Ever wonder “Are there any German Restaurants near Me?” Readers have kindly sent me the names of their favorite German Restaurants in America, as well as German Bakeries, Delis and Online Sources. It looks like we will all be able to eat Rouladen, Bratwurst, Brötchen and Torte as we make our way across America. And now we’ve even added German Restaurants in Canada!
So…. next time you ask yourself…” I wonder where to find German Restaurants near ME?” You will know where to look… right HERE!
Just scroll down to your state, and click… you will be directed to a list of German Restaurants, Bakeries and Delis in your state!
You will find some favorite Online Resources for German Foods HERE
If you have any place you would like to recommend, please…
-send an email to [email protected]
-or message me on Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/GermanGirlinAmerica
PLEASE NOTE- All of the places on the list were recommended by readers… I have not visited all of them personally. Also, it is possible that a place may have closed… please call ahead to verify they are open. Links, addresses and phone numbers are provided.
German Restaurants Delis and Bakeries in the United States & Canada
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Washington DC
West Virginia
Looking for German Products Online?
Click HERE to find a List of Companies that Sell and Ship German Products Online
I’m surprised this wasn’t suggested already – Washington State, Lakewood, Hess’ German Deli. It’s sooo good and super popular! Fresh breads, pretzels and meats. There’s also a German bakery across the hall, but I don’t know the exact name of it.
It would be great if the companies one can order from had a link or were separated from places to dine or have dessert in
In Washington (State not DC) :
Kaffeeklatsch Seattle http://www.kaffeeklatschseattle.com – Great café with German breads, baked goods
Heidelberg Haus – restaurant http://www.seattle-eats-german.com
Hans’ Sausage & Delicatessen – German meat market and grocery http://www.hanssausage.com
The Alpine Wurst & Meat House – http://www.thealpineonline.com – restaurant, meat market, grocery
Albany, NY
Rolf’s Pork Store
Echte Deutsches Schlachter
All locally prepared meats
The Bavarian Inn, Shepherdstown, WV http://www.bavarianinnwv.com/index.php and Edelweiss House Restaurant in Staunton, VA http://www.edelweissvirginia.com/
I’m surprised no one mentioned Kuhn’s Delicatessen in Chicago.
In Indianapolis, the Athenaeum (originally a German athletic club and community building) houses the Rathskeller with great food! http://www.rathskeller.com/
It would be great if online stores of German goods would have a link or were separated from restaurants and/or cafes
Thanks… that’s a great idea! I will separate them.
I gave you Kuhn’s delicatessen in Chicago.
You have my last name wrong, it’s OSWALD, not OSWALA. My friends know me, but other people don’t.
Sorry Irmi, typo.. I will fix it immediately.
Some great restaurants/beer halls in Philadelphia (in no particular order):
Frankford Hall http://www.frankfordhall.com/
Brauhaus Schmitz http://brauhausschmitz.com/
Hop Angel Brauhaus http://hopangelbrauhaus.blogspot.com/ (right across the street from Rieker’s Meats, which I agree is very authentic)
Got them….
There is another amazing German restaurant in Tacoma WA, we used to go there a lot when we lived in the state. It has got a lot of authentic foods, although some Polish foods as well, but delicious. I especially love their Hangover Soup, a house specialty that reminded me of Soljanka.
Guten Appetit!
thanks! Added!
DELAWARE here….we do have USCHIE’S reataurant downtown……….
thanks! Got it!
In Louisiana you have no restaurants listed. You’re missing out on one of the best in Louisiana! Jagerhaus, 833 Conti St, New Orleans, LA 70112 Near the intersection of Conti St and Dauphine St. (504) 525-9200 This link shows some of the food they make as well as reviews from several patrons. It’s not far from Bourbon Street! We were in the vicinity and stumbled upon this restaurant! I was ecstatic when I saw all the food my German mother used to make! Very well worth the trip!
Added, thanks!
You just have to check out Emmy’s
Some of the best German cuisine since we left Germany!!!
In the greater LA area, I recommend the following restaurants:
Wurstkueche, Wirtshaus and Alpine Village.
