The History of Neuschwanstein Castle- Schloss Neuschwanstein

When considering the number of tourists and cameras, Schloss Neuschwanstein must be one of the most photographed castles in the world. King Ludwig II situated his castle on a rugged hill, high above the village of Hohenschwangeu, in the Bavarian state of Germany. With its white walls, tall towers, and turrets, it looks just as you would imagine the perfect Fairy Tale Castle would look. The History of Neuschwanstein Castle is as fascinating as the building itself. King Ludwig II planned this magnificent building as an homage to the Operatic works of Richard Wagner, but sadly, neither were able to see the castle completed. Today, the castle is one of Germany’s most visited tourist sites.

But before you go, learning a little history about Neuschwanstein Castle will make your visit just that much more special. (Don’t worry, there won’t be a quiz!!!)

 king ludwig II schloss neuschwanstein

History of Neuschwanstein Castle

There is no denying that Neuschwanstein Castle fits most people’s stereotypical views of how a castle should look, and this is no accident. When King Ludwig II of Bavaria commissioned the castle, he stated in a letter to his dear friend Richard Wagner that he wanted it to be “in the authentic style of the old German knights’ castles” and that he also wished it to be “holy and unapproachable.”

Wagner himself was also a large part of Ludwig II’s inspiration for Neuschwanstein. Wagner was a composer and theater director whose operas Ludwig II had fallen in love with. Neuschwanstein was intended to be a direct homage to Wagner and his works. In the same letter as mentioned above, Ludwig II wrote that the castle was to be “a worthy temple for the divine friend” (“divine friend” meaning Wagner). Many paintings and frescos inside the castle depict scenes from Wagner’s operas.

history of schloss neuschwanstein

Inner courtyard of Neuschwanstein

Neuschwanstein, which means “New Swan on a Rock,”  got its name from Ludwig II’s childhood home, Castle Hohenschwangau. It was built in a Romanesque Revival style, a 19th-century building style inspired by architecture from the 12th and 13th centuries. The 19th century saw many castles built and reconstructed in this style. The site was previously occupied by two medieval castles, and those twin castles were demolished. Ludwig oversaw the laying of the foundation stone of Neuschwanstein in 1869.

HistoricalFindings Photo: Throne Room,Neuschwanstein Castle,Upper Bavaria,Germany,c1895HistoricalFindings Photo: Throne Room,Neuschwanstein Castle,Upper Bavaria,Germany,c1895HistoricalFindings Photo: Throne Room,Neuschwanstein Castle,Upper Bavaria,Germany,c1895

Construction of Neuschwanstein

For the next 20 years, the construction site provided work for many people in the area. Ludwig II did not use any public money to build the castle, but rather his own fortune and borrowed funds. He intended to live in Neuschwanstein one day, but, unfortunately, once he did finally get a chance to move in, he died mysteriously of drowning in 1886. Wagner, who died in 1883, never stepped inside the castle constructed in homage to him. The walls of Neuschwanstein are decorated with frescoes depicting scenes from the legends used in Wagner’s operas, including Tannhäuser, Tristan und Isolde, Lohengrin, Parsifal, and the somewhat less than mystic Die Meistersinger.

Because of Ludwig II’s grand and expensive construction plans, deep loan debt, and disinterest in day-to-day matters of state, a power struggle broke out between the King and his ministers. He wanted them dismissed and replaced, but they responded by declaring him insane and planning to replace him with his uncle, Prince Lutipold.

Neuschwanstein Castle made of wood, wood art, window decorationNeuschwanstein Castle made of wood, wood art, window decorationNeuschwanstein Castle made of wood, wood art, window decoration

When Ludwig II mysteriously died of “drowning while on a walk around Lake Starnberg near Schloß Berg accompanied by his physician, Dr Gudden,  Neuschwanstein was still unfinished. However, it was opened up to the public shortly afterward. Although the King paid for his pet project out of his own pockets, he had run up high debts in the construction of Neuschwanstein, which profoundly affected the state of Bavaria. The State decided to open the doors for tours so that people could see where all their money went. The plan didn’t work as intended. Instead of being angry at the waste, people were enamored by the beauty. Ironically, these debts were balanced out by 1899 with revenues from paying visitors.

 The skyward-reaching walls and towers of Neuschwanstein have attracted and inspired millions of people throughout the years. One of Neuschwanstein’s most well-known inspirations is Sleeping Beauty’s Castle in Disneyland, Anaheim. From the day it opened to the public, Neuschwanstein has steadily remained one of Europe’s most popular tourist attractions. It sees 1.3 million visits annually and has had a total of 60 million since its opening.

If you plan to see this stunning castle for yourself, read my tips for a better experience- Visit Schloss Neuschwanstein.

And be forewarned, you may NOT take photos inside!


Germany Neuschwanstein Schloss Castle. Pop up paper modelGermany Neuschwanstein Schloss Castle. Pop up paper modelGermany Neuschwanstein Schloss Castle. Pop up paper modelNeuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria | Framed Travel PosterNeuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria | Framed Travel PosterNeuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria | Framed Travel Poster


Visiting Neuschwanstein

The only way to visit Castle Neuschwanstein is with a guided tour. Learn more about that HERE-> Visit Castle Neuschwanstein in Germany

the history of castle neuschwanstein


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