Searching for delicious German Food in Oregon?
Here is a list of German Restaurants, Bakeries and Delis in that Oregon!
All of these places were shared by readers!
If one is missing, or you know it no longer exists, please let me know… [email protected]
Coos Bay
Blue Heron Bistro
100 Commercial Ave.
Coos Bay, OR 97420
(541) 267-3933
Frau Kemmling Schoolhaus Brewhaus
525 Bigham Knoll Campus
Jacksonville, OR 97530
Urban German
6635 N Baltimore Ave
Portland, OR 97203
Altenngartz Authentic German Brand Bratwurst
999 SW Alder St
Portland, OR 97204
Otto and Anita’s Schnitzel Haus
3025 SW Canby
Portland, OR 97219
Edelweiss Sausage and Delicatessen –
3119 SE 12th Ave
Portland, OR 97202
Online Sources for German Food
–> German Food Online