I remember the first time I ordered a German style Radler in America. The bartender was confused, then when I explained, he was HORRIFIED that I would mix Beer and Soda. (I’ve since learned to order a beer, a soda, and an extra glass to avoid that look). But think about it, Germans do seem to enjoy putting simple things together to make them bigger, better, more complete… or at least, different. You will see this tendency over and over in language, for example the word “Fußgängerübergang” (Pedestrian Way Bridge). And this quirk also spills over into German Drink Recipes. Can’t decide between a Coke and a Fanta? Order a “Spetzi” and get both. Not sure if you want a beer or a soda? Order a “Radler” or an “Alster”. And unlike the days where we would mix a splash from every faucet in the drink fountain at the local Pizza place to make a “Suicide”, these German Drink Recipes are actually real recipes with set proportions. You can order them in any restaurant or bar in Germany, and it sort of makes you look like a local.
German Drink Recipes
To make things even more confusing, some of the German Drink Mixes have names that are VERY regional… so a Krefelder (beer and coke) is also known as a Diesel, and as a Drecksack. I will list as many of the names for the mix as I can find, and I’m sure I will continue to learn new ones.
Non-Alcoholic German Drink Recipes
These are made from Juices, Sodas and fizzy water. Some even come pre-mixed and bottled.
Apfelschorle is found on just about every German Menu I’ve ever seen. It’s a simple mix of Apple Juice and Sparkling Water. The sparkling water cuts the sweetness of the juice and makes a really refreshing drink. When you order it, it comes either pre-mixed… or you get a little glass of Apple Juice, and a small pitcher of sparkling water.
Spetzi- (aka “Cola-Mix” , “Mezzo-Mix” by Coca-Cola or “Schwip-Schwap” from Pepsi)
This classic since the 1950s is a mix of Cola and Orange Fanta. The name was trademarked by the Brauhaus Riegele in Augsburg, Germany, so they are the only one who can sell Spetzi in a bottle and call it “Spetzi”. If you want to make it yourself, try to find but you need to use German Fanta, the American version is too sweet for the people who are in-the-know. (Rumor has it you can use San Peligrino Soda instead for a closer match).
Mezzo Mix .33L (European Import) – SIX Cans (6 x .33l cans)Paulaner Spezi .33L (European Import) – SIX Cans (6 x .33l cans)
Mezzo Mix .5LGermanShop24
German Sodas for Mixing
Get the authentic flavor with these imported German Sodas
Fanta orangeGermanShop24Bionade ElderberryGermanShop24
Fanta Classic Orange Soda (European Import) – CASE of 24 X 0.5L BottlesFanta Orange Soda (European Import) (6 x 0.33 L Cans)
Syrups for Mixing Drinks
Growing up, we didn’t have much soda in the house. We did have these syrups… add to water or bubble water, and you have a delicious bubbly drink that’s not too sweet.
They can also be added to Beer for a special treat!
My Tech Guy has been adding the Rhubarb Syrup to his bubble water lately… he loves it! (I need to reorder it…)
And you need the Elderflower Syrup for a refreshing Hugo!
Rhubarb SyrupGermanShop24Woodruff SyrupGermanShop24Black Current SyrupGermanShop24Elderflower SyrupGermanShop24Raspberry SyrupGermanShop24Wild Strawberry syrupGermanShop24
German Drink Recipes with Beer
Germans do love their beer… but they also love being social. Mixing the beer with soda or juice means that you can drink MORE, but it only affects you half as much (or so the thought process goes).
(aka. “Alster” in Northern Germany, “Russ” in Southern Germany)
Legend has it that is Grand Daddy of Beer mixes was invented by a clever innkeeper who knew he had a bunch of cyclists arriving, and not nearly enough beer to satisfy the group. He mixed Beer and German Lemon Soda and served it the Radler (bicyclists) who LOVED it. Refreshing, but not too filling. (It’s best to use a less sweet lemon soda like San Peligrino, because Sprite is rather sweet… but if you like it that way, go for it). Learn more about the Radler HERE
(aka. “Krefelder”, “Colabier” , “Altbier” in the Southwest. And my personal favorite Drecksack!)
Like a Radler, this is a mix of beer and soda, but the Diesel uses cola instead of a clear soda. In fact, the name Diesel is a reflection of its appearance. And Drecksack? That’s the name the dishwashers in Cologne came up with it…. apparently, the glass looks like a mess after you drank the Drecksack….
You will also find that some areas call their beer and cola mixes different names according to what kind of beer you are mixing in.
Colaweizen mixes cola and Hefeweizen
Turbo or Flieger (Aviator) is Weißbier with Cola
Brummbär (grouch) is a mix of cola and a stout or porter.
Greifswalder (from the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern area) is a mix of a black beer called Köstritzer with cola.
Gespritztes is a Pilsner mixed with Cola.
Heller Moritz is an odd mix of beer and sparkling wine.
Herrengedeck is a Heller Moritz with a shot of Schnapps (Careful, this one is a double punch, and some places actually regulate how many you may order)
More Beer Mixes
It’s not all Soda. In Germany, it is not uncommon to find Beer mixed with juices or liqueurs.
