Kinder Chocolate Made for Kids! Where to Buy Kinder Chocolate

  Kinder Schokolade came into the world the same year I did… 1967. You could say we grew up together, which must explain why I love it so much. This wonderful chocolate confection is almost too sweet… but… it’s delightful for a child with a sweet tooth. (And even now when I want a bomb of sweetness).  My Opa used…

Schloss Buldern

Where to buy German Maggi Seasoning Liquid

Most every household in Germany has a bottle of Maggi Seasoning liquid in their kitchen cabinet or on the counter. I have two… For the few of you who aren’t familiar with Maggi… official named Maggi-Würze, think of it as German Soy Sauce (although it’s NOT soy sauce).  In fact, it’s official description is “a dark, soy sauce-type hydrolysed vegetable…

Advent – Celebrate German Holiday Traditions in America

    Advent – Celebrating German Holiday Traditions in America: Celebrating German Holiday Traditions in America I grew up in a German household in Southern California celebrating German traditions like Advent. We spoke German in the home, my parents had German friends that were like family (we addressed them as Tante and Onkel), and they had kids who lived in…

St Martin’s Day Germany – What is St Martin’s Tag and how is it Celebrated?

I visited Germany in November a few years ago and was delighted to experience my first St Martin’s Tag (St.Martin’s Day Germany). Kids were out in the neighborhood after dark (which comes VERY EARLY in Nord-Rhine Westfalen in November) on November 11, carrying lanterns on poles and singing as they walked down the street.   Lantern Statue in Bad Homburg  What…

Christmas Tree Lametta- German Tinsel for the Christmas Tree

We always had Lametta, or Tinsel, for the Christmas Tree, a German Tradition. (Even for their first Christmas in America, my parents had it!) These long strands of silver hang from the tree, looking like shiny icicles. Mom insisted on it. I loved it, even though none of my American friends had a Christmas tree that looked anything like ours.…

Memories of my Oma’s Keller – The Wonders of the German Basement

  You could blindfold me, spin me in a circle three times, and drop me through time and space into Oma’s Keller, and I would still instantly know where I was, just by the smell and feel of the air; cold, with a hint of damp, the smell of earth and laundry soap, and maybe a little oil? The door…

The Book “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr

All the Light We Cannot See Some mom friends of mine recently convinced me to joint their book club. I love reading, so, it seemed like a natural. The first assigned book “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr was a tough one for me. It’s well written and engaging… but it’s about World War 2 in Germany…

The Flour is Different – German Recipes for the American Kitchen

The Flour Is Different: German Heritage Recipes and Traditions “The Flour is Different… Das Mehl ist Anders.” My mom took one look at the cover of this book and said, “ It’s true, the flour here is different”. For German Bakers in America, this can be rather frustrating. Baked goods like bread and cakes don’t come out “right”. (But, it…

Spaghetti Eis Recipe- How to Make This Favorite German Ice Cream Dessert at HOME!

I know it’s for kids, but whenever I’m in Germany, I have to eat Spaghetti Eis at least once a visit! Honestly, Eis in Germany is the best!! The Spaghetti Eis Recipe (Ice Cream) for those of you who have never had it, is not spaghetti… it’s delicious vanilla ice cream pushed through a press to look like pasta. Then…

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