The Nebra Sky disc captivated me the first time I saw a photo of it. While it looks like a simple blue disk with golden circles and crescents, the bronze disc reflects the heavens in a very specific way. I had the opportunity to see it in person at the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle, Germany. Fabulous. The breathtaking exhibit gave the story life, and the museum put the time and place into perspective. Specialists call the 3800-year-old Sky-disc one of Germany’s most important archaeological finds since it tells us a lot about how early man observed the heavens. But it was a rough road getting the disc to the museum. It’s a story that involves a Trabant and the international Black Market.
The Nebra Sky Disc
I was unsure what to expect when we arrived at the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle. The building, tucked into an urban neighborhood, looked like a cross between the Porta Nigra in Trier and the old Carnegie library I used to take the kids to, with big steps leading up to the entrance. Inside, the exhibits surround an open atrium on the ground floor, with the most current exhibit occupying the center stage. The walls are covered with bones and tools. You go up and up, getting a sense of what life was like for our ancestors. Finally, on the top floor, off in a corner, you’ll find a doorway.
Through the door, it’s pitch black. You have to stand for a minute to let your eyes adjust. Slowly, the stars appear on the ceiling. And then you can see the walled divider. You step around, and there it is. The Nebra sky-disc. It seems to glow from within. Blue with gold moons and stars. Both beautiful and stunning.
And somehow, larger than I expected.
The museum isn’t crowded, so you can stand and admire it for as long as needed, both front and back. And while you stand in the dark, you can look up and imagine what it must have been like all those years ago, looking up at the stars in a dark night sky.
It’s hard to believe the disc might have been lost forever… if it hadn’t been for a “ping.”
Finding the Nebra Sky disc
In July 1999, two men were in the Ziegelrode Forest near Mittelberg, searching for coins with their metal detectors. When one of them heard a “ping,” he started digging. Out of the hole came axe heads, swords, and an arm spiral, but there was something more, and it was stuck. Really stuck. So, using a pick to loosen the soil, he pulled the piece out of the ground (sadly, in his zeal to get it free, he managed to hit the Disc enough to dent it and peel part of it off). Neither of the men knew what it was, but they were pleased with their finds. They wrapped it all up in towels, tossed the items into the backseat of their Trabant, and went for a drink at the local pub. And naturally, they told everyone there about their find.
But what to do with it?
They call a friend who they hope can help them sell it. But first, they “clean” it. (Here’s where the archivists among you will begin to sob.) First, they soaked the Disc and other items for a few days and then used a wire brush to remove the embedded dirt.
Their friend saw that the men had found something special and tried selling it to museums. But there was a problem. The treasure was found in Saxony Anhalt, and that state has a specific law about treasure found in its borders. You can’t just say “finder’s keepers”. Anything of value found must be turned over to the state. (note- Using a metal detector in Germany is NOT like in the US. You need training, a license, and a special permit. Treasure hunting for personal profit is frowned on.)
Still, they found a buyer, and the pieces were sold to an anonymous collector for 230,000 Marks!
But now, photos of the find are circulating. Dr Harald Meller, the State Archaeologist for Saxony-Anhalt, hears about the items from a colleague and opens an investigation with the Public Prosecutors’ office, the State Criminal Investigation Department, the Ministry of Culture, and the State Archaeology service.
Through an intermediary, Dr Meller agrees to meet the owner in Switzerland (at the Hilton in Basel) to buy the bronzes for 700,000 Marks. The Swiss police are now involved, too. The “owner” comes to the meeting with a sword in his briefcase and the Disc taped to his stomach. (Isn’t it sounding like Mission Impossible?). Dr Meller secures the bronzes, and the criminal masterminds are led away.
The men who dug up the bronzes were identified, thanks to the bartender in the pub. They, the intermediary, and everyone else involved will face jail time. Some leniency is shown when the diggers take the archaeologist to the site of the find. (I’m imagining the scene. Archaeologists are notoriously neat and systematic at digs. Straight lines, sketches, everything just so. This site was two guys with picks. OUCH.) Not much more came out of the hole except a broken water bottle the digger had left behind.
“It Belongs in a Museum!” Dr. Henry “Indiana” Jones
In 2004, the Disc was properly cleaned, cared for, and displayed. It even took a short tour around Europe. By 2008, the Nebra Sky Disc was permanently displayed in the Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte in Halle.
In 2012, Unesco declared the Sky Disc official “Document Heritage” and declared it an irreplaceable object and part of the “Memory of the World.“
What IS the Nebra Sky Disc?
What IS the Nebra Sky Disc?
