German Straw Christmas Ornaments -To Buy or Make

German Straw Christmas ornaments have been used in Germany and Scandinavia for years. They are fairly easy and inexpensive to make, and since most people had some access to straw, they became quite common. But it’s more than that. Straw is closely tied to the symbolism of the Christ Child being born into a bed of straw. The legend of the first straw ornament is related to the Christmas Story.

One of my favorite German School memories was our Christmas pageants. We would stand on a small stage and sing all the familiar German Christmas Songs for our families. Because there wasn’t much money for sets, the back of the stage was covered in German Straw Christmas Ornaments that our mothers made. They came together for a few hours in the weeks leading up to the show and turned straw into gold, well, into stars, which were then sold as a fundraiser (so, maybe gold isn’t that far off).

Straw Ornaments, simple or complex, are a beautiful and inexpensive way to decorate for Christmas. They are proof that even the most humble of objects can be fashioned into something special.

How to make straw stars


German Straw Christmas Ornaments

In our home, we put a few Straw Christmas Ornaments on the tree but mainly use them to decorate the other greenery around the house. Mom always puts a vase of cut evergreen branches on the fireplace, usually from the branches cut off the bottom of a Christmas Tree. These decorated branches show up before the Christmas tree enters the house. I’ve seen them hung on greenery around doorways and on fireplace mantles. These rustic and lightweight ornaments even make pretty mobiles!

Christmas Tree Decoration - Handmade German Straw Star Ornament – Design 7Christmas Tree Decoration – Handmade German Straw Star Ornament – Design 7Christmas Tree Decoration - Handmade German Straw Star Ornament – Design 7


 Legend of the Straw Stars

As the story goes, Mary laid her son Jesus in a bed of straw in a manger. The Legend of the Straw Stars is a wonderful story to share with children since the straw ornaments are closely tied to the infant Jesus. (I’ve heard various versions—one with a boy, another with a girl—but I will tell it as I told it to my daughters.)

Once upon a time…

In the Gospel of Luke,  Angels appeared to the Shepherds in the field to tell them of Jesus Christ’s birth. They would find him in Bethlehem, lying in a manger. Together, they headed off to see him. Along the way, they talked about the gifts they would bring. One shepherd had a wooly sheepskin to keep the baby warm; another brought sheep’s milk to nourish him. Only the youngest shepherdess had nothing.  The young shepherdess wanted to give a gift to the Baby Jesus, but she had no money to buy anything. She sat on her bedding, staring up at the heavens, and saw the star of Bethlehem. The light shone down on a straw sticking out from her straw mattress. Suddenly, she knew what she should make! Using threads she pulled from her robe, she wove the straw from her bed into a Star of Straw… and gave it as a special gift.

Count down to Christmas with a Straw Star Advent Calendar. Every day you open a decorated envelope to find a new, beautiful straw star!

Der Strohsterne-AdventskalenderDer Strohsterne-AdventskalenderDer Strohsterne-Adventskalender

Get Started Making Straw Ornaments

These kits are the best deal for getting started on Straw Ornaments. Comes with instructions, straw and tools. These ones can be ordered from the US or Germany…

Glorex GmbH Straw Star Complete Set 3Glorex GmbH Straw Star Complete Set 3Glorex GmbH Straw Star Complete Set 3


Bastel-Komplett-SetBastel-Komplett-Set”Wunderschöne nostalgische Strohsterne” mit Anleitungsheft1AMAZON.DEStrohstern-Komplett-Set 3Strohstern-Komplett-Set 3AMAZON.DE


Make Straw Christmas Ornaments

Making Straw Christmas Ornaments is not too difficult, once you get the hang of it. These books are in German, but they  have good step by step photo instructions. The mold/jig is helpful for holding the straw pieces in place, but it isn’t essential. Also, you can buy the craft straw (if you don’t happen to have a field behind our house).

Unfortunately, I can only find books in German…but the instructions are fairly easy to follow.


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Strohsterne in bunter VielfaltStrohsterne in bunter VielfaltStrohsterne in bunter VielfaltDekorative StrohsterneDekorative StrohsterneDekorative Strohsterne


TUTORIAL Easy Craft Vintage Handmade Straw Christmas Holiday Ornaments Simple Angels Stars Gifts Wood Pattern instant digital PDF downloadTUTORIAL Easy Craft Vintage Handmade Straw Christmas Holiday Ornaments Simple Angels Stars Gifts Wood Pattern instant digital PDF downloadTUTORIAL Easy Craft Vintage Handmade Straw Christmas Holiday Ornaments Simple Angels Stars Gifts Wood Pattern instant digital PDF download

See Straw Stars Being Made

This video very slowly and carefully shows how to make straw stars with the frame. This video has German and English Instructions.



