How to Cook A Perfect Boiled Egg for your German Breakfast

On many breakfast tables in Germany you will find a soft-boiled egg. It’s still my favorite way to eat an egg.  I love the smooth feel of just-solid egg white, and the creaminess of still liquid egg yolk, delicious. But… how do you cook  boiled eggs perfect every time? and how do you eat it?
soft boiled egg

How to Cook Boiled Eggs Perfect… every Time

Set a pan of water on the stove over high heat.

-Poke the bottom (fat part) of the Egg with a needle or Ei Stoecher

-When the water is lukewarm, place the egg/eggs in the water

-When the water begins to boil, turn down the heat and set the timer….
cook soft boiled eggs

Perfect Soft Boiled Egg Time

3-5 minutes for very soft
5-7 minutes for just medium
7*-9 minutes for hard boiled
-Take the pot off the stove, drain a bit, and run cold water into the pan over the egg to stop the cooking.

-Place the egg in the Egg Cup

perfect boiled egg

Egg Timer

You can use one of these… but you have to keep watch.

NobleEgg Egg Timer Pro | Soft Hard Boiled Egg Timer That Changes Color When Done | No BPA, CertifiedNobleEgg Egg Timer Pro | Soft Hard Boiled Egg Timer That Changes Color When Done | No BPA, CertifiedNobleEgg Egg Timer Pro | Soft Hard Boiled Egg Timer That Changes Color When Done | No BPA, Certified

Cook a LOT Of Eggs? Use an Egg Cooker

These no fuss egg cookers make it easy to prepare 7 or 14! eggs at once.

Elite Gourmet EGC007DKG Rapid Egg Cooker, 7 Easy-To-Peel, Hard, Medium, Soft Boiled Eggs, Poacher, Omelet Maker, Auto Shut-Off, Alarm, 16-Recipe Booklet, BPA-Free, Dark GreyElite Gourmet EGC007DKG Rapid Egg Cooker, 7 Easy-To-Peel, Hard, Medium, Soft Boiled Eggs, Poacher, Omelet Maker, Auto Shut-Off, Alarm, 16-Recipe Booklet, BPA-Free, Dark GreyElite Gourmet EGC007DKG Rapid Egg Cooker, 7 Easy-To-Peel, Hard, Medium, Soft Boiled Eggs, Poacher, Omelet Maker, Auto Shut-Off, Alarm, 16-Recipe Booklet, BPA-Free, Dark GreyBELLA 17287 Double Cooker, Rapid Boiler, Poacher Maker Make up to 14 Large Boiled Eggs, Poaching and Omelete Tray Included, Stack, BlackBELLA 17287 Double Cooker, Rapid Boiler, Poacher Maker Make up to 14 Large Boiled Eggs, Poaching and Omelete Tray Included, Stack, BlackBELLA 17287 Double Cooker, Rapid Boiler, Poacher Maker Make up to 14 Large Boiled Eggs, Poaching and Omelete Tray Included, Stack, Black


You need to poke the a hole into the base of the egg  before cooking, so the air inside won’t cause it to explode… this device is easiest for getting it just right.

(although I’ve been known to use the tine of a fork or a kebab stick with slightly messier results)

Fox Run Hard Boiled Egg Piercer, with Safety Lock Feature, WhiteFox Run Hard Boiled Egg Piercer, with Safety Lock Feature, WhiteFox Run Hard Boiled Egg Piercer, with Safety Lock Feature, WhiteWMF Clever & More Egg Piercer Made from Cromargan Stainless SteelWMF Clever & More Egg Piercer Made from Cromargan Stainless SteelWMF Clever & More Egg Piercer Made from Cromargan Stainless Steel



cook perfect boiled egg

How to Take the Top off the Egg

-Hold the egg steady in the egg cup with one hand, small end up

-Hold your table knife in the other hand

-Look at where you want the knife to strike. Don’t hesitate or show fear.

-Cut the top off with a firm whack!

-Salt and eat the bit that came out of the top shell… then put the shell into the egg cup under the larger portion of egg.

-Eat the rest

Tap Tap Tap

Some people like the method of tapping the egg with the back of the spoon to crack the egg. Then they peel it to expose the egg.
This works too, just please please please…clean up your shell bits! (they fit nicely in the egg cup under the egg.)

Slice off the Top of Your Egg

Snip and done… no muss, no fuss.
Lately I’ve been seeing this device more and more. Apparently it’s AMAZING (and who doesn’t love having another tool in their kitchen drawer!)

Rösle Stainless Steel Egg Topper with Silicone HandleRösle Stainless Steel Egg Topper with Silicone HandleRösle Stainless Steel Egg Topper with Silicone Handle


Order German Style Egg Cups HERE

Flexzion Egg Cup Holder Set (2 Piece Sets) - Stainless Steel Egg Cups for Breakfast Brunch Soft Boiled Egg Holder Container Stand SetFlexzion Egg Cup Holder Set (2 Piece Sets) – Stainless Steel Egg Cups for Breakfast Brunch Soft Boiled Egg Holder Container Stand SetEparé Egg Cracker Topper Set – Soft Hard Boiled Eggs Separator Tool – Include Spoons and Cups - Shell Remover & Cutter - Steel Spoon & Cup Holder – Cooker AccessoryEparé Egg Cracker Topper Set – Soft Hard Boiled Eggs Separator Tool – Include Spoons and Cups – Shell Remover & Cutter – Steel Spoon & Cup Holder – Cooker AccessoryWMF 'mr egg' Egg Cup with SpoonWMF ‘mr egg’ Egg Cup with Spoon

Looking for more Egg Cups / Eierbecher?  Follow this link… Eierbecher/egg cup

cook perfect boiled egg

13 thoughts on “How to Cook A Perfect Boiled Egg for your German Breakfast

  1. Love your articles! Keep them going please❤️

  2. Start with room temp eggs or refrigerated? We have to refrigerate ours in the U.S.

    1. I start with cold eggs and put them into about 3/4 inch of boiling water. Put a lid on the pot for 6 1/2 minutes. Dump the water and fill the pot with cold tap water for about 1 minute. Comes out great every time.

  3. Bought egg cups and egg spoons decades ago on our first return visit to Berlin. In the 1970’s bought the Krups egg cooker in the 1970’s. Have been using them ever since. We’ve noticed the really orange color of the soft boiled eggs on visits to Germany. Thought it was the chicken feed in Germany. Nothing like German broetchen, German soft boiled eggs and German Aufschnitt. Had great breakfasts in our hotel in Goslar last year.

  4. There is an egg topper on the market it is french made and my family and I are using it for 40 years bought in Germany and purchased it in Florida too, it works like a sissor eassyer to store and works great. (Grevete Depose) Walmart used to sell them too but not lately.

  5. I have sort of scissors that I use to decapitate my egg. I got it when we lived in Germany and love it. I only see them on e-bay and etsy now

  6. These kind of round scissors can be found on Amazon too!

  7. Yes I just treated myself to an eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher. I’m still learning to pronounce it! One drop scores the egg to be cut off with a knife, while 2 drops can remove the top of the egg.

  8. Thanks for the instructions. I’ve had a soft boiled egg with toast nearly everyday since I read your article. All the egg product recommendations look good. I made do with a shot glass in lieu of an egg cup. Still working on cutting the shell cleanly though.

    1. You just have to commit. I try to tell my husband to look through the egg and see where the knife should go.

      He thinks I’m a little nuts.

      Those topper things are good for a clean cut …

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