Regarding Milwaukee — Karl Raatsch is a German-American restaurant (established in 1904). While I haven’t dined there since I moved away from the city, I remember it as having excellent German dishes — http://www.karlratzsch.com/home.html
Another splendid, historic German-American building in Milwaukee is Turner Hall. I do not know if its restaurant features German cuisine. http://www.milwaukeeturners.org/about
Glad to know this list is not complete, because I would think the Midwest (MN, SD, ND, WI) would have a lot more, with their German background (and am from MN originally). I say this because I live in VA and know of two additional German restaurants I have eaten at that are not listed. But am so happy to see a list so we can check these out on our travels. Also, NC has/had at least four additional ones not listed, have eaten at one of them that was wonderful (might be closed), another was closed the day I was there, one in Hickory has since closed and one in Winston-Salem that was still open last time I was in the area.
Hi Pat… Yes, the list is far from complete. I’ve only listed restaurants that were recommended to me. If you know of more German restaurants that should be included, please give me their names and the city they are in, and I will add them.
The Bierstube in Red Wing, Minnesota.
Also, do you know of ANY German places in Nova Scotia, Canada? I moved here recently, and it’s proved challenging.
You might check the Old Black Forest Cafe and Gasthof in Lunenburg
please ad my Restaurant Kurt;s Bistro in Duluth Georgia to your List
Vielen Dank
Alles seht LECKER aus! Danke Kurt!
West Berlin
BrewHaus Chartanooga, TN
got it, thanks!
Northern Virginia is blessed with a number of good places to get German food. he German Gourmet http://www.germangourmet.com
in Bailey’s Crossroads keeps us supplied with potato salad, Augustiner Beer and Nurnberg sausages, not to mention a large selection of German-language magazines. They also cater.
The Cosmopolitan Grill in Alexandria does wonderful jägerschnitzel and käsespäzle, among other things, and the Swiss Bakery (two locations in the Burke/Springfield area) has an amazing selection of bread and rolls. I’m not sure if the Heidelberg Bakery in Arlington is still around, but that was a local legend!
Yes, the Heidelberg Bakery is still going! THanks for the other suggestions.
Please add Morants Old Fashioned Sausage Kitchen to your list.
They are in Sacramento California.
They make their own sausages and smoke their own meats.
I will have to give them a try.. thanks
You had a person mention a restaurant from Hamilton ontario and she forgot to mention Denninger’s Foods of the World on her recommendations.
I’ve added it now… thanks!
the restaurant “West Berlin” just opened in Anchorage, Alaska.
the reviews look good
The Bavarian House in Columbus Georgia is no longer in business.
OK.. thanks! Yelp says closed, but the site is still up.
Minor mistake on the city name for Bernhard Bread Bakery in Marietta Georgia. Not Murrietta. 🙂
mental head slap… oops!
My son took me to a German bakery in Arlington, Virginia last weekend and we had some very good strudel.
yum… strudel…
Fairbanks, Alaska
Zum Schwabe
Wonderful food here
added, thanks!
Schulte & Herr Portland, Maine. 349 Cumberland av. Morse’s has a nice store and deli but Schulte has by far the best German food in Maine.
Thanks… added
the Black Forest Inn is another great place in Minneapolis, MN. Wonderful Spätzle!
Thanks… added!
You need to add:
Old Castle Restaurant, Ruskin, FL
Very good! We took our kids there to introduce them to German cuisine before we moved to Germany in 2012… Still here in Europe, so haven’t been back lately, but it was good and authentic!
good to know.. Thanks!
Wisconsin is so ripe! You’ve not even scratched the surface!
http://www.stmartinsinn.com/ (My very Favorite!!)
Sausage shop with online ordering. Frank is a MASTER.
There are so, so many more!!
whew!! Got them all!
There are two stores in Columbia, SC:
Tiffany Bakery, makes German bread and Broetchen, as well as pastries.
German Meatmarket, sells all kinds of German cold cuts and some groceries.
Both are located at Two Not h Road.
Thanks! added
You’ve forgotten two really good places near Oklahoma City: Royal-Bavaria in Moore on US77 and Ingrid’s Kitchen on Youngs at NW 36th St.
thanks.. added!
As a past member of the club, and past chef there, I can tell you that the Lindenhof in Peoria, Illinois is open for dinner only on Friday evenings and the food sucks.
gotcha… fair warning.
You forgot one for Dearborn, MI — Richter’s Chalet — on Michigan Avenue (near Telegraph Rd) … it’s been around since 1971 and it’s family owned/operated.
Thank you
You also didn’t include Oregon, Ohio :
Oak Shade Grove’s Black Forest Cafe — on Seaman Rd
added… thanks!
added to the list.