Tools to Make Straw Stars- Forms and Cutters

Straw Splitter with 5 choicesStraw Splitter with 5 choicesStraw Splitter with 5 choicesHardened steel straw splitter (Limited edition)Hardened steel straw splitter (Limited edition)Hardened steel straw splitter (Limited edition)


Knorr Prandell Straw Splitter with 4 Stripes, RedKnorr Prandell Straw Splitter with 4 Stripes, RedKnorr Prandell Straw Splitter with 4 Stripes, RedKnorr Prandell Straw Splitter with 3 Stripes, RedKnorr Prandell Straw Splitter with 3 Stripes, RedKnorr Prandell Straw Splitter with 3 Stripes, RedKnorr Prandell Straw Splitter with 6 Stripes, RedKnorr Prandell Straw Splitter with 6 Stripes, RedKnorr Prandell Straw Splitter with 6 Stripes, Red

These tools can be ordered from Germany


Bastel-Set Strohstern-Nostalgie ohne Anleitungsbuch, Legeformen-Strohspalter-SetBastel-Set Strohstern-Nostalgie ohne Anleitungsbuch, Legeformen-Strohspalter-SetAMAZON.DEKnorrPrandell 8529000 Universal-Legeform, 10 cm Durchmesser, rotKnorrPrandell 8529000 Universal-Legeform, 10 cm Durchmesser, rotAMAZON.DERAYHER - Strohspalter-Set, 3 Legeformen, SB-Btl. mit genauer AnleitungRAYHER – Strohspalter-Set, 3 Legeformen, SB-Btl. mit genauer AnleitungAMAZON.DE

KnorrPrandell 8529256 Strohspalter, rotKnorrPrandell 8529256 Strohspalter, rotAMAZON.DEKnorrPrandell 8529205 Strohspalter, rotKnorrPrandell 8529205 Strohspalter, rotAMAZON.DE


Straw to Make Straw Stars


Straw Star Kit REFILL STRAWS for Straw Star Kits (50 Straws)Straw Star Kit REFILL STRAWS for Straw Star Kits (50 Straws)Straw Star Kit REFILL STRAWS for Straw Star Kits (50 Straws)Straw Star Kit REFILL STRAWS for Straw Star Kits (50 Straws)Straw Star Kit REFILL STRAWS for Straw Star Kits (50 Straws)Straw Star Kit REFILL STRAWS for Straw Star Kits (50 Straws)


folia 961 - Bastelhalme aus Stroh, Strohhalme, Natur, Länge ca. 22 cm, 50 Stück, zum Gestalten von Strohsternen- und figurenfolia 961 – Bastelhalme aus Stroh, Strohhalme, Natur, Länge ca. 22 cm, 50 Stück, zum Gestalten von Strohsternen- und figurenAMAZON.DEKnorr prandell Strohhalme 22cm Natur dunkel 50erKnorr prandell Strohhalme 22cm Natur dunkel 50erAMAZON.DEfolia 962 - Bastelhalme aus Stroh, Strohhalme, farbig sortiert, Länge ca. 22 cm, 50 Stück, zum Gestalten von Strohsternen- und figurenfolia 962 – Bastelhalme aus Stroh, Strohhalme, farbig sortiert, Länge ca. 22 cm, 50 Stück, zum Gestalten von Strohsternen- und figurenAMAZON.DE



How to Make Straw Stars without a Frame

You don’t need a frame to make simple stars. This video is in German, but it moves VERY SLOWLY…and isn’t difficult to understand. She uses a needle to split the straw.

Where to Buy German Straw Christmas Ornaments

I understand… not everyone is crafty. Luckily, you can buy German Straw Christmas Ornaments to hang on your tree or mantle.

Straw Star for Christmas treeStraw Star for Christmas treeStraw Star for Christmas tree


Christmas Tree Decoration Set of 9 Handmade Natural Straw Ornaments. 3 - Straw Snowflakes, 3 - Straw Angels, 3 - Straws birds. Eco-friendly.Christmas Tree Decoration Set of 9 Handmade Natural Straw Ornaments. 3 – Straw Snowflakes, 3 – Straw Angels, 3 – Straws birds. Eco-friendly.Christmas Tree Decoration Set of 9 Handmade Natural Straw Ornaments. 3 - Straw Snowflakes, 3 - Straw Angels, 3 - Straws birds. Eco-friendly.Straw Star Straw Star “Bright Star” Gold 4pcs/SetStraw Star Strohstern Strohstern “Sparkling Star” 4pcs/set – yarn color selectableStrohstern Strohstern Variety- Set 3pcs/set, 3 different designs in nature/red with golden yarnStrohstern Variety- Set 3pcs/set, 3 different designs in nature/red with golden yarnStrohstern Variety- Set 3pcs/set, 3 different designs in nature/red with golden yarn


Handmade German Straw Star OrnamentHandmade German Straw Star OrnamentHandmade German Straw Star OrnamentHandmade German Straw Star OrnamentChristmas Tree Decoration - Handmade German Straw Star Ornament – Design 6Christmas Tree Decoration – Handmade German Straw Star Ornament – Design 6

BRUBAKER 48-Piece Set Straw Tree Ornaments - Up to 2.6 Inches - Stars, Hearts, Angels & MoreBRUBAKER 48-Piece Set Straw Tree Ornaments – Up to 2.6 Inches – Stars, Hearts, Angels & MoreBRUBAKER 48-Piece Set Straw Tree Ornaments - Up to 2.6 Inches - Stars, Hearts, Angels & MoreStraw Star Ornament Boxed Set - 52 pcStraw Star Ornament Boxed Set – 52 pcStraw Star Ornament Boxed Set - 52 pcStraw Ornaments - Box of Ornament, Garland & Topper AssortmentStraw Ornaments – Box of Ornament, Garland & Topper AssortmentStraw Ornaments - Box of Ornament, Garland & Topper Assortment



german straw christmas ornaments


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