German Christmas Market

Come shop in our virtual German Christmas Market! Find all those delightful German Christmas items from the best vendors. Click Here to Shop our Christmas Market    Order the German Food Box for a Month, Three Months, or a Year 6-8 German Food Items + Gift Box + Traditional German Recipes – all for only $39 per box! Save 10% …

Chocolate and Dark Beer Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream

I know, I know… Chocolate and Dark Beer Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream are not STRICTLY German. (Or really, traditional German at all) BUT! They are tasty. And since I used a dark Erdinger Weissbier German Beer, these delicious treats count as Denglish. The recipe comes from one I used to bake for Irish friends using Stout beer (Guinness).  I find…

Order Authentic German Pretzels from the Bavarian Pretzel Company

Now you can enjoy tasty oven-fresh Bavarian Pretzels year-round without leaving home! The Bavarian Pretzel Company bakes traditional pretzels and ships them to you for finishing at home. The pretzels come out from the oven with a perfectly chewy crust, soft interior, and amazing flavor. Serve them for Brotzeit or at a gathering of friends on a Sunday afternoon… OR…

Why is the Thursday before Easter called Grünerdonnerstag in Germany?

Heiliger Donnerstag (Holy Thursday) makes sense… but why is the Thursday before Easter called Grünerdonnerstag in Germany? The word “Heilige” or “Holy” makes sense, after all, the day is an important part of the Karwoche (Holy Week). The Thursday before Easter is associated with the Last Supper and the end of Lent. The night of Jesus’s betrayal and arrest marks…

Burning Easter Wheel In Germany- UNESCO Heritage in Lüdge

Cover image by Nifoto, Public domain, via Wikimedia CommonsIn 784 Charlemagne visited the town of Lügde, and according to his chronicler Einhard, witnessed large oak wheels stuffed with straw, set on fire, and sent rolling down the Osterberg to greet the Spring. What an impressive sight! Burning wheels of fire careening down the hill…sparks flying all around. Although no one…

Top Oktoberfest Songs You WILL Hear at German Festivals

Music is almost as important to Oktoberfest as Beer. (I said ALMOST). So if you are headed to an Oktoberfest… or you are hosting your own Oktoberfest Party… you can be certain that music, singing and even dancing will be involved. But what sort of music will you hear? These are the TOP Oktoberfest Songs that you will most likely…

Christmas Eve Dinner in Germany – Würstchen mit Kartoffelsalat?

In the Netflix series Over Christmas (Über Weihnachten), the Christmas Eve Dinner is Würstchen und Kartoffelsalat (Sausages and Potato Salad). The Oma complains, saying that it’s also just the regular Thursday meal at her Old Age Home. But as her daughter points out, it’s Tradition; that’s what they’ve ALWAYS had; in fact, OMA used to serve it. The truth is,…

Spekulatius Truffles- An easy and delicious Christmas Treat

A few years ago, I started making simple Truffles around the Holidays as little gifts and to help corners of my Bunter Teller. Making these rich (and I mean REALLY RICH) Spekulatius Truffles doesn’t take that long, and it’s easy to find helpers since everyone loves playing with the chocolate. You can even get the little ones in your world…

Ostara and Easter- A Legend that May be Younger than You Think

While digging in to stories about Easter in Germany, I frequently come across references to the Germanic pagan goddess Ostara. In fact, Ostara and Easter appear to be so entwined, that even the word Ostern (Easter) comes from this goddess of Spring. And sources attribute many of the non-religious Easter symbols like eggs and rabbits directly to her. So, I…

German Easter Candy and Sweets to Fill Your Easter Basket

When I was young, we looked forward to receiving packages from my Opa a few times a year. Brown paper wrapped packages, tied up with string (actually twine… but Julie Andrews never mentions twine in her song). They came at Christmas (in the odd year he didn’t visit), our Birthdays, and Easter. After Mama carefully untied the knots and saved…

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