While I was growing up, our home was always filled with music: classical, folk, Schlager, opera, and instrumental, my mother singing along as she worked. There was always music. And during the Holidays, it was German Christmas Music.
Germans love music… and they LOVE to sing. We spent 30 minutes of every 3 hour German School class SINGING together!
And especially at Christmas time. Weihnachts Musik would fill our world. Traditional songs are handed down from generation to generation… “Leise Rieselt der Schnee“, “Ihr Kinderlein Kommet”, “Kling Glöckchen”, “Still, Still, Still” … and of course…. “Stille Nacht.” These songs set the tone for our holidays. We knew all the words, and we would all sing, everyone. We sang for the joy of singing (and it seemed no one cared what your voice sounded like as long as you sang along with enthusiasm).
Christmas Eve was the best. We would have a “quick” meal and then head to church. When we came home, the Christkind would have been there. Mom and Dad would light candles and the lights on the tree (and turn out the house lights). When it was time, we would stand in the living room together… in the glow from the tree lights… and sing. Such a beautiful memory; all of us together, the anticipation of presents, and our voices (such as they were) joined in song.
Watch and Listen to Beautiful German Christmas Music
How can you not listen to “Es Ist Ein Ros Entsprungen” without feeling the holiday spirit?
Kling Glöckchen
Ihr Kinderlein Kommet
Fröhliche Weihnact Überall
Natalie- Leise Rieselt Der Schnee
Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
O du Fröhliche, o du Selige (love this one… it shows all ages)
Alle Jahre Wieder
O Tannenbaum
Vienna Boys Choir- Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht
German Christmas Music Lyrics
These Songbooks Will Help You Learn or Remember the words
Singing the songs means knowing the words… These books have words and music. Does someone in your family play piano or guitar? (Remember, Stille Nacht/ Silent Night was originally written for the Guitar!) Perfect to accompany the singing. Some even come with a CD to help you along.
The German Christmas Songs book is available for DOWNLOAD, so you can get it immediately. Remember, you don’t need to have a Kindle, just the free Kindle App.
German Christmas Carols: Songbook (Volume 34)
Frohliche Weihnachten: Learning Songs & Traditions in German Book & Audio CD (Teach Me) (Teach Me Series) (German and English Edition)German Christmas Songs
German Christmas Music Lyrics Online
The German Way has set up a great page with links to the lyrics all of your favorite German Christmas Songs.
CLICK HERE to see the list–> German Christmas Music Lyrics
German Christmas Music CDs
Bring the Traditional German Christmas Music to your world. These compilations are available on CD or as streaming.
German Christmas- Deutsche Weihnacht
Deutsche Weihnachtslieder/German Christmas SongsGerman Christmas
Christmas Greetings from the Alps – Austrian & German Christmas Music
Weihnachtslieder – Christmas Songs
German Choral and Classical Christmas Music
This is exactly what I play when I’m having a quiet evening of wrapping or reading. Available as CD or Streaming
Christmas FavoritesChristmas Music
The Christmas Album
Schlager Christmas Albums
These are the voices of my childhood… the German Schlager Singers who were the soundtrack of my world. Of course, today it’s different, but for those of us from a certain Generation… it’s all so familiar, and a special Christmas Memory.
Deutsche Weihnacht Und Festliche LiederWeihnachten Bin Ich Zu
Die Schoensten Weihnachtslieder
Weihnachten Mit Heintje
Unsere Tratitionen sind schon schön, Martin’s Tag, Advent, Weihnachten, Heilige3 Könige ,, Pfingsten, Ostern Vermisse sie schon, hier ist es halt nicht so wie zu Hause!
Na ja, man muß halt das beste draußmachen.
Schönes website gfällt mir recht gut, schönes erinnerungen, gedanken mich dafür.
Sie koennen zu Hause immernoch Feiern! Das machen wir.
Growing up in a family with 5 siblings, our Christmas Eve’s were just like yours, Karenanne. We would sit around the dining room table and sing German Christmas carols for about an hour (and a few in English as well), then enter the living room, youngest to oldest, where the tree was already light and the lights reflected off the tinsel and gifts. Heavenly!