German Wooden Easter Decorations – The German Christmas Shop at Easter

[no_toc] I pull my German wooden Easter decorations out every year. Wooden Bunnies and hanging eggs from the Osterbaum (Easter Tree) makes the house feel more festive in the Springtime. And although Nutcrackers and other German Christmas Ornaments have taken off here in the US… it’s still more difficult to find German Easter Ornaments. This year, the German Christmas Shop…

Oma’s Münsterländer Struwen Recipe for Good Friday

Around Münster, a Good Friday without Struwen is unimaginable. So, every Good Friday, my Oma would make the . And now, thanks to my Tante Anne, I have the recipe for Münsterländer Struwen. These yeast dough pancakes satisfy hunger in a time of Fasting without appearing (as my aunt said) “üppig” (extravagant). Struwen are sweet, but not too sweet, topped…

German Easter Breakfast- The BEST German Breakfast of the Year

German weekend breakfasts have a reputation for being delightful, drawn-out meals with loads of delicious things on the table… Aufschnitt, Brötchen, soft-boiled eggs and fruit. But German EASTER Breakfast takes it up a notch. I’m not much of a morning person, but I was always happy to hop out of bed to enjoy this special meal with my family. Even…

Die Häschenschule A Day At Bunny School -A German Easter Classic

If you are of a certain age, you probably had a storybook about a Rabbit School on your bookshelves as a child. In 1924 Albert Sixtus published a book about a bunnies going school called Die Häschenschule. 95 years later, this classic book is still charming children all over Germany.  For Easter in 2019, the Esslinger Verlag (Esslinger Publishing company)…

German Kinder Eggs- Delicious Chocolate Eggs with a Toy Inside

Seldom has a candy caused so much joy, and so much frustration at the same time. German Kinder Eggs were such a HUGE part of my childhood. We loved getting those fabulous eggs made from smooth and sweet Kinder Chocolate… and added bonus! there was a capsule inside containing a cute little toy that we could put together! But that…

Hefezopf Recipe- An Easy and Delicious Braided German Sweet Bread

My mother loves sweet bread made with yeast dough, especially during Easter. This year (after watching far too many episodes of the British Baking Challenge), I decided to step outside my comfort zone with a Hefezopf.  This Hefezopf Recipe is an adaptation of Luisa Weiss’s “Rosinenzopf ” recipe from her fantastic cookbook Classic German Baking. Don’t be intimidated by the…

Playmobil for Easter- Fill the Easter Basket with Bunnies & Eggs that Last!

Playmobil 4450 Bunny Spring Workshop When filling Easter Baskets for kids, it’s nice to include something that they can enjoy playing with for a long time. Why not add a set from Playmobil for Easter? I’ve written before about my love for the high quality Playmobil toys that encourage children to use their imagination–>Playmobil Toys. Not only are they well made, and…

What is a Zuckerhase? Learn More about these Nostalgic Easter Treats!

Every Easter, someone asks me if I remember the Rote Zuckerhase (red Sugar Rabbit). Truth is, a Zuckerhase is new to me. I’m a child of chocolate bunnies. And I finally  saw them in Berlin when I visited Germany at Easter. Since so many people have fond memories of them, I decided to do some digging. Turns out, there’s a…

Haba For Easter- German Toys and Games for the Easter Basket!

HABA Animal Upon Animal – Classic Wooden Stacking Game Fun for the Whole Family (Made in Germany) While I never say no to a nice Chocolate Bunny, I love tucking things into the Easter Basket that last a little longer. A stuffed toy, book or game last a lot longer than colored eggs… and will keep the kids happy and…

Celebrating Palm Sunday in Germany with Palmbuschen

Easter week begins with Palm Sunday, the 6th Sunday of Lent, which is the Sunday before Easter. The name comes from the Palms that were laid at the feet of Jesus’s donkey as he and his followers made their way into Jerusalem.  On Palm Sunday in Germany, especially in Bavaria, this procession is recreated by clergy and others walking through the…

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