Oktoberfest Heart Cookies for your Schatzi!

Oktoberfest is not just about Beer! Remember, Oktoberfest started as a wedding celebration, as an expression of love. So it is only natural that today, symbols of love still exist on the Wiesn in the form of Gingerbread decorated with love notes and cute sayings. But if you aren’t going to be in Munich, where can you buy German Gingerbread hearts? Luckily, these German Oktoberfest cookies are available to order... and you can even get them personalized! Perfect for your own Oktoberfest Party… or maybe as a proposal for your special friend…

You can Buy German Gingerbread hearts year round! I’ve seen them at Maifests, at Easter Markets, and at summer festivals. They are a delicious reminder of Germany, and a sweet addition to any party.

And wouldn’t they make fun German Wedding, Engagement party, or Oktoberfest Party Favors?

But first, a little information about these sweet Oktoberfest Heart Cookies…

gingerbread hearts to buy


Story of Oktoberfest Heart Cookies

Oktoberfest is much more than a beer fest. It’s a celebration of love that has grown into one of the biggest parties in the world. Rides, Beer Tents and Food Stands fill the Wiesn. And since the 1950s Lebkuchen Herze … Gingerbread Hearts… with sayings on them have been a big seller. Legend has it that the originally heart shaped treats were made from Chocolate, but since they would melt, a Munich Master baker named Gustav Teschernich decided to bake Gingerbread hearts instead. Instead of the usual Christmas colors, he chose to decorate the hearts with poems. As time passed, the poems got shorter, and eventually became just short sayings or expressions of love.

Today, over 50,000 Oktoberfest Gingerbread hearts are sold EVERY DAY.

The hearts come in all sizes. Many say “Oktoberfest” or “Wiesn”… a popular sentiment is “I mog di” (I like you). People also buy German Gingerbread hearts to declare their status “single” or “Prinzessin”. Use a heart to flirt… use a heart to lure someone…use a heart to be silly…. Think of the sentiments as a non-electronic status update. You can get your name, or let someone know how you feel. And every year, around 50 hearts are custom ordered to make a special Wiesn proposal….

Oktoberfest 2023Oktoberfest 2023GermanShop24


What Makes an Oktoberfest Gingerbread Heart?

Oktoberfest Gingerbread Cookies are more about style than flavor. While you can eat them, the cookies are strong and sturdy, and thought of more as a souvenir of a wonderful time. They will last for years hung on a wall (or a bedpost).

A German Oktoberfest Cookie must have the following characteristics!

  • The classic heart shape (size does not matter)
  • White sugar icing decoration around the heart’s edge
  • Sentiment written in white sugar icing
  • Colorful flowers and hearts to decorate the cookie.
  • Dark sugar glaze to protect the the rich brown cookie
  • Ribbon for hanging… either around the neck, or on the wall

Buy German Gingerbread Hearts HERE

Different sizes, different expressions, you can even have your Oktoberfest Heart Cookies personalized with names or dates. Remember, since they are baked and decorated to order, don’t wait until the last minute!

Ich bin a BayerIch bin a BayerGermanShop24Oktoberfest 2023Oktoberfest 2023GermanShop24O'zapft is!O’zapft is!GermanShop24I like youI like youGermanShop24Griaß DiGriaß DiGermanShop24Squeeze MeSqueeze MeGermanShop24Herzlich WilkommenHerzlich WilkommenGermanShop24SpatzlSpatzlGermanShop24

Customize Lebkuchen Hearts!

You can order special Lebkuchen Hearts … choose the saying and colors!

Customized Lebkuchen Hearts 7inCustomized Lebkuchen Hearts 7inCustomized Lebkuchen Hearts 7inCustomized Lebkuchen hearts 5 inchCustomized Lebkuchen hearts 5 inchCustomized Lebkuchen hearts 5 inch

 Lebkuchen Hearts that Last Forever…

Made from wood or felt, these Lebkuchen hearts will really last forever! (and not get yucky)

Figurehead Figurehead “Gingerbread Heart” | Flower and Garden Plugs – Treasury DesignFigurehead


Gruss Gott, Willkommen Sign, Lebkuchen Herz, German Christmas Decoration, German Gifts, Frohe Weihnacht, German Decor, Landhaus Deko, CookieGruss Gott, Willkommen Sign, Lebkuchen Herz, German Christmas Decoration, German Gifts, Frohe Weihnacht, German Decor, Landhaus Deko, CookieGruss Gott, Willkommen Sign, Lebkuchen Herz, German Christmas Decoration, German Gifts, Frohe Weihnacht, German Decor, Landhaus Deko, CookieFelt Heart Pin Dirndl Accessories with NameFelt Heart Pin Dirndl Accessories with NameFelt Heart Pin Dirndl Accessories with NameWILLKOMMEN SIGNWILLKOMMEN SIGNWILLKOMMEN SIGN

oktoberfest hearts

2 thoughts on “Oktoberfest Heart Cookies for your Schatzi!

  1. i received a heart shaped gingerbread with ‘Meine biene’, what does it mean?

    1. “My Bee”…. Biene is a cute term of affection.

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