Easy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made Simple

I’m so proud of my first book!
Easy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made Simple

Easy German Cookbook was a labor of love. However, sharing German culture and food is what I do online, so this book is the next logical step. Between the covers, you’ll find 80 pages of food memories. These are foods that we ate at home, foods we ate at festivals, and foods for special occasions. Foods that nourish and remind us how much we are cared for. And of course, since it’s me, the book also has some food history explaining why Germans eat what they do. For far too long, the world dismissed German foods as being heavy, just meat and potatoes, but I set out to prove that Germany contributed more to the culinary scene than pork and pretzels (although you will find those recipes in the book, too).

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I often get emails and messages saying, “My Oma made this dish but didn’t write down the recipe.” Like you, many of our family recipes needed proper measurements. Omas and Mamas used the “little of this” and “some of that” method of adding delicious flavors to our favorite dishes.  I spent a lot of time testing and taking careful notes to ensure that Oma’s “ein Bischen” could be replicated (it’s approximately 1/2 tablespoon, btw). Along with measurements, I worked on ways to make the recipes TASTE right while still using ingredients sourced from supermarkets in the United States as much as possible.

eas y german cookbook

For me, sharing recipes from all over Germany was essential. Different corners of Germany specialize in different dishes. My family mostly lives in Nordrhine-Westfalen, but my mother came from Silesia, my Oma was born in the North, and my godmother comes from the South. All of those influences ended up on our dinner table, so I ensured the recipes represented all corners of Germany. (I even put in 2 different recipes for Potato Salad to avoid problems between North and South).  You’ll find the familiar Rouladen, Sauerbraten, Kartoffelklöße, and Kartoffelpuffer,  but also the less familiar Labskaus, Herringsalat, and Westfalisches Krüstchen. You’ll also find all the recipes to make the traditional Christmas and Easter meals we love.

easy german cookbook

And did I mention that the emphasis was on EASY? My editor and I broke the recipes down to the basics. She pointed out that while some techniques may seem obvious to some, they weren’t to others. Ultimately, a beginner with little experience should be fine recreating the dishes. I hope you will discover that homemade Spätzle is as easy as opening a package and that making Rotkohl from scratch is cheaper and more delicious than opening a jar. I even added special cooking tips and even a few variations to help you prepare your dishes.

Easy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made SimpleEasy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made SimpleEasy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made Simple


 Order your copy today! Easy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made Simple!

Click to Order a Signed Copy of the Easy German Cookbook HEREClick to Order a Signed Copy of the Easy German Cookbook HEREGermanGirl Shop

Order a signed copy of the Easy German Cookbook here!

Check out some of the reviews-

I gave this cookbook to my mother for Christmas, and she absolutely loved it! Just reading through it gave her fond memories of her grandmother’s cooking. She’s already tried some of the recipes and told me she likes how simple they are, and that the ingredients are things easily found in any grocery store.”- Gregory
As ever so often, the way to a (wo)man’s heart is through their stomach. Yet, not everybody knows how to relive German culinary experiences for lack of recipe sources. This can be helped now with Karen Lodder’s brand-new, beautifully made cookbook, an excellent gift for anybody with a craving for German cuisine.
“Easy German Cookbook” by author Karen Lodder features 80 typical German recipes from all over the nation, sorted by ingredients but also by the size and type of meal. Therefore, you find a section each about breakfast, appetizers and sides, or desserts as well as sections about pork, beef, or seafood. What’s especially attractive for Americans is that Karen uses U.S. measures and has quite a few kitchen hacks where the typical German ingredient is not at hand. As a native German, I was absolutely happy to find that Karen Lodder’s recipes are sometimes absolutely identical to the way I myself cook. Yet, there are also recipes I’ve never made before and that I’m absolutely keen to try.
Each recipe tells you the number of servings, the prepping time and the cooking time. And the short introductive texts that explain each dish or tell you a little about the author’s connections to it make the book a very enjoyable reading experience. Add a little culinary geography and Karen’s personal story – she was born to German parents shortly after they immigrated to the U.S. – and it feels as if you were having a kitchen chat with a good friend.“- Susanne

Finally a book that includes my kind of staples like Labskaus, Heringssalat and Senfeier! Not all German food starts with Schwein and ends with Sauerkraut. The recipes in this book present a great variety of regional specialties with easy to follow directions. I made the “Plum cake with Streusel” already and it turned out great. My college son will receive a copy for Christmas, so he can make things he knows from his grandma’s Lübeck kitchen for his friends.“- Kerstin
I absolutely love this cookbook. Bought this for myself. I was born and raised in Germany but struggle here buying some of the things I need to make a meal.
This book has everything you need here and everything is so easy. Absolutely love this book. I went and bought 2 more for my kids they will love this since it’s all in English. Also so many Main German dishes. To the author Karen Lodder Thank you for making German cooking easier.” -Steven

Easy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made SimpleEasy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made SimpleEasy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made Simple

Thanks to all of you who made the Easy German Cookbook possible. The cheerleaders who reminded me that I could do this… and the tasters who got to try it “just one more time” to insure I got it right. And thanks to all of you. Guten Appetit!

Ordering From Canada? Find me on Amazon.CA

Easy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made SimpleEasy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made SimpleAmazon Canada


14 thoughts on “Easy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made Simple

  1. Hi. How can infer this book and not buy on Amazon..

  2. I just got mine in the mail yesterday! It’s great – everything that was promised. A wonderful selection of recipes are included. The beautiful pictures show you what you’re aiming for, directions are complete and clear, *and* – proofreader me – I didn’t notice any typos! Congratulations on a wonderful book, Karen. Thank you for all the time and effort you took in writing and producing it.

    1. thank you! I had several editors go through it (I have a tendency to be a creative speller)

  3. Just to be sure since you don’t specify need to know that all measurements are in English quantities weights grams etc.

    1. True… the editors wanted to keep it simple for American cooks, so the measurements are what you find in American homes… no grams.

  4. I was wondering if it’s in both English and German as my German isn’t very good. I think having both would help me remember some words.

    1. The titles of the recipes are in both English and German

  5. Hello Karen, I was born in Hamburg in 1952 and Migrated to Australia in 1956. I have been following you for a few years now and love your posts, stories and Emails. Is it possible to order from Australia please.

    1. I’m sending you an email. We can work something out.

  6. Hi, Karen–How do I order from you instead of Amazon? I want to gift this to my Kansas cousin.

  7. Can’t believe I met you. Then we forgot to bring our book from Chicago to have it signed. I’m fortune’s fool. Next time.

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