German Cuckoo Clocks are a symbol of the Black Forest. We had a small one in our hallway when I was a child… and I remember watching it closely to see when it would open up to “Cuckoo!” (I’d giggle EVERY TIME!) And who can forget the Von Trapp children singing, “Up in the Nursery, an absurd little bird is popping out to say Cuckoo!” But what IS a Cuckoo clock? Why does a Cuckoo bird live in the clock and not a different bird? Did you know that there are five distinct types of Cuckoo Clocks?? AND that a special certification is only given to authentic Black Forest Cuckoo Clocks? There is a lot more to these clocks than merely telling the time.

Cuckoo Clock Shop
What is a Cuckoo Clock?
A Cuckoo Clock, quite simply, is a clock where a small Cuckoo bird comes out on the hour (sometimes on the half as well) and lets everyone know what time it is by Cuckoo-ing once for every hour. The Cuckoo sound is made when tiny paper and wood bellows inside the clock open and close.
(Bear with me a second while I explain this; I’m not an engineer, and this is how I interpret the inner works)
The internal mechanism that “powers” the clock and activates the cuckoo is mechanical, driven by gears and gravity. When you look at one of these clocks, you will see a pair of weights (usually heavy, narrow pine cones) attached to a chain and a pendulum under the box. The weights slowly pull the chain down using gravity, which activates the pendulum to move back and forth (tick tock tick tock) each second, shifting the gears and moving the clock forward. One of the chains is in charge of the time, and the other is in charge of the cuckoo (both the bellows and the wings). Clocks will last 1 or 8 days and must be wound by pulling the weights back up.
If you see a third chain with a weight, that means the clock also has music (see, you can impress people now with your knowledge… once glance, and you can tell if there is music or not).
If you don’t see the weights, then you are looking at a Quartz Movement clock (it has batteries)… and it will not be certified as authentic.
(note- Most Cuckoo Clocks come with a night setting that silences the bird so your clock doesn’t keep you up all night.)
And why a cuckoo?
Originally, the plan was to put a rooster inside the clock. It makes sense since Roosters were the original alarm clock. The problem came when clockmakers couldn’t get the sound right; they wanted to make a rooster crowing, but the sound from the little bellows didn’t sound like “Ki Keri Kee!” (German Roosters say “Ki Keri Kee!” and not “Cock a doodle Do!”)
But the bellows sound remarkably like the Cuckoo in the Black Forest… so adjustments were made.
History of German Cuckoo Clocks
In 1629, Prince Elector August von Sachsen owned the first Clock with a cuckoo ever described; no one knows if it was the first EVER Cuckoo Clock. Other clocks with mechanical figures that moved also existed. And it wasn’t until 1669 that famous clockmaker Domenico Martinelli had the idea of bellows making the bird make noise during the hour.
Print: ‘The Cuckoo Clock Village’ by Sheila Roper
How the Clocks came to the Black Forest in Germany is a bit fuzzy. Some say that a Bohemian (today’s Czech Republic) trader sold a crude version to some clock makers from Furtwangen, east of Freiburg im Breisgau. They copied it, improved it, and made it their own. Others say it was Friedrich Dilger, who learned clock making and carving in France, who came up with the idea. The favorite version of the story claims that the Cuckoo Clock was invented by Franz Anton Ketterer, a clockmaker from Schönwald, who had the idea of including a bird that made a cuckoo sound.
Wherever the clocks originated, they found a home in the Black Forest. Firsts don’t matter as much as tradition, and the industry of hand carving these beautiful clocks is deeply rooted in that part of Germany. Improvements have been made, and distinct styles have been introduced, but essentially, it belongs to the Black Forest.
How Can You Identify a Real Black Forest Cuckoo Clock
The best way to know if you have an Authentic Black Forest Cuckoo Clock is to look for the Verein die Schwarzwalduhr (VdS) or Black Forest Clock Association certification.
“This is an original Black Forest Cuckoo Clock. It is driven by a mechanical movement, and has been produced in the Black Forest, including their most important parts. Therefore, this Cuckoo Clock fills the requirements of the VdS Black Forest Cuckoo Clock Association“
- They are hand-carved in the Black Forest
- They are made of Linden Wood
- They have 1 or 8-day movements
The weights that move the inner mechanism most often look like Pine Cones and are made of cast iron. Two weights are standard, and a third is added when a music box is inside (the music boxes are the only parts allowed from outside the Black Forest. Generally, they come from Switzerland).
While the primary requirement is that the clock has a cuckoo, an artist or clockmaker may be creative with carving and styling his clock. Other mechanical figures may be added, or the clock can be adorned in carvings. More modern cuckoo clocks are simple, actually quite plain. Still, if they follow the rules, they get that VdS certificate.
Black Forest Chalet Style Musical 1 Day Cuckoo Clock with Bell Tower and Beer DrinkerMusic Box Attic
Different Styles of Cuckoo Clocks
There are 5 specific “types” of Black Forest cuckoo clocks, and before you go shopping for one, you might want to know the kind you like best.
Traditional Style (also called “Classic” or “Carved”)
This is the Clock you expect to find in a rustic hunting lodge. These hand-carved clocks have nature or hunting scenes. Often, there is a Stag with horns, carved leaves, birds, hunting horns, or guns. Generally, they are natural, unpainted wood, although some will have other moving figures that may be painted. The cuckoo peeps out at the top from behind his door.
