People sometimes ask, “What makes Germany special?” or “What do I love so much about Germany?” The obvious answer is family. But it’s more than that. It’s those little things that people in Germany take for granted that we just don’t have here in the US. Some of what I miss is intangible and difficult to describe. Smells are important…like the cool, damp smell of my Oma’s Cellar on a warm summer day or the furniture polish my Aunts all use. The COLORS, like how GREEN Germany is (for a California kid, seeing that much green was always a delight), red tile roofs, and the flower boxes loaded with colorful geraniums. Is it the pace of life? I can still feel the joy of sitting in the garden with family and friends after a long Sunday walk. Or maybe it’s how bread and cake are essentials and not verboten!
I tried to put together a list of things I love about Germany. The list is far from complete! I keep remembering other things. The list is in no particular order; I just wrote it down the way it dribbled out of my memory banks.
What Makes Germany Special to Me
Okay, this is the first, obvious, and easy answer. I grew up in the US with my parents and my sister, and the whole rest of the family was a million miles away. Time with them was so precious, and I still think about them every day. Luckily, the world has shrunk, so phone calls and visits are not so difficult. Is there anything better than showing up on my Aunt’s doorstep and having her say, “You are just in time for coffee!“
Pommes Gabel
Yes, French Fry forks. These little wonders come with your order of Pommes (mit oder ohne?) and keep your hands grease-free while indulging in a favorite snack. What a neat invention. Colorful miniature forks! Some look like forks that have been shrunk to doll size (as a child, I would put them in with my doll things). Others seem more like those wooden ice cream spoons we got as kids, only they have a ‘v’ removed to spear the fries. What I don’t care for (and I know this is highly controversial) is mayo with my Pommes.
No Thanks! Give me salt… maybe ketchup or curry ketchup, but otherwise, I’ll take my pommes ohne, thanks. (And I will keep the forks for my dollhouse)
Green Belts
Maybe it’s because I grew up in the suburban sprawl outside of Los Angeles, where one city blends in with the next (an endless stream of mini-malls anchored by Target, Office Max, and Olive Garden) that it really makes sense to me that German towns are divided not just by an imaginary line on a map, but by a stretch of green. Whether it’s a small wooded area or a stretch of grass. It’s obvious that one town ends here–> <– the other starts here—><–. Plus, they have those yellow signs with the name of the town you are leaving crossed out to reinforce it.
Sidewalks. Yes, yes, I know we have sidewalks in the US, but I’m talking about Sidewalks created from interlocking bricks or stones. Ours are just boring, flat poured concrete. (Often with a footprint or bike tire print in a corner where someone wanted to “just test to see if it’s solid yet” …it isn’t). Brick sidewalks and walkways look prettier. They make you want to walk on them (Could be why nobody walks in LA?). The different patterns and colors of stone or brick are beautiful, and cobbles give the area a feeling of timelessness. I could be walking on the same stones people have walked over for hundreds of years. I guess what I really love is that something so practical, useful, and mundane is made special.
Ice Cream Parlors. Again, yes, we have Ice Cream in America, BUT Eis in Germany is a true EVENT. A beautiful glass goblet filled with flavorful balls of Italian Ice Cream, then topped with fresh sauces made from fruit or chocolate, unsweetened whipped cream, and a waffle cookie. With seats inside and out, Eisdiele are perfect for whiling away a sunny afternoon with friends. And for kids? Bowls of Spaghetti Eis! (That looks like spaghetti, but is actually Vanilla with fresh strawberry sauce and white chocolate sprinkles). Or Biene Maja! ( A bowl of ice cream shaped like a bee with waffle cookie wings.)
And if all you want is a simple cone, you can get a Kugel (or two) zum mitnehmen (to go)… And the flavors! Malaga (rum raisin), Raspberry (that actually TASTES like raspberries!), and the richest chocolate you can imagine.
Speaking of whiling away an afternoon… how about a Konditorei… go in, order a slice of Torte and a Kännchen of Kaffee.… and watch the world walk by. Perhaps I miss having a place to sit and enjoy a coffee and a treat with a friend, and not be surrounded by people on a phone or computer.
German Windows
I have actually written a lengthy blog post about how much I long for German windows, and how easy they are to keep clean, but it’s much more than just the window; it’s the whole setup. Open, close, kippe…. that’s just the start! Imagine having a window that you can keep clean without risking your neck on a ladder? Plus, the windows all seem to have a nice wide Fensterbank made from marble, which is perfect for placing your potted plants and ornaments without causing marring to the paint.
Fensterrolladen (German Windows 1B)
These Rolladen aren’t the delicious beef roll-ups that Oma makes for Sunday meals (those are Rouladen)… no, these are wood or metal shades that roll up and down over the window. I always knew when Oma was ready to end the day because I’d hear the sound of the Rollos coming down. She’d pull the strap next to the window, then the slats would clatter down into place, tight at the bottom and a little loose at the top for air. Rolladen kept the house safe (Oma had a crazy fear of Gypsies) and made the rooms DARK enough to sleep. So dark, in fact, that I could probably sleep the whole next day away if it weren’t for Oma’s 6 AM vacuuming…
Geraniums in Window Boxes
In the summertime, German windows are a riot of color from all of the Geraniums in the Window boxes. Green leaves, red or pink flowers. All of the houses seem to have someone with a green thumb who can make those geraniums grow like crazy! Even the windows up high… The look is stunning!
Tempo Tücher
Is there anything more annoying than wanting to give your nose a good blow… and all that you have are flimsy little tissues? Tempos are designed to hold up to the strongest, loudest blows! (In fact, they are so strong, you could scrub the floor with them!) But despite their strength, they are also soft enough for the littlest baby noses. Added bonus… they come in these little packets that fit perfectly in your purse or pocket. OR you can get an excellent visor attachment for your car and always have them on hand.
Even my parents, who STILL use REAL Handkerchiefs (washed, ironed, and folded away weekly), keep them around.
Feather Beds
I’ve never slept better in my life than I did under the thick Feather Beds in my Oma’s house. Warm and cozy… like being in a nest. And those GIANT square pillows? (why aren’t those universal???) NRW could still be cold in the summertime, so Oma would leave them on for this California girl. And those times we were there in Fall or Winter? They were heaven!
Sales Tax & Tips
When you buy something for 10 Euros in Germany, all you pay is 10 Euros. No trying to figure out the tax rate for that particular county. And tips? The cost of the meal will pay for the waiter’s salary, so you don’t have to set aside another 15% or 20% over the cost of dinner. A small tip of change is appreciated. So do leave something.
Waiters as Cashiers
OK, another goofy thing… I love that waiters will add up the bill in front of you, and them make change out of the wallet they carry around. They used to have to do it all with pen and paper, then in their head, but now they all have little portable devices (which can charge your credit card in front of you… no sending off your credit to the mysterious back room). Thankfully, the wallets are still there.
Bicycles for All
Getting from point A to point B on a bicycle is no big deal in Germany. Mothers take kids to school, folks do their shopping or visit bars; people manage in all weather. You see all ages riding bikes, from the littlest kids on Trettbikes (Balance Bikes) to Omas on their Step through Bikes with a shopping basket strapped on the back (and many are electric now!). Gasoline is expensive, parking can be a pain, and fresh air is good for you. Bike paths