Berlinerweisse with Raspberry and Sweet Woodruff by WT from creative commons
I’m not a fan of Bananas, so I think I will pass on this mix of Beer and Banana Juice… but to each his own.
This special sour beer is served with Raspberry or Sweet Woodruff syrup.
Raspberry SyrupGermanShop24Waldmeister SyrupGermanShop24
Weissbierbowle – White Beer Punch
Why not serve a crowd with this punch made from Beer, Raspberry Syrup and Champagne/Sparkling Wine. It’s refreshing and perfect for warm days! Weissbierbowle Recipe
German Wine Mixes
It’s not surprising that Germans will mix something into their wine as well. This cuts the alcohol content, and makes the drink more refreshing.
This simple mix of wine and sparkling water is fairly common, and delightful on a warm day.
Bambus (aka. “Korea”)
I don’t know who came up with this (or why… it sounds awfully sweet) is a mix of Red Wine and Cola. I have to try it someday.
Are you REALLY thirsty, and plan to stay a while? A Lanternmaß might be perfect for you. Take a Maß (those 1 Liter Steins) and fill it with .5 liters of white wine, and .5 liters of lemon soda… add a shot of cherry liqueur (don’t mix it, the cherry liqueur looks pretty at the bottom!). Ironically, the LAST sip of this drink is the strongest…)
Don’t forget the most popular German Wine Drink of all… Glühwein! This hot mulled wine is EVERYWHERE in Germany during the winter. Made from red (or white) wine and spices. Find the recipe HERE–Glühwein Recipe
Weisser Glühwein
In shoulder seasons this refreshing white Glühwein made with loads of citrus is refreshing and tasty. Find the recipe HERE– Weisser Glühwein
A wine punch made with strawberries and wine is perfect for Spring and Summer… Find the Recipe here- Erdbeerbowle
Try New German Drink Recipes!!
Go beyond the simple soda or beer! German’s do love to mix drinks… and I hope now you will try some new beverages both while traveling AND even at home!

Love this
I was In the Army in 1971 in Germany and drank what I think was beer and coca cola. I believe they called it a geysermoos or something similar sounding. Has anyone ever heard of that.
Beer and cola is a Diesel in parts of Germany… wonder if that was a local name?
In Southern Germany a mix of lemon soda and pale Lager beer (Helles) is called “Radler”. A “Russ” is a mix of lemon soda and wheat beer (Weissbier/Hefeweizen).
oh! Thanks!!
All these mixed drinks sound wonderful, but I won’t be allowed to drink them. Went to the doctor yesterday and was told I was dehydrated badly. Now I have to force down more water. I love to drink Loca Mocha and was told it’s bad for you. What isn’t bad for you? Almost everything you eat is bad for you. Cakes you buy at the bakery are unbelievable sweet. My daughter usually brings one on Sunday for our family dinner. I just can’t stand that much sweet. Alcohol I don’t drink anymore. Gave that up over 15 years ago. I don’t diet, but I lost over 10 pounds. I weigh now a whole 115 pounds. I am small boned. 115 pounds is not bad for a 5’4 woman. Wished I could drink some of those drinks you mentioned Karen. I despise all pop drinks. You won’t catch me drinking cola or 7 up. Dr. Pepper is disgusting and so is root beer. To me it is. When I came to the States, I didn’t speak English. My then husband stopped at a fast burger place. A big sign said Root beer. I thought maybe that is what they call beer over here, so I wanted one. I spit it out after one swallow. It tasted disgusting to me. Of course, I expected a real beer. The beer here in the States is nothing like our German beer. One year my sister and her husband came from Germany to visit me. My brother-in-law was a beer drinker. My husband said I’m going to get him drunk. We all went to a dance hall and they both ordered a pitcher beer. Before the night was over, husband and brother-in-law were drinking straight out of the pitcher. Did my husband get him drunk? After drinking all night long, yes, they both were blitzed.
Thank you for posting all those drinks, Karen. I love the way you write. Blessings and love Gigi.
in the eighties i visited my penfriends in East and West Germany. In Magdeburg, East Germany, Cola/bier was in offer and in Northern West Germany, near Osnabruck, I visited a pub with my friends. The bar sold different fruit in the beer every night. One night they ran iut of fresh fruit and used tin peaches. It sounds bizarre but was actually ratger good! My favourite german drink has to be Sekt – german sparkiling wine. You can get pink and red too. The red is actually rather nice. One night in Celle we visited a bar near the youth hostel. The bar had loads of different fruit “geists” . Literally meaning spirit these are like schnapps – the brandy but less harsh – smoother – comes out if the bottle in a fog! We had HimbeerGeist – raspberry and loads of other fruits I forget which there were so many! I also love tge Weißbier – the white beer – the Berliner Weißer is particularly nice and if you fancy something different you can always go for the Rauchbier – the smoked beer from Bamberg. My favourite beer of all time is Wahrsteiner – a queen amongst beers!
I love the different flavor combinations…so drinkable!