My earliest soccer memories are of my Opa watching his beloved Fußball on our black and white TV. Since this was California in the 1970’s, the program was in Spanish. This didn’t stop him, since he know the sport inside out. It did, however, inhibit my German Soccer Vocabulary. And when I got older, and produced a few soccer players myself, I realized that I had no idea what the word for goalkeeper (It’s der Torwart or der Torhütter ) or referee (it’s Schiedsrichter). It was time for me to learn them so I could use them properly.
Now I want to share some German Soccer Vocabulary words with you… so when you are watching that match in a German Bar or restaurant, (or with your Opa) you sound like a super fan!
German Soccer Vocabulary-
The most important word….. FUßBall!
In Germany, Soccer is called Fußball, or Football.
Why don’t Americans call it football? learn more about that here–> Why do Americans Call Fußball, Soccer?
Player- der Spieler
Match- das Spiel
The Pitch…. das Spielfeld
Playing Field or Pitch- das Spielfeld
Soccer Stadium- Fußballstadien
Center Circle- der Mittelkreis
Center Line- die Mittellinie
Corner Flag- die Eckfahne
Goal- das Tor
Goal Line- die Torlinie
Penalty Box- der Strafraum
Penalty Spot- der Strafstoßpunkt
Sideline or Touchline- die Seitenlinie
German Soccer Player Positions
Goalkeeper- der Torwart or der Torhüter
Sweeper- Libero
Fullback or Back- der Verteidiger
Midflielder- der Mittelfeldspieler
Forward or Striker- der Stürmer
inner and outer – innen und außen
left and right- links und rechts
So a Left Inner Back is a Linker Innenverteidiger
The Team- die Mannschaft
Starting Lineup- Spieleraufstellung
Opposing Team- gegnerische Mannschaft
The Referee Team
Center Referee- der Schiedsrichter
Assistant Referee- der Schiedsrichterassistent or Linienrichter
Fourth Official- das Spielleiter or vierter Offizieller
Timer- der Stoppuhr
Whistle- der Trillerpfeife
Flag- die Fahne
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German Soccer Uniform Vocabulary
The Soccer Uniform or Kit- Fußball Uniform
Jersey- das Trikot
Shorts- die Fußball Shorts
Socks- die Socken
Cleats- die Stollenschuhe
Shin Guards- Schienbeinschoner
Goal Tender Gloves- Torwarthandschuhe
Important German Soccer Vocabulary for the Game
Kick off – Anstoß
Final Whistle- Abpfiff
Free Kick- Freistoß
Corner Kick- Eckstoß
Throw In- Einwurf
Referee calls
Off-Sides – Abseits
Foul- Faul
Ball is Out- Ball ist Aus
Handball- absichtliches Handspiel
Tripping- Beinstellen
Holding- Festhalten
Tackle- Grätschen
Dangerous Play- gefärliches Spiel
Tripping- Beinstellen
Yellow Card- Gelbe Karte
Red Card- Rote Karte
Extra Time- der Verlängerung
Kicks from the Mark (to decide the game) – Elfmeter
Match ends in a tie- Das Spiel endete unentschieden
And the Most Important Word of ALL?
GOAL- TOR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can’t Get Enough German Soccer?
Check out these books and videos
Tor!: The Story of German FootballDie 100 besten Spiele aller Zeiten: Erweiterte, aktualisierte Ausgabe (German Edition)
Thanks a lot for this!
Veraenderung ist feminin, die Veränderung
Two questions:
1) Why do they call a game a party?
2) What is a joker?
A Joker is the one who comes in off the bench and scores.
A Party?