It’s pretty, isn’t it? The bronze disc oxidized to a deep heavenly blue with gold symbols. But the Nebra Sky disc’s purpose goes beyond mere ornamentation; it explains the Leap Year. Today, we have calendars and know that every four years, there will be an extra day in February. But to early man, synchronizing the missing 11 days between the Lunar Calendar and the Solar Calendar took careful observations. It’s believed that the images on the Nebra Sky disc relate to the “Leap Year” rule.
(Let me see if I can explain this)
The cluster of 7 stars on the disc represents the Pleiades, aka. The “Calendar Stars”. The Pleiades disappear in March and reappear in the heavens in October, so for thousands of years, man looked to them to know when it was safe to farm. BUT if at the beginning of your Spring month (March, or whatever it was called), they see a Crescent Moon (3-4 days of the moon) instead of a New Moon (basically, no moon) next to the Pleiades cluster, then an extra leap-month of 32 days had to be added to the calendar to compensate. Look closely at the disk; there are 32 stars for a reason.
(To clarify, the disc does not tell people when to plant; the farmers already knew that. It explains when to add an extra month to the year by showing a change to something they normally observe).
But wait, there’s more!
The semi-circular pieces on the sides of the disc were added years later to represent the summer and winter solstice. When lines are drawn across the disc from the tops and bottoms of the arcs, the overlap isn’t a perfect 90 degrees. Does that mean the artisan messed up? No. The crossing fits exactly where someone standing in Mittelberg would see the sunrise and sunset on June 21 and December 21. (The missing crescent was most likely lost when the digger went a little too enthusiastically at the disc with his pick. The missing piece was never found, but the imprint remains)
The Nebra Sky Disc Gets More Additions
The biggest source of mystery might be the rounder crescent at the bottom of the disc. Some scientists believe it is a ship, a sky ship, that travels across the heavens. The idea and imagery are common in Egypt, but how did it reach Northern Europe? Still, there are plenty of examples of similar ships in Denmark that also show the little marks resembling oars on a boat. (So, imagine that the disc is a dome, and the ship is sailing around the edge) Others claim that the crescent is a sickle used for harvesting.
(Here you can see the holes around the edges better…you also see the dent from the pick axe….)
Finally, those holes all around the edges. Someone somewhere added them much later, most likely to attach the Sky disc to a pole for a procession or other ornamental uses.
Then, one day, someone buried the Nebra Sky-Disc as part of a hoard, along with swords, bronze axe heads, and a few arm spirals, on a hill in Mittelberg. Hidden away for close to 2000 years, until that fateful “Ping”.
Swords, axe heads and armbands found with the disc
The State Museum of Prehistory in Halle
I can’t imagine a better display space for the Nebra Sky Disc than the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle. The disc may be an important artifact, but it certainly isn’t the only thing to see there. And do take the time to walk through it with open eyes. Seeing the exhibits that lead up to the 3800 year old disc puts the Bronze Age find into perspective.
Exhibits are incredible. Instead of a few axe heads… an entire wall is dedicated to the varying sizes and shapes of these essential tools.
Much of the museum feels “Hands On” with buttons to press and drawers to open. .
Here each drawer shows the grain types found during the era.
Jewelry, Pottery, and mores
And naturally, a café and gift shop
Where, after spending time touring, you can buy Nebra Sky-disc jewelry, books about prehistory, and enjoy slice of Cake!
State Museum of Prehistory Tickets
The Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte in Halle (Saale) houses a permanent exhibit, and rotating main exhibits, while we were there, it was about Nomadic Riders. Learn more about the museum and their special programs, as well as how to get there -> Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte
Tickets for the museum can be purchased in advance online by time slot-> Tickets
The museum itself is fully accessible with elevators or stairs on each floor. And there are benches here and there for those who just want to sit and admire things instead of walking around.
Be aware that you will have to lock up your bags and purses in lockers before being allowed to tour the museum. Lockers are free, but you will need a coin to operate it (like an Aldi cart).
Put the Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte in Halle on your “to -see” list for your next trip to Germany.
The Nebra Sky-Disc Kleine Reihezu den Himmelswegen Band 2 by Regine Maraszek (English by Brendan O’Connor and David Tucker)
The Nebra Sky Disc- Archeology Magazine May/June 2019
European Space Agency-Nebra Sky disc showcase 3/25/2022

Thanks so much for the fascinating history lesson. Although our country is not nearly as old as Europe this article had me thinking about what lies beneath the streets of Manhattan. And as I live on Long Island, I wonder what treasures the American Indians left behind as well.
It does make you wonder… doesn’t it? What treasures lie just below the surface
Thank you once again for a most interesting history lesson!
I’m glad you enjoyed it!
The stars are in the constellations Taurus and Gemini. That puts its use near the winter solstice, when these 2 constellations are directly overhead at midnight. If the full moon is still in Taurus, then a leap lunar month is required to get to Gemini. Full explanation at