Nachtisch- My Favorite Way to End the Meal


In our house Nachtisch was almost as important (at least for kids) as Abendessen (Dinner) and warmes Mittagsessen (warm Midday Meal in Germany). What is Nachtisch? Nachtisch means “after table”, so Nachtisch, is dessert! (Not to be confused with Nachttisch… the bedside table). Our world seems so focused on reducing calories or doing away with treats, so it might seem odd  to think about serving dessert every day. But, it was seldom an elaborate treat. We aren’t talking about a layer cake. My mother would make a simple fruit compote, fruit salad, applesauce, or a pudding. Our dinner just wasn’t done until the plates had been cleared away and the Schälchen (little bowls) had been brought to the table. It satisfied the sweet tooth, and made us less likely to snack later.

what is nachtisch

What is Nachtisch? It’s Dessert!

My Oma always served Nachtisch after the Mittagsessen plates were cleared (remember, that’s the bigger warm meal in Germany). My cousins and I would crowd back onto the Eckbank excited to see what was coming through the sliding door to the kitchen. Oma would bring 2 or 3 big glass serving bowls to the table, and we would help ourselves by scooping it in to the leaf patterned Glasschälchen. Well, except for my oldest cousin… Oma always made him his very own serving bowl full, because he had a big appetite. He was also a slow eater, so we’d all glare at him for having so much all to himself AND taking forever to eat it. (To this day, he’s still a slow eater who savors his food, and he’s thin as a rail….Maybe he’s on to something). Chocolate Pudding with a pitcher of Vanilla Soße,  Quark with Cherry Sauce on top, Apfelmuss made from the apples off her trees. Something sweet and not too heavy to round off the meal.

what is nachtisch

All of these memories flooded back to me last night when I made up a packet of Dr Oetker’s Paradise Cream. I put the little bowls on the table, and got the strangest looks from my family. And I realized… it has been a while since I served my family Nachtisch immediately following the meal. I’ve been searching my brain to figure out why? Was it a diet? Was it a question of cultural differences with my guy? Somewhere along the way, I stopped setting out the little bowls…  Nachtisch sort of went away or became something we would grab from the Kitchen when we were hungry later in the evening, and although I still made Fruit Salad or Compote (and left it for all to enjoy)… generally it ended up being Ice Cream or a Cookie. Not a very healthy way to eat right before bed.

what is nachtisch

I resolved to bring back  Nachtisch!

My family is already excited to see what arrives on tonight’s table. (It will be Rhubarb Compote with Vanilla Pudding). My plan is to hit the Farmer’s Market for more fruit, and I will also be ordering more packets of pudding mix (the German versions have much less sugar). Later this week, Rote Grütze (It was so good, I added the recipe to my cookbook “Easy German Cookbook”!

rhubarb compote


Of course, the little glass bowls that you find in every German kitchen….

Vintage Arcoroc Fleur Bowl Serving BowVintage Arcoroc Fleur Bowl Serving BowVintage Arcoroc Fleur Bowl Serving Bow

Set of 4 Arcoroc Textured Lear 5Set of 4 Arcoroc Textured Lear 5″ BowlsSet of 4 Arcoroc Textured Lear 5Vintage Arcoroc Vintage Arcoroc “Raised Fleur Petal Leaves” salad bowl set serving bowl set 1 large bowl 5 small bowls Clear France FloralVintage Arcoroc Arcoroc France Diamant Crystal Glass Salad Bowl Set - 8 Bowls - Large, Medium, 6-Small. Crystal Serving Bowls for EntertainingArcoroc France Diamant Crystal Glass Salad Bowl Set – 8 Bowls – Large, Medium, 6-Small. Crystal Serving Bowls for EntertainingArcoroc France Diamant Crystal Glass Salad Bowl Set - 8 Bowls - Large, Medium, 6-Small. Crystal Serving Bowls for EntertainingSet of 4 Vintage Arcoroc Aspen Leaf Dinnerware Stamped Arcoroc Made in France 5” Small Dessert BowlsSet of 4 Vintage Arcoroc Aspen Leaf Dinnerware Stamped Arcoroc Made in France 5” Small Dessert BowlsSet of 4 Vintage Arcoroc Aspen Leaf Dinnerware Stamped Arcoroc Made in France 5” Small Dessert Bowls


8 Lotus Flower Arcoroc Dessert Bowls, Floral Dessert from 1970s, French Vintage Glassware8 Lotus Flower Arcoroc Dessert Bowls, Floral Dessert from 1970s, French Vintage Glassware8 Lotus Flower Arcoroc Dessert Bowls, Floral Dessert from 1970s, French Vintage Glassware

what is nachtisch

Where to Buy German Pudding Mixes

Is there a better way to satisfy my sweet tooth than by recreating Oma’s big bowls of Schokoladenpudding mit Vanille Soße? (and although I’m tempted, there won’t be a special big bowl on the table unless my cousin comes to visit). What I love about German Pudding mixes is that they don’t have as much sugar. They have delicious flavor, but aren’t overly sweet. Most of these packets come as 3 packs, and each pack serves 2 to 4 people (or one sweet-toothed cousin).