Awesome! Would be great to visit some of these and make a video about them, and how they differ from German restaurants in Germany! Have you ever heard of Zwei Brüder in Fort Collins, CO? Was there last summer! Cool place 🙂
That does sound like a good idea… I’ve been thinking about it, but am horribly camera shy (In my day job, I sometimes work on the OTHER side of the camera) Let me know if you do it!
Brauhaus Schmitz in Philly also has a deli in the Reading Terminal Market (also in Philly) called Wursthaus Schmitz:
Evergreen Club in Fleetwood PA. Although a club the bar/restaurant are open to non-members:
Thank you !
Another Long Island (Bellmore) restaurant to add to the list; I have yet to eat there, but it is highly recommended http://www.oakchalet.net/dinnermenu.html
Also, I haven’t been here yet, but I know the proprietor, who is a nice fellow — Andrew Hetzler. http://www.dasbiergarten.com/ His father William used to be the NY Steuben parade committee chairman. (I have yet to go there and ask why on earth he named it “das” and not “der”. Even saying it ist mir peinlich!
hahahaha… maybe he felt Americans would be more comfortable with das…. silly
Added the restaurants. Thanks!
Restaurant to add—
Esseh Haus in Madison, Wisconsin, The food is awesome!
added.. thanks!
Columbus, Ohio has also a very good bakery with a restaurant and shop called Jürgens the food and baked goods are delicious. I personally don’t care for Schmidts it is americanized wanna be German food. Sorry not my taste.
thank you!
Diese wurden vergessen
German Sausage Co Phoenix
Lynx Lake Restaurant Prescott
Thank you ! Added
Taste of Europe Bistro
Port Charlotte FL
Wonderful, authentic!
Added … Thank you!
There is also The Biergarden in Portsmouth, VA. Lots of beers on draft and good food! Open 7 days/week!
Thanks Added!
there is an awesome authentic German Resturant in the Arthur Kills section of Staten Island NY called Killmeyer’s. Bavarian style atmosphere. Humpapa music & the works!!
added… thanks!
This should be on your list. 🙂
added… thank you!
There is also a German Groceries Store in Lawton Oklahoma, called Roundtree. They also have Metzgerei there. They are located in Lawton OK at 18th and Andrews Ave.
added, thanks!
Vosen’s Bread Paradise in Salt Lake City is actually a German Bakery, AND unlike Siegfrieds, it’s authentic.
thanks … added!
You should ad the Guglhupf Restaurant & Café – Durham, NC,. Food is great, light and more economic during the day and we found our dinner after 5:30 PM to be superb. Wonderful authentic bread and pastry in the bakery.
please take off the duplicate word bakery in my post about the Guglhupf Bakery I inadvertently typed it twice. Thank you
added! thanks!
Hendersonville, North Carolina has a good German restaurant, Haus Heidelberg, with a little shop and meat market attached. Hendersonville is in the western NC mountains, south of Asheville.
Thank you so much for the list! I am Pennsylvania Dutch, and the food produced by our people (which also includes Amish and Mennonites) is essentially German cuisine–maybe with some Swiss twists and American alterations to accommodate available ingredients. Areas with lots of PA Dutch include the area my family hails from, eastern Pennsylvania.
Thank you ! Added.
If you know more in Pennsylvania… I will add them too!
New Ulm, Minnesota Kaiserhoff Restaurant
added, thanks!
The Augsburg Haus at 4460 Washington Rd, Evans, GA, is worth a trip. Adolph and Hazel are the best! Excellent food and friendly service. It’s like eating in your Oma’s kitchen.
Here’s one to add to the list. This one is a fixture of a college town in southwestern Ohio:
Steinkeller Bavarian Bier Hall
15 East High St.
Oxford OH 45056
(513) 524-2437
Here’s one for your list, it’s in Westchester County, New York.
Jennifer’s German-American Restaurant
715 Saw Mill River Rd.
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
(914) 962-4298
thank you
Ohio : Kilgus Meats , 3346 W Laskey Rd, Toledo, Ohio 43623 .
they are great !!! Every saturday they have LEberkaese und frische Broetchen !! Yumm !
thank you!
Not to be left out:
Gerhard’s Cafe
1200 E. Main St. Suite 110
Spartanburg, South Carolina
An additional review:
thank you ! Added
Can you add the German Grill in Kissimmee, FL?