Easy and Delicious German Sour Cherry Cake Recipe

This German Sour Cherry Cake is one of the first cakes I learned to bake in my Oma’s kitchen. It’s a fairly simple cake to bake, with no special tricks or techniques, no frosting, and no decoration other than a dusting of powdered sugar.  The German name for this recipe is “Apfel oder Kirschkuchen, sehr fein “(Apple or Cherry Cake,…

My Vanillekipferl Recipe- A Favorite German Christmas Cookie

Vanillakipferl or Vanilla Crescents generally aren’t the first cookie people think of when searching for a traditional German Christmas cookie recipe. It’s not spiced like a Lebkuchen or topped jam like Spitzbuben. Instead, the recipe is an excellent example of how a few simple ingredients can come together to make flavorful magic.  These rich and delicious cookies are made from…

Vanilla Sugar Recipe- A German Kitchen Essential

Many German Baking recipes call for Vanille Zucker or Vanilla Sugar. Because recipes in the United States generally use Vanilla Extract, you won’t find Vanilla Sugar in your average grocery store. While you CAN substitute one for the other, it isn’t quite the same thing, and buying the packets from Germany can get expensive if you are a frequent baker.…

Erdinger’s Raspberry Beer Punch Recipe – A German Weissbierbowle Recipe

I find that here in California, when I say “Beer Punch Recipe“, people look at me funny. In a world of craft and specialty beers, why would you mix in fruits and champagne? You know why? Because the flavor is out of this world delicious, and it’s quite refreshing on a warm day. A German Bowle, or German Punch Recipe,…

Erdbeerbowle – A Refreshing Summer Strawberry and Wine Punch

Growing up, whenever my family has a larger summer gathering or Grill Party, my mother will make an Erdbeerbowle. This refreshing wine and strawberry punch is perfect on a warm afternoon. Sweet and light (but not TOO sweet). Plus, there is fruit involved, so you can sort of pretend it’s healthy. (Watch out for the kids though! When I was…

Schwenker Grill Time! German Style Grilling and Marinade

Deep in one of my mom’s photo albums is this photo of my Uncle using his German Schwenker Grill. He took his job very seriously (we kids weren’t allowed to fool with it). And it took a long time for dinner to be ready on this crazy looking contraption, because my Uncle took his job seriously, and made an all…

Kaffee and Kuchen Germany- Traditional German Cakes

The tradition of Kaffee and Kuchen (cake and coffee) on Sunday afternoons is wonderfully ingrained in the culture. Traditional German Cakes and Tortes, baked from Traditional Recipes, are familiar favorites. Cakes made with real cream, fruit, chocolate, nuts, and streusel make their appearance every week mid-afternoon as a nice treat after a walk or nap. They are served with a…

What is Koch Kase? A Spreadable Cheese That Makes a Perfect Snack

When someone asked about a Koch Kase recipe, I have to admit I drew a total blank. The words are straightforward… Koch Kaese = Cook Cheese… but, I have no idea what it is. To my knowledge we never had it at home. So I did a little asking around, was given a recipe (thanks Dale), compared it to other…

How to Make Leberkase at HOME! Homemade Leberkase

It was a happy day at our house when Skip shared his recipe and technique for How to Make Leberkase! Of course, nothing is easier than going to a German Butcher or German Deli and buying it, but what if you are in an area where there just isn’t one? Also, buying Leberkase can get expensive. My Oma would laugh…

How to Make Quark- Make Creamy German Quark with a Yogurt Maker

Quark is a delicious and very versatile creamy dairy product from Germany. For those of you not familiar with it, it’s almost like a very thick yogurt, or a looser whipped cream cheese. It doesn’t have the tang of a yogurt though. Because it’s not sweet or salt, quark can be used in a number of ways; spread on bread,…

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