Dr Oetker Paradise Cream
Was there EVER a more inviting name? This pudding comes together in 3 minutes… just add milk, and whisk it up in a mixer.


Super Easy to WHIP UP
what is nachtisch

Dr Oetker Gala Pudding

Made from the highest quality ingredients, Gala pudding contains actual chocolate or nut pieces. This pudding needs cooking… and you can adjust the sugar!

Dr Oetker Gala Pudding -Chocolate - 3 packDr Oetker Gala Pudding -Chocolate – 3 packGermanShop24Dr Oetker Gala Pudding -Caramel - 3 packDr Oetker Gala Pudding -Caramel – 3 packGermanShop24Dr Oetker Gala Pudding -Cream - 3 packDr Oetker Gala Pudding -Cream – 3 packGermanShop24Dr Oetker Gala Pudding -Bourbon Vanilla - 3 packDr Oetker Gala Pudding -Bourbon Vanilla – 3 packGermanShop24

Vanilla Soße! Vanilla Dessert Sauce

THIS simple sauce is what elevates simple pudding to perfection. Make it yourself (Vanilla Sauce Recipe), or keep a packet on hand.

Vanilla Soße- no cookingVanilla Soße- no cookingGermanShop24Vanilla Soße- to cookVanilla Soße- to cookGermanShop24

Rote Grütze

Rote Grütze is a sort of fruit based pudding. It’s not compote… it’s thicker (and is lovely with whipped cream)

Dr. Oetker Rote Gruetze Himbeer / Raspberry 3packDr. Oetker Rote Gruetze Himbeer / Raspberry 3packDr. Oetker Rote Gruetze Himbeer / Raspberry 3pack

Wackelpudding! Götterspeise! Gelatine!

Who doesn’t love that wiggley goodness?

CherryCherryGermanShop24Woodruff- WaldmeisterWoodruff- WaldmeisterGermanShop24LemonLemonGermanShop24RaspberryRaspberryGermanShop24


Paradise Creme

Just add milk to the mix, beat, and you have a delicious Nachtisch in no time!

Paradise Cream Cream CaramelParadise Cream Cream CaramelGermanShop24Paradise Cream NougatParadise Cream NougatGermanShop24Paradise Creme LemonParadise Creme LemonGermanShop24Paradise Creme Chocolate ChipParadise Creme Chocolate ChipGermanShop24

Chocolateria Creme Pudding

A deeper richer chocolate pudding.

Dr Oetker Chocolateria creme pudding- Dark CHocolateDr Oetker Chocolateria creme pudding- Dark CHocolateGermanShop24Dr Oetker Chocolateria creme pudding- Milk ChocolateDr Oetker Chocolateria creme pudding- Milk ChocolateGermanShop24

Ruf Pudding

Just add milk and sugar, then cook and let cool before serving (if you can wait).

Ruf Strawberry Pudding 3 packRuf Strawberry Pudding 3 packGermanShop24Ruf CHocolate Pudding 3 packRuf CHocolate Pudding 3 packGermanShop24

Dr Oetker MOUSSE!

Mousse is just fancy pudding… and these are so easy to whip up why not serve it on a Tuesday?

Dr Oetker Mousse au ChocolatDr Oetker Mousse au ChocolatGermanShop24Dr Oetker Bourbon-Vanille MousseDr Oetker Bourbon-Vanille MousseGermanShop24Classic CHocolate MousseClassic CHocolate MousseGermanShop24Dr Oetker Lemon MOusseDr Oetker Lemon MOusseGermanShop24


Dr. Oetker Strawberry Mousse, 2.4-Ounce (Pack of 6)Dr. Oetker Strawberry Mousse, 2.4-Ounce (Pack of 6)Dr. Oetker Strawberry Mousse, 2.4-Ounce (Pack of 6)Dr Oetker French Vanilla Mousse, 2.7-Ounce (Pack of 6)Dr Oetker French Vanilla Mousse, 2.7-Ounce (Pack of 6)Dr Oetker French Vanilla Mousse, 2.7-Ounce (Pack of 6)

For some GREAT Nachtisch Ideas

Leichte Desserts: Die beliebtesten Rezepte (German Edition)Leichte Desserts: Die beliebtesten Rezepte (German Edition)Leichte Desserts: Die beliebtesten Rezepte (German Edition)Nicht ohne Nachtisch: Landfrauen verraten die Rezepte ihrer Lieblingsdesserts.Nicht ohne Nachtisch: Landfrauen verraten die Rezepte ihrer Lieblingsdesserts.Nicht ohne Nachtisch: Landfrauen verraten die Rezepte ihrer Lieblingsdesserts.

3 thoughts on “Nachtisch- My Favorite Way to End the Meal

  1. Hello Karen,
    I still serve Nachtisch for my Dad. Thank You I just didn’t know the name of the dessert. Also, Thank You for the other ideas :D. I almost cried when I saw mustard eggs no one in CA or OR knows what this is? i feel like I know some that now do. Never saw it in my Dads other cookbooks even the ones written in German. Have a Great Week. God Bless You Diana

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you and your father enjoy the recipes.

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