Sweet Valentine’s Day Angels- Beautiful Gifts from the Erzgebirge

[no_toc] One of the nicest ways to show someone you love them is with a charming Valentine’s Day Angel from The German Christmas Shop. These adorable guardian angels are hand crafted in Germany by the Günther Reichel workshop. I fell in love with them when we visited Seiffen. Süß!!! (SWEET!!) Lovely little angel figures holding flowers, balloons, or of course,…

Valentine’s Day in Germany- Does Germany Celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day?” and “How is Valentine’s Day celebrated in Germany?” I’m unsure if I’m getting the question from people who want to do something “German” for Valentine’s Day or because people want to use a negative response to get out of celebrating Valentine’s Day (yes, I’m looking at you). So let me clarify things a bit by saying, “YES, some…

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