Ei (egg) | your family will grow |
Eidechse (lizard) | big annoyance that goes away quickly |
Eimer (pail) | satisfaction with relationships |
Eisenbahn (train) | departure from a friend |
Elefant (elephant) | you have good powers of comprehension |
Engel (angel) | good will come to you |
Erdwall (earthen dam) | you will be successful only through trouble |
Fahne, wehend (waving flag) | your heart and thoughts are in different places |
Falke (falcon) | someone is jealous of you |
Faust (fist) | you feel that you have been pushed back |
Feder (feather) | change in your home |
Felsen (cliffs) | much work to come |
Fische (fish) | people are talking about you |
Flakon (phial, small bottle) | don’t let anyone “pull your leg” |
Flasche (bottle) | happy times to come |
Flugzeug (airplane) | good luck in open competition |
Frosch (frog) | you will eventually win much money in a lotterie |
Gabel (fork) | quarrels and arguments |
Galgen (gallows) | be wary of false friends |
Garten (garden) | new love in your path |
Gebüsch (bush) | acknowledge the accomplishments of others |
Geweih (antlers) | misfortune in love |
Gewichte (scales) | success in business |
Gitarre (guitar) | secret longings |
Glocke (bell) | inheritance coming into view |
Gondel (gondola) | an adventure is approaching |
Hahn (rooster) | be careful of fire |
Haken (hook) | obstacles will come into your path |
Hammer (hammer) | you will get your way |
Hase (rabbit) | hang onto your luck |
Haus (house) | your ventures will go well |
Hose (pants) | you will be ridiculed |
Hufeisen (horseshoe) | good business |
Hut (hat) | good news |
Igel (hedgehog) | people are envious of you |
Insel (island) | you are lonely |
Kahn (boat) | good luck in your intentions, plans |
Käfer (beetle) | nice experience in love |
Kamel (camel) | new duties |
Kanne (jug) | unpleasantness |
Kanzel (pulpit) | you like to be right |
Kapelle (chapel) | longing for peace and quiet |
Karpfen (carp) | unexpected raise in salary |
Karussell (merry-go-round) | dumb jokes from acquaintances |
Kegel (ninepin) | be careful in business |
Kelch (chalice) | your future will be happy |
Kirche (church) | you will start a household soon |
Klee (clover) | satisfaction and luck |
Korb (basket) | lucky in love |
Kranz (wreath) | reconciliation in your circle of friends |
Krone (crown) | you will use official position |
Kuchen (cake) | festivity is coming |
Kugel (ball) | don’t take your bad mood out on others |
Kuh (cow) | cure from sickness |
Lanze (lance) | someone wants to fight with you |
Leiter (ladder) | advancement in your job |
Leiter, zerbrechen (broken ladder) | make decisions faster |
Leuchter (candlestick) | you will “see the light” (understand, get an idea) |
Leuchtturm (lamppost) | don’t give up on your goals |
Löffel (spoon) | people are talking about you |
Mauerr (wall) | your perseverance will pay off |
Mond (moon) | you may expect honor |
Nagel (nail) | better times coming |
Nest mit Eiern oder Vögeln (nest w/eggs or birds) | a happy home will soon be started |
Orgel (organ) | you’ll play your way through life |
Palme (palm tree) | a long-cherished wish will be fulfilled |
Pantoffel (slipper) | you will get married soon |
Peitsche (whip) | you need a strong hand |
Pistole (pistol) | you will cheat in love |
Pfeife (pipe) | be careful—danger approaches |
Pflug (plow) | you must work harder at your job |
Rad (wheel) | big changes coming |
Regenschirm (umbrella) | be hopeful, and avoid unpleasantness |
Säge (saw) | a separation, which is advantageous, is coming |
Säule (pillar) | a wish will remain unfulfilled |
Segelboot (sailboat) | good advancement in your job |
Sichel (sicle) | don’t scorn the little joys of life |
Schere (scissors) | important decisions coming |
Schaukel (swing) | make up your mind |
Schlange (snake) | people are envious of your success |
Schlitten (sled) | make your relationships fit yourself |
Schluessel (key) | let others keep their secrets |
Schornsteinfeger (chimney sweep) | luck in love |
Schraubstock (bench vice) | hang on tight to what you have |
Schwamm (sponge) | clean your soul |
Schwein (pig) | luck in play, games |
Schuh (shoe) | you’ll have to do a lot of running around soon |
Spinne (spider) | your luck hangs on a silken thread |
Storch (stork) | you will travel |
Stock (stick, staff) | your life will turn around |
Tänzerin (dancer) | don’t take life so seriously |
Tisch (table) | soon you will be invited to a party |
Teller (plate) | you’ll have opportunity for generosity |
Tor (gate) | you’ll change your place of residence |
Trauring (engagement ring) | you’ll be engaged soon *OR* warning of upcoming escapades |
Treppen (steps) | new assignments await you |
Trompete (trumpet) | you will soon gain public office |
Trichter (funnel) | protect your strength |
Tunnel (tunnel) | you will recover from a horrible fright |
Turm (tower) | have more courage in your ____ _______ |
Urne (urn) | don’t grieve about the past |
Vogel (bird) | good luck coming |
Wiege (cradle) | you will take part in a baptism |
Zaun (fence) | you have to explain a misunderstanding |
Zeppelin (zeppelin) | gleaming advancement opportunities await you |
Zylinder (top hat) | serious matters ahead |
Bleigiessen is fun for the whole Family!
Great information. I did this in Berlin in 1983 and was so happy to find the info but don’t know how to get a kit before Sat but will order one now for next year . Daniel schon
Sorry, silly auto corrected that’s Danke not Daniel
Auto correct strikes again!
Every year we done that. Mine never resembled anything. After I left home, my sisters told me they never done it again. My mother didn’t like my leaving and was worried she would get something that revered to my future. She had a cactus with a large one in the middle and it was surrounded be 5 smaller once. She could tell if something was wrong with one of her children. Every smaller one was named by her children. It was uncanny how right she was. For instant, she looked at them and said I need to get ahold of your brother Hans. Something is wrong with him. She was always right. She could tell if I was in some trouble, just by looking at that cactus. What is so weird was that my mother could always go be that and was always right. After some time, it started to freak us all ought.
Thank You Kaen for your lovely Christmas and New Year wishes. That was so sweet of you. And of course, I wish you the same you the same. May your New Year be Prosperes and filled with health and good luck. Wishing you and your family the best of everything. Love Gigi.
Thank you Gigi! Happy New Year!