A few years, while visiting family in Germany, everyone was getting ready for the weekend’s Schützenfest. What is Schützenfest? I asked…. ahhhh… It’s a big fest with shooting competitions, drinking, a coronation, and a massive party that lasts the whole weekend.
That’s right, a festival involving shooting and alcohol. (What could go wrong?)
Nothing! (Remember, this is Germany!)

What is Schützenfest?
Schützenfest is a traditional marksman’s festival that has been celebrated in Germany and Switzerland since the 1500’s. Originally, the Marksmen organizations were like the local militia formed to defend villages and towns against invasion. Men would drill and train together… and sometimes they held competitions to see who was the best shot. Of course, no competitions are complete without parades, parties and drinking, and before you know it, Schützenfest became a tradition.

Today, the towns no longer have militias, and gun regulation laws are very strict, but Germany still celebrates with marksmanship competitions. The three day (or longer) Schützenfest celebrations often begins with a parade (well, actually, it begins in the local Kneipe, bar). Men in the Schützenverein (shooting club) dress in their finest (you will see my Uncle in Top Hat and tails!) and parade through town. (Yes, it’s a men’s-only club, although some communities are letting women join). Everyone who has them wears the medals that they’ve won. The best shooters have medals covering their chests… it’s quite impressive. They are overseen by the Schützenkonig and his royal court.
The previous Schutzenkonig rides in a carriage
There are various shooting contests, culminating in the shooting of a wooden bird. (No, they no longer shoot at real birds.) Different prizes are awarded for hitting certain parts of the bird, and the best shot, or the person who causes the last bit of wood to fall, becomes the new Schützenkönig!
Click here to see photos of the 2022 Schützenfest Hiddingsel- from the Dulmen Zeitung
(This is an expensive honor, since the King buys a round for the whole town!). It’s quite an honor to win, and many (like my mother’s god-father) hang the wooden bird above their doorway to let the world know what they’ve done. The winner also wears a necklace covered in medals.
The Schützenkönig and his medals
A Wooden Target or Marker hangs on the house of the Schützenkönig for the rest of his life as a reminder.
The Wooden Target hangs over the house… to remind everyone that a Schutzenkonig lives here.
This one belonged to my mother’s God-Father
Then comes the Fest!
The rest of the weekend is spent drinking and dancing in the Festhalle (Festival Hall) or Festzelt (Festival Tent). Live music, beer and food! Some communities host a fun fair for children with rides and games. We danced the night away … and on into the next day. Usually, things get going around 10am, and the band plays until 5am…. then the festivities start all over again at 10am. (Be sure to pace yourself! Americans THINK they know how to drink, but really, Germans have livers designed for this sort of behavior… Eat something, drink a Radler or Soda, and wear comfortable shoes!).
My Tante and Onkel in the Parade
German Gun Laws
Before you start worrying about mixing beer and guns, be aware that Club members are encouraged to lock up their guns before the serious drinking starts. And during parades, they often carry wooden stand-ins instead of actual weapons.
Germans take gun ownership very seriously. In order to own a gun in Germany, you MUST –
- Apply for a license for each gun you own. Waffenbesitzkarte
- Be 18 (anyone under 25 goes through an additional psychiatric evaluation)
- Go through a reliability check (which checks for criminal record, drugs or mental illness)
- Pass a “specialized knowledge test” about guns
- Show a specific and state approved need for the weapon (ie. Hunting or marksmanship)
- Lock up your guns in a safe way… and the government reserves the right to spot check.
Despite these restrictions, Germany ranks number 4 in the world in Guns Ownership. The rules seem to work.
One of the Most German of Celebrations
If you travel through Germany in the summertime, especially in smaller or medium sized towns, you are certain to see posters advertising the local Schützenfest. Do yourself a favor… stop and join in. The shooting is for club members only, but the party is for everyone! You will see Omas sitting at the same tables as young people (and probably out-drinking them). Dance to traditional Schlager music and modern Pop Songs. Eat Curry Wurst and Schnitzel! And just have fun with the Schützenfest tradition that pre-dates Oktoberfest!

It certainly does sound like quite a party! Do German-Americans celebrate in the same, or similar, way?
I don’t know… I’ve heard there are Schutzenfests in America… but I imagine the traditions are different here… or at least adjusted for American lifestyles (people generally don’t drink around the clock here in the US)
Absolut!! There are German-American Schuetzenverien in the US…I should know, I belong to two ..The New York Schuetzen Corps and the Brooklyn Schuetzen Corps, both founded in the 1850’s, and participated in the Civil War.
And yes the BSC (my main club) still shoots on “Der Adler” for “VogelKoenig” and “SchutzenKoenig”. Much bier and JaegerMeister is available during the SchuetzenGala Dinner. Google SchuetzenVeriens in America and you will find about twenty or so active. I am an ehemalige SchuetzenKoenig (1996-1997). Gut Schuess!!
I would love to see photos! Can you send them to me?
[email protected]
I am a collector of German and Swiss shooting medals. I recently acquired several gold shooting medals that were awarded for shooting at German-American Bundes Schiessens in June, 1891 and June 1892 and June 1893. Respectively, they were inscribed for the 12th, 13th and 14th Bundes Schiessen, but no location is engraved. I have tried various methods to determine the location, but no success. Can you assist me or direct me to a source that might be able to help me with the location? It would be very much appreciated.
Please advise
We love Schützenfestzeit in Germany!!! So sorry we are missing it this year. I will post some photos from past years on the FB page.
Send them to me as a message on Facebook! Or as an email to [email protected]
I’m looking forward to seeing them.
I have a 1924 glod Omega watch with inscription on watch face: EIDG.SCHUTZENFEST 1924 AARAU
what a nice treasure!
If you ever want to sell it, please contact me. I have been a collector of Swiss shooting memorabilia for several years.
Great Article! I’m making a german presentation about Schützenfest, and you explained it so well. Thanks for this!
Thank you! Let me know how it goes.
My great grandfather, C. D. REHM was a member, and at one time president of the New York Schuetzen from c. 1885 into the early 1900s. I have his shooting medals, many, many newspaper articles, a photo of him with his medals and his sword. I came across a closed auction where his Schuetzen rifle had been listed with discription and photo. I tracked down the gentleman who bought it and he very graciously took additional photos for me and offered to sell it back to me for what he paid, but it was out of my price range.
It’s nice you still have some of the memories and memorabilia. I understand these things are quite collectible (and expensive) now.