Spoonfuls of Germany Cookbook Review- German Cooking in an American Kitchen

  Spoonfuls of Germany: German Regional Cuisine To me, the title of Nadia Hassani’s cookbook, “Spoonfuls of Germany”, has two meanings. When I think of food that you eat with a spoon, I imagine comfort foods, foods your mother or Oma would make to nourish you with love; foods that fill you up and keep you warm and safe. But…

German Rheinische Krapfen Recipe…. Fried Dough Treats!

One of my father’s favorite food memories is his mother’s German Krapfen recipe, which she would make every year on New Year’s Eve. These are Rheinische  Öl Krapfen, which means they are a fried yeast dough filled with raisins… sort of like a donut, but they aren’t squishy soft (so don’t make these expecting them to taste like Krispy Kremes, Dunkin Donuts,…

How to Make a Rumtopf- A Delicious Way to Preserve Summer Fruits!

  Sometimes, when we were kids, my cousins and I got to have boozy fruit on our pudding (those must have been days that Oma REALLY needed a bit of rest). The big stone crock would come up from the Keller, and when Oma opened it up we would peek inside to see the soaking fruits. mmmmmmmm. Germans don’t like…

German Christmas Baking Recipes: Traditional Recipes Made Easy by Christian Teubner

Christmas Baking: Traditional Recipes Made Easy (English and German Edition) Christian Teubner has written a number of German Cookbooks, but “Christmas Baking” is one that I reach for all the time. Originally titled “Weinachtsbaekerei”, it covers all of the traditional German Christmas Cookie Recipes, and even a few cakes and breads. It’s a little book, but it is LOADED with…

Feuerzangenbowle Recipe and Where to Buy A Feuerzangenbowle Set

Nothing says Gemütlichkeit like a flaming drink! The German Feuerzangenbowle Set (literally, Fire Tongs Punch brings friends together. This traditional German mulled wine (Glühwein) has a flaming cone of sugar over it, slowly dripping the caramelized sugar into the warm wine for extra flavor. I fell hard for this drink while visiting the Christmas Markets in Germany last year. Whenever…

Cinnamon Star Cookie Recipe – German Zimtsterne Recipe

  Certain cookies just have to be Christmas Cookies. This Cinnamon Star Cookie Recipe, or  Zimt Sterne, is one of those. These flavorful cookies have a strong, cinnamony/lemony taste. The cookie is dense and a little chewy, and the meringue on top is light, sweet, and crisp.   Zimt Sterne’s ingredients are simple: almonds, egg whites, powdered sugar, cinnamon, and lemon zest. As…

Easy Blitz Torte Recipe-Lightening Fast Cake with Cream and Fruit

The Blitz Torte recipe came to me from my Tante Anne. To me it is summer in Germany. Sweet fruit and a  whipped cream filling, sandwiched between two layers of meringue and almond topped Cake. It looks special… tastes wonderful and light.. and despite looking “fancy”, it’s actually not that difficult to make. It’s perfect for a Kaffeeklatsch. And it…

German Green Bean Soup/ Gruene Bohneneintopf -Easy Delicious Meal

I love a good Eintopf.. one pot meal.. and my favorite would have to be German Green Bean Soup or Gruene Bohneneintopf. This easy and delicious meal satisfies even the heartiest of appetites. It’s loaded with Green Beans, potatoes and even beef (and a little bacon). Along with a few slices of bread, it’s the perfect meal for cool nights.…

Culinaria Germany – More than Just a Cookbook

Culinaria Germany might be stored on my cookbook shelf, but it is not a standard Cookbook. This encyclopedia of German food and food history contains more than just recipes. The book covers each German state, and the foods each region specializes in ( and why). This is the type of book you can read cover to cover, or you can…

How to Cook A Perfect Boiled Egg for your German Breakfast

On many breakfast tables in Germany you will find a soft-boiled egg. It’s still my favorite way to eat an egg.  I love the smooth feel of just-solid egg white, and the creaminess of still liquid egg yolk, delicious. But… how do you cook  boiled eggs perfect every time? and how do you eat it? How to Cook Boiled Eggs…

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