Memories of my Oma’s Keller – The Wonders of the German Basement

  You could blindfold me, spin me in a circle three times, and drop me through time and space into Oma’s Keller, and I would still instantly know where I was, just by the smell and feel of the air; cold, with a hint of damp, the smell of earth and laundry soap, and maybe a little oil? The door…

Spaghetti Eis Recipe- How to Make This Favorite German Ice Cream Dessert at HOME!

I know it’s for kids, but whenever I’m in Germany, I have to eat Spaghetti Eis at least once a visit! Honestly, Eis in Germany is the best!! The Spaghetti Eis Recipe (Ice Cream) for those of you who have never had it, is not spaghetti… it’s delicious vanilla ice cream pushed through a press to look like pasta. Then…

Using a German Hand Grinder- There’s One in Every German Kitchen

I don’t know if German cooking uses more bread crumbs than other places…. but it seems like we were always using a German Hand Grinder to make them. For Schnitzel, Kotlett, Frikadellen and of course, toasted in butter for a yummy cauliflower topping. In our home no bread was ever thrown away. If it was too stale to eat, mom…

Kathe Kruse Dolls- Over 100 years of Special Dolls

  When my daughter was born, my aunt sent her a soft little doll that we named Maya. This sweet faced dolly is colorful, and perfect for cuddling. Käthe Kruse dolls weren’t familiar to me at the time, but now (two more kids and two more dolls later) I know what wonderful toys they make, and how long they last.…

Steiff Stuffed Animals – Toys to Love for a Lifetime

Like so many German kids, I was lucky enough to have a few stuffed Steiff Stuffed Animals & Plush toys. A  small Dog with a blue collar and a bell, an Owl, and a Goldfish. One very memorable Christmas, I found a Steiff Bear sitting in the branches of our Christmas Tree. The Owl is still with me today, it…

German Shield Charms – Collect Memories on a Bracelet

Some people collect spoons, other collect patches or post cards; still other people collect beer steins. I don’t know when it began, but somewhere in my childhood I started collecting German Shield Charms for a charm bracelet. These special little charms are all painted with a place name, and then enameled. I fasten mine on to a silver bracelet that I…

Nutella, My Opa and the Care Packages

Nutella and Opa – One quick glance at my backside, and you will see that my love affair with that sinfully, chocolatey, delicious hazelnut spread has gone on for a long time. REALLY long time. My parents emigrated to America from Germany in the 1960’s, shortly before I was born. They left everyone behind, and headed for the promised land…

The German Cold Cut Expedition- Fred Reich and Hickory Sweet

When I was a child German Cold Cuts (Aufschnitt)  like Schinken, Cervelat, Fleishwurst,  and Leberwurst HAD to be on the table.  Not Bologna Not Roast Turkey or Roast Beef My family ate Zungenwurst, Blutwurst, and Mettwurst and Gelbwurst. Sadly, the deli department of our local grocery store didn’t carry anything like that. So mom had to go further out to…

Berg Pedal Karts – German Pedal Cars for ALL Ages!

Berg Pedal Karts are so much fun! When we were in Germany a few years ago our family was introduced to these large Pedal Cars that can be used by people of all ages. Kids in the area we visited were riding them on walking paths, sidewalks and bike trails. Adults were even using them pick up groceries and to…

Roemer Glass- Green Stemmed German Wine Glasses

What is Roemer Glass? These traditional German wine glasses with green stems are all over Germany, and they are used to serve delicious wines from the Rhine or Moselle Region. We had a set in our home while I was growing up… and my family in Germany has them. I’d bet that most German families have a set in the…

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