Searching for delicious German Food in Minnesota?
Here is a list of German Restaurants, Bakeries and Delis in that Minnesota!
All of these places were shared by readers!
If one is missing, or you know it no longer exists, please let me know… [email protected]
(It’s a good idea to call ahead before heading to any of these places)
Brauhaus German Restaurant and Lounge
28234 State Hwy 34
Akeley MN 56433
(218) 652-2478
Lindstrom, MN 55045
-Aki’s BreadHaus (temporarily closed)
2506 Central Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55418
-The Black Forest Inn
1 East 26th St
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Ullie’s Old World Bakery-
219 Union St S
Mora, MN 55051
New Ulm
Veigel’s Kaiserhoff
221 N.Minnesota
New Ulm, MN 56073
(507) 359-2071
Red Wing
–The Bierstube
233 Withers Harbor Dr
Red Wing, MN 55066
(Multiple locations)
-Gasthaus Bavarian Hunter
8390 Lofton Ave
Stillwater, MN 55082
Online Sources for German Food
–> German Food Online