Father’s Day In Germany- It’s NOTHING like American Father’s Day!

Father’s Day in Germany is proof that fathers in Germany have it figured out. Think about it… on Mother’s day, you get a card, a messy kitchen, and some flowers. In Germany, Fathers spend the day walking around in groups drinking while pulling a Bollerwagon full of beer, wine, schnapps and grill-able snacks! And! Since Father’s Day (Herrentag or Männertag) ALWAYS falls on a holiday… it turns into a 4 day weekend! (One day to get properly drunk, and 3 days to sleep it off!). But, how did this come about? How did Father’s Day in Germany turn into a wandering Drunken Fest? Believe it or not, it goes back to the Middle Ages….

When is Father’s Day in Germany

Father’s Day in Germany has fallen on Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt) since 370 AD. For those of you who missed that day in Sunday School… Ascension Day falls 40 days after Easter (the Thursday after the 5th Sunday), and is the day Jesus ascends into Heaven to sit with his Father. (This is what gives us the connection to Fathers… although, it’s kind of weak if you ask me).

In 2022 Ascension Day /German Father’s Day is May 26th.

(2023 it’s on May 18)

Beer of the Month Club

Father’s Day in Germany

But why the wagon? And why the Beer?  Sources are a little fuzzy, but this is how I understand it. In the Middle Ages in some farming communities, Fathers were loaded up in a wagon and pulled to center of the Village on Christi Himmelfahrt (Ascension Day). The Father who had the most children was awarded a Ham (for FATHERING children… note that the women don’t get Ham). Then there was bier and celebrating. Because it’s Germany.

when is fathers day in germany

An old fashioned German Bollerwagen


As time went by, the presentation of the ham faded away, but the Fathers celebrating with wagons and beer hung on.

You can still present your Father with a Ham, Click HERE–> Black Forest Ham

By the 1900s industrialization led to the development of a new “Leisure Society” in Germany among the  bourgeoisie. Basically, a middle and upper middle class developed full of people who no longer had to work 7 days a week to survive… so they invented ways to spend their time off. A tradition of men’s Naturerfahrung or Nature Walks Men’s developed. Men’s clubs would gather on Sundays and holidays to drink and walk together.   And by the 1870s these Herrenparties were fairly normal. Men would gather to drink, smoke, talk about women, and introduce Bachelors to “manly life”.

World War II reigned things in a bit, and by the 70’s and 80’s, weekly drinking parties were thought to be a bit old-fashioned. The focus of the drinking shifted to just Father’s Day. Oh, and Oktoberfest, and Schützenfest, and Fruhschoppen, and the odd Tuesday when nothing is on TV.

when is father's day in germany

Father’s Day in Germany Today

Mens Maennertag Vatertag Bollerwagen T-ShirtMens Maennertag Vatertag Bollerwagen T-ShirtMens Maennertag Vatertag Bollerwagen T-Shirt

These days German men get wildly creative on Father’s Day ie. Männertag or Herrentag. Wooden Wagons (known as Bollerwagen) are loaded up with provisions and decorated. Men wander in groups with their wagons drinking and celebrating. Some attach bike bells to walking sticks so you can hear them coming.

Some groups of men even travel in packs on bicycles! (It’s no wonder that Ascension day is also known as Accident Day in Germany. )

You will find men celebrating Herrentag in Germany in Parks, Restaurants and Bier Gartens. And if you are there… and you are a man… you can join in the fun… because according to Spiegel “men’s day, is open to any male who wants to demonstrate his loutish, caveman side.”



Happy Father’s Day!

A more Detailed Look at Vatertag and a Bollerwagentour in Germany




Photo Print Keyring/For the best daddy in the worldPhoto Print Keyring/For the best daddy in the worldPhoto Print Keyring/For the best daddy in the world


5 thoughts on “Father’s Day In Germany- It’s NOTHING like American Father’s Day!

  1. It certainly is not what Vatertag was like when I lived in Germany

  2. All the 24 years when I lived in Germany, I never heard of Fathers Day. Maybe because i never knew my Father. He died shortly after I was born. Or maybe in the region where I lived the don’t do that there. German Manner find every excuse to get drunk. I’m not a drinker, and I would not enjoy being married to a German who gets drunk a lot. Sure every so often I drank beer, but was never a big fan of that beverage. After I came to the States, I despised American beer and I started drinking mix drinks. But I stopped drinking years ago. One of my daughters must’ve inherited that beer drinking trade. She sure loves her beer. I don’t like to be around people that reek of alcohol. Its not a pleasant smell. Yesterday was my birthday and mothers day, It happens to fall on the same day every several years. I don’t want to celebrate my birthdays anymore. More and more wrinkles appear the older you get. But that not celebrating my birthdays anymore falls on deaf ears. My 2 daughters will not let me get away with it. The want to shower me with presents, but I told them I have everything I need. I don’t need or want more gifts, or I will have to build on another room. I do not want more clothes. My closet is full and I can still wear clothe from 30 years ago. The still all fit me. Besides I never go anywhere. The only time I leave my house is when I have to see my doctor. After my husband died, I don’t want anybody come to my place for visits. Specially not unannounced. I live way out in the country and because of many health problems I live in my robe. I have no reason to get dressed up. My robes are pretty and I feel quite comfortable in it. No strangers wander around here. The area where I live is quite secluded. Sometimes in the morning I sit outside and watch deer’s crazing on my land, bunnies hopping around and at night time, I get visits from raccoons. They are not afraid of me and the come around to eat leftover cat food. The are about one foot away from me. Its so cute watching them eat with their little hands, and afterwards the wash their hands in the cat water. Sometimes skunks come around too, but not once have the sprayed me with their scent. Guess those animals know I won’t hurt them and the give me the same courtesy. Of course I will not touch them. The are wild animals after all. The little rabbits come all the way very close to my porch. I do have 4 outside cats, but the don’t bother those animals either. When the racoon come, the polity step back and let them eat. My 2 daughters and my one and only grandson gave me a very beautiful day Sunday. I actually enjoyed myself in quite some time. I truly had a very nice birthday and mothers day. Hope all you mamma’s also had a nice mothers day. OMG, is it spelled Fathers day or Vaters day?

    1. That is so sad. 😞. But all have to live the way they feel like.

  3. Oh my, I had no idea, kind of sad…learn something new reading your posts. 🙄 😅

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