I grew up with Northern German parents, so I learned about Krampus when I was much older. In my world, Knecht Ruprecht was St Nicholas’s sidekick, and Krampus lived in Bavaria and Austria. But now, because of movies and popular culture, as well as annual Krampus Runs, the myth of Krampus is becoming synonymous with German Christmas. But who is Krampus? Where did he come from? And What is the role of Krampus in German Folklore?
Krampus in German Folklore
What is the role of Krampus in German Folklore? Historians believe the Krampus myth comes from German Paganism, the time before the Germanic people converted to Christianity in the Middle Ages. Until then, Germans were Polytheistic, meaning they worshiped many gods, including many of the Norse Gods, like Woden (Odin in Norway) and Krampus, thought to be the son of the Norse god, Hel.
Krampus’s name comes from the German word “Kralle,” meaning claw, or the Bavarian word “Krampn,” meaning shriveled or dried out. He is described as half goat and half demon, with dark fur, large horns, sharp teeth, and claws for hands. Pagan and Christian Symbolism surround this beast. Krampus carries chains to suggest he is bound to the Devil and a bundle of Birch switches, which may have a connection to Pagan scourging rites, to punish children. In some stories, he carries a sack and is said to carry “bad children” away. The bag is most likely left over from legends of invaders stealing children away during the Dark Ages.
Altogether, he is a massively frightening being.
Is Krampus the DEVIL? Who is Krampus?
In the 12th Century, the Catholic Church attempted to do away with the Krampus Myth because he resembled the Devil. Sadly for them, the best they could do was suppress the celebrations a little bit. The Krampus Legend persisted; it seems that Krampus, in German Folklore, is too powerful a legend to do away with. Again, in the 1930s, the conservative Austrian government tried to stamp out Krampus… but it didn’t take.
Krampus as St Nicholas’s Companion
Think of Krampus as a character who balances the sweetness and light of St Nicholas. (Sort of an extension of the Dualism we see in Jesus and the Devil… ). They aren’t considered equal, but one tempers the other. Make sense?
(It seems quite normal to me, as a kid who grew up in a German household, to think that with every wonderful thing, there is the possibility of something really bad happening because of wrong behavior).
St Nicholas visits homes during the night on December 5 and leaves treats and small gifts for children who leave their shoes out for him. The gift-giving tradition goes back to the late Middle Ages when nuns would honor St Nicholas by leaving baskets of food and clothing for the needy. Other sources say that Sailors visiting Church Festivals on December 6 to celebrate the feast day of St. Nicholas, their patron saint, would pick up small gifts from Nicholas fair vendors to bring home as gifts, including small toys and treats for children.
St Nicholas Day
The celebration of the Feast Day of St Nicholas dates back to the 11th Century in Germany. This winter celebration is unique because it’s the only festival dedicated to Children. It’s a bright spot in a long, cold German winter.
Animal-masked Devils have been a part of German folktales since before the 16th Century, wreaking havoc and causing mischief. By the 17th Century, the St Nicholas legend slowly assimilated the Krampus story until they were a pair.
Although the tradition of St Nicholas traveling with a companion became standard, different parts of Germany took different views. St Nicholas traveled with Knecht Ruprecht, making Hausbesuch (visiting homes) for good children and bringing treats to northern Germany. But in the South, sometimes Krampus would go along and deliver the switch to naughty children… and in some cases, he even took them away in his basket! In the Bavarian/Austrian Alpine region, Krampus traveled alone while visiting children. His presence was much better known in the South.
(Click to read more about St Nicholas’s other Companions here)
Krampus Parades
In the Alpine region, December 5 is known as Krampus Night, when Krampus is free to roam.
Krampus Parades, also known as Krampuslauf, stem from the tradition of a Perchtenlauf. Perchten (like Frau Perchta) were Wintertime spirits or ghosts. For hundreds of years, young men dressed in fur suits and wooden masks (called Larven) chased away evil spirits with noise from giant cowbells or whips. They walked with a bounce or swagger to make as much noise with their bells as possible.
Today, old traditions are making a comeback, and many Alpine communities are hosting special parades or runs in early December.
Krampus in Today’s World
Interestingly enough, Krampus is also making his presence known in popular culture. Some think that this upsurge is a response to the wild commercialization of Christmas, a way of adding a darker reality to the Candy-like Sweetness that Christmas usually represents.
You might see Krampus everywhere! On T-shirts, in movies, and even as Christmas Ornaments and Advent Calendars! There are chocolates, figurines, and horns you can wear. Krampus Runs- people racing in Krampus Costumes are a typical Dec. 5/6 event! And Krampus Parties are becoming a popular “anti-Christmas” celebration.
Krampus Cards
Gruß vom Krampus (Greetings from the Krampus)
Krampus Cards, greeting cards and postcards have been exchanged in Europe since the 1800s, usually the cards have funny rhymes or poems in them. Originally, they had more sinister pictures of Krampus (and he was often portrayed with a busty lady) but today things are toning down… and Krampus is becoming a “cute” figure. Much in the way that some people hate Valentine’s day and Cupids… Krampus is becoming the Anti-Santa.
You can even get Krampus letters to send to your favorite “disobedient child”….
Buy Krampus Cards Here
Don’t we all have a friend who needs that Krampus Card?
Wee Blue Coo Greeting Krampus Alpine Anti Santa Funny Sealed Greeting Card Plus Envelope Blank InsideCafePress Krampus Greeting Cards Greeting Card, Note Card, Birthday Card, Blank Inside Matte
Krampus Badvent
Count down to Christmas with a Krampus Badvent Calendar… sometimes it’s easier to be bad
BADvent Calendar: A Krampus and Creepy Christmas Creatures Advent Countdown
Krampus Gifts
Tired of sugar and spice? Tired of thoughtful gifts that take ages to pick out for that special someone? Why not go with a Krampus gift instead??
If anything, it looks like poor Krampus may suffer from over-commercialization himself… (but I do wonder what a Krampus soap smells like?) Find lots of unusual and interesting Krampus Gift Ideas HERE—> Krampus Gifts
Rare Dirndl Krampus Shop
Looking for some great wearable Krampus Gear? For you or someone you love… (I adore my Krampus Infinity Scarf!) Check out the Rare Dirndl Krampus Collection! Click HERE —> Rare Dirndl Krampus Collection
But Hurry! The shop is only open until Dec. 15th!
Krampus ScarfRare Dirndl‘Liebe Grüße vom Krampus’ Short-Sleeve Unisex T-Shirt | GreyRare Dirndl
Read about St Nicholas’s other companions here—>Companions St Nicholas Travels With

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