When I was a kid, we would often play the Stadt Land Fluss Game (City Country River). Saturday Morning German School meant a half hour drive in each direction. This is a long time to kill for a kid in the back seat in the days before iphones. Luckily, we would carpool with other kids, so we kept busy playing Stadt Land Fluss Game … all we needed was a few sheets of paper (from our composition books) and a few pencils.
Ever play this game?
(topics – City, Country, River, Name, Animal, Job, Plant- Points
The Rules for the Stadt Land Fluss Game (City Country River) are Simple
-Everyone gets a piece of paper and a pencil. The paper is divided into three columns (or more if you want to include more categories (include Names, Plants, Jobs, etc.)
-A letter is chosen (we ran down the alphabet, starting with A, but some people have elaborate ways of determining which letter to start with).
There are 2 versions
Number 1- You have two minutes to write down as many Cities, Countries and Rivers as possible starting with that letter. Fill in the proper columns on the paper.
Number 2- You can only write one answer for each column in your 2 minutes.
-Time is up… pencil’s down!
-Now compare your lists. If you have the same city, country or river listed as someone else, it is crossed off. Points are awarded for unique names.
-Invented places don’t count! (It’s a good idea to carry a pocket atlas if you play with known cheaters who invent countries…looking at you Shane.) And it’s up to the group to decide if you will allow places that no longer exist.
Winner has the most points in the end (usually when we arrived at our destination, it was game over).
We all got pretty good at geography since everyone would study maps during the week, looking for unique names/places.
Stadt Land Fluß Category Ideas
Expand your Stadt Land Fluß game with a few new categories.
City / Stadt
Country /Land
River / River
Lake / See
Name / Name
Occupation / Beruf
Plants / Pflanze
Animals / Tiere
Disney Characters / Disney Figuren
Foods / Sachen zum Essen
Song / Lied
Of course, you can add any category you like…
It’s time to include this game in our Board Game Night!
Downloadable Templates
Download and print up 10 different templates for Stadt Land Fluss
Stadt Land Fluss Druckvorlage Spiel
Pre-printed Game Sheets
Perfect to pack along for your next vacation… or in a pocket of the car. The first two are for the whole family, and include names, animals, and jobs.
Stadt, Land, Fluss Block: Über 80 heraustrennbare Seiten zum ausgiebigen Spielen | Kategorien: Stadt, Land, Gewässer, Name, Tier, Beruf (German Edition)Stadt Land Fluss klassisch: Das beliebte Rätselspiel für jede Gelegenheit | Verschenke Rätselfreude an Freunde, Familie und geliebte Menschen (German Edition)Stadt Land Fluss Erwachsene: Klassische und neue Kategorien auf 100 vorgeschriebenen Seiten (German Edition)
Here is Another Examples of Stadt Land Fluss Layouts
Go ahead and use any language you like. Add categories like Animals, Jobs, Plants, Names, Movies, Superheroes, foods….
Stadt Land Fluss online Wortspiel – scattergoriesonline.net/de/ :]