Hönes Cuckoo Clock Hunting Clock HO 8634/5Tnu
Chalet Style Clocks
As the name says, these clocks look like small Black Forest Chalets. (These are my favorites because there is often so much to LOOK at!). Around the Chalet are scenes of everyday life in the Black Forest. People saw or chop wood, feed animals, or sit and raised a beer on the hour! There might be a spinning water wheel. Some even have music, and there might even be rotating dancers! Naturally, the more things happening, the more these clocks cost, but they will entertain for HOURS.
Black Forest Chalet with Animated Wood Chopper 1 Day Mechanical Cuckoo ClockMusic Box AtticHeidi’s Chalet Black Forest Quartz Cuckoo ClockMusic Box Attic
Shield Clocks
Shield Clocks go back further in the Black Forest than the Cuckoo Clock. The face of the clock is a painted shield. While the style may be plain, and there is no box around it, the painting is often quite intricate. Generally, they were painted by women and often personalized and given as wedding gifts.
Bahnhäusle Clocks (Railroad Station Clocks)
These clocks look like little houses covered in grapevines. The original ones were based on the lookout buildings that the Italian Tunnel Builders used while building the railways through the Alps. Today, they look a bit like the Chalet style but have some differences, such as painted faces and grape vines.
Anton Schneider Cuckoo Clock 8TMT 540/9
Modern Clocks
With clean lines, plain faces, and unusual colors, these Modern Cuckoo Clocks may not be the first thing you imagine when you think of the Black Forest, but they are authentic. It is handmade in the Black Forest, and a cuckoo is popping out at the hour. Perfect if you want to mix the old and new.
Modern VDS Certified Olive and Wood Tone Glass Panel 8 Day Romba Art Cuckoo Clock by Rombach and HaasMusic Box AtticContemporary Modern Cuckoo Clock with Black Wall with Orange Tree – by ProgettiMusic Box Attic
Can’t Get to Germany? You can Still buy a Cuckoo Clock for Your Home.
Vintage German Cuckoo Clocks
Find a great deal on an older cuckoo clock
Beautiful Vintage Germany Cuckoo Clock – Doesn’t WorkVintage German Black Forest “Hunter’s Style” Deer cuckoo clock / Hand carved wood Made in West Germany – Weights not included
Vintage Original Black Forest Hones-Uhren Cuckoo Clock, Germany, Still in Box
Vintage Kathe Wohlfahrt Bavarian German Black Forest Wood Cuckoo Clock with Bird Motif
Cuckoo clock
Original Black Forest, Germany 1960s/1970s Cuckoo Wall Clock – hand-crafted, refurbished
Chalet Style
These little houses have a lot to look at!
Black Forest Chalet Style Musical 1 Day Cuckoo Clock with Bell Tower and Beer DrinkerMusic Box Attic1 Day Musical Bavarian Chalet Cuckoo Clock with 2 Beer Drinkers In Biergarten By HönesMusic Box AtticBlack Forest VDS Certified 1 Day Musical Cuckoo Clock with Mill Wheel and Grandparents by Rombach and HaasMusic Box Attic
Traditional Cuckoo Clocks
Traditional carved clocks with Stags
Traditional Carved Black Forest Quartz Mini Cuckoo Clock with 5 Leaves and Stag HeadMusic Box AtticTraditional Grand Carved Black Forest 8 Day Mechanical Hunter’s Themed Cuckoo ClockMusic Box Attic
Modern Cuckoo clocks
A twist on tradition… you still get the Cuckoo!
Modern VDS Certified Solid Cherry 8 Day Carved Black Romba Art Cuckoo Clock by Rombach and Haas (Extra 20% Off Sale Price – CodeMusic Box AtticContemporary Christmas Theme Modern Cuckoo Clock with Silver Wall with White Tree – by ProgettiMusic Box Attic
So MANY Cuckoo Clocks!
There is an entire INDUSTRY in the Black Forest devoted to Cuckoo Clocks! With so many clock styles to choose from, it’s no wonder there is a House of One Thousand Clocks in Freiburg! (I got lost in that store for an hour!). My son loves his! There are ornate ones and small ones… there are even Cuckoo Clocks big enough to WALK INSIDE!
I was determined not to buy a cuckoo clock when I visited Germany, but I caved in. I love my musical chalet clock! It joins my antique mantle clock and my grandfather clock in my living room. I have each of them set two minutes apart, so the top of the hour is pretty exciting at my house !
I bet! Bong Bong CUCKCOO~
Thanks for the info. I just bought a used, but in working order Cuckoo from a trusted Seller, and when it arrives I will further inspect. It’s described as a 1950’s Black Forest Cuckoo Clock and seems to have all the elements, from the hand carved birds, leaves, 2 pine cone weights with mechanical bellows and a Regula brass mechanism.
Since they didn’t start the VDS system until 1987 there will not be a sticker inside, but I will look for any inscriptions inside. The dial face has Germany (most now have Made in Germany, but I have seen Vintage ones signed by known BF builders that only have Germany on dial. ), and the back of case as well as stamped on movement plate, Cuckoo Mfg Company, Germany. For all practical purposes in style, function and sound (per video from Seller) it seems authentic.