Most every household in Germany has a bottle of Maggi Seasoning liquid in their kitchen cabinet or on the counter.
I have two…
For the few of you who aren’t familiar with Maggi… official named Maggi-Würze, think of it as German Soy Sauce (although it’s NOT soy sauce). In fact, it’s official description is “a dark, soy sauce-type hydrolysed vegetable protein-based sauce.” Only now it’s made without soy. (Originally it was made with meat… not anymore).
Confused yet? Basically, Maggi is a dark brown liquid seasoning that adds a salty rich (Umami) flavor to your food. When I make soup… some goes in the pot to flavor the broth. And when the pot goes on the table, you will find Maggi to season the soup to everyone’s liking.
To ADD to the confusion… Maggi is also a brand name. The Maggi company makes seasonings, as well as soups and other packaged foods.
But Why Do I Have Two Bottles of Maggie Seasoning Liquid?
You see, I always had a small bottle in the kitchen. I even had a special bottle cover so that the Maggie looks “nice” on the table. (How on earth did I lose it?)
Then I was wandering through a grocery store in China Town and made an amazing discovery… Maggi. Lots of Maggi. Bottles in all sizes. It seems, the Chinese like German Maggi as alternative to Soy Sauce. (Well, actually, it’s Swiss… the company was founded by Julius Maggi in 1872 in Switzerland, and purchased by Nestle in the 1940’s.) I also found lots of Knorr and other German seasonings! It was a treasure trove… and the prices were all reasonable… who would have thought? It seems that the secret to buying reasonably priced German Seasonings is to go to ethnic stores… I’ve found Maggi in China Town, an Indian Market, and also a Carneceria (where it’s called Jugo).
Maggi is enjoyed world wide!
I GOT SO EXCITED, I bought the 2nd biggest bottle they had. (There was no way I could see myself ever using an entire gallon of Maggi…so I reigned myself in) Partially, because of the novelty of having such a big bottle of Maggi, but also because I thought it would be good to refill my small bottle from a big bottle. And the price was right.
Be warned… the flavor of Maggi Liquid Seasoning from the Asian markets tastes just a bit different from the authentic German one. Also… there has recently been a problem with counterfeit Maggi Seasonings containing dangerous ingredients coming out of China. Be safe… buy the bottle with the RED cap from Germany or Switzerland . I have recently discarded the LARGE yellow capped bottle. (And this is an old photo… both of my Maggis are red now). Live and learn.
I still have two bottles, which is good, because it’s soup season, and NOTHING is better than a warm soup seasoned with a splash of Maggi on a cold winter night.
Sure, not everyone needs two bottles of Maggi…. but it couldn’t hurt!
Where to Buy Maggi
Remember, the bottles with the RED CAP are from Germany or Switzerland.
Maggi Liquid Seasoning, 4.40 OunceMAGGI Seasoning Wurze Giant Bottle 810ml / 1kg
Other Maggi Products
Maggi makes more than sauces! They make soups, instant mashed potatoes, seasoning for vegetables, Dumplings and are a quick way to make a delicious Cassarole!
Chanterelle Mushroom SoupMashed Potatoes with Roasted Onion
Maggi Seasoning #1 Roasted Meat
Maggi Fondor
Vegetable Broth
Sauce mix for roastes
Schwabische Käse Spätzle
Semmel Dumplings

Unfortunately there are no—positively no—-German restaurants around where I live. I miss those items you mentioned. Grew up in Pittsburgh, love it, but here in New England………no great German food around here.
Nothing on this list?
I have been married for 30 years to a man from Germany. I have learned to make many of his favorite German dishes and he is pleased with my German recipes. I have never used Maggi or any sauce mixes. I was wondering if they are used in soups? I don’t have a good goulash soup recipe! Do you have a goulash soup recipe you would share with your blog readers? I love your blog and get a great deal of enjoyment from reading your comments, memories, and information!
Hi Lora… You are an amazing cook if you pleased a German man with German Recipes… (grin)
Maggi is like a soy sauce.. and it adds a punch of rich flavor to dishes. I tend to use it mostly in soups, although other people will pour it over noodles (mom would not have allowed that!).
If you look in the recipe section of the site, you will find a recipe for Goulash Soup… But here it is…
You use Maggi on almost everything. Salad, Meat, Boiled Eggs, scrambled Eggs, Sauces, etc…
Some do! I stick mostly with Eintopf
Your article on Maggi made me remember that my employer delivered Buerle a sort of Brötchen to the Maggi Werke in Singen am Hohentwiel in Baden,1953/1954.
Based upon this blog entry. I took it upon myself to find a real and true bottle of Würze. Not one made close by using the same receipe, but an actual bottle purchased from Deutschland. It was our first. My children immediately started using it in almost everything. Ramen noodles mostly.
Thankfully here in the Dallas area we have many good restaurants and also deli stores to find something. Thank you for pointing this out to us!
It’s good stuff! My kids insist on it too!
I have two! A large one and a small one. I think that means ‘we’re German’ !!!
I can’t imagine not having Maggi in my cupboard … how would I season all that lovely German food? It’s so necessary in soups, particularly … I just can’t imaging not having it available.
So, it’s two bottles for me … large and small … it certainly can’t hurt.
BTW … love your site … entertaining … filled with memories!
Thanks Gerhild! And you know how much I love your site!
Everyone … if you are looking for German Recipes, check here
I grew up with Maggi and I never realized that there were different styles/tastes of the stuff until just recently. I guess we have been using the yellow capped stuff for years and years until I found the Maggi made in Germany with the red cap. I got mine from Amazon. Anyway, the red capped Maggi tastes just like what I grew up with…….delicious!
The yellow capped Maggi is from Mexico or other countries. There is a definite taste difference. I cannot eat rice without it. Try the red cap Maggie and you will see the difference. BTW, I have 2 bottles, too. A huge one and one for the cupboard/table.
Here in Texas I have found Maggi at some HEB stores and Central Market. You can also find the round German bread as well, but the sell out early on Saturday mornings .
Sometimes stores will let you order in advance, or reserve… you might ask
I live in Mount Pleasant, Michigan U.S.A. Maggie is sold at Wal-Mart Super Stores. We have a large Wal-Mart here in Mount Pleasant that does not sell Maggi products. Why is this? I do not want to buy from Amazon when I should be able to get it here.
Since when soy sauce (which is Asian) is the same as Maggi? Those are two different things with different background in discovering them. Maggi is much more gentle because of its herbal source (Lovelage) whereas Asians based “spice” is soy based and can be mixed with fish or oysters (disgusting to me).
I was trying to relate it for people who don’t know what Maggi is. It’s not a Soy Sauce, but it’s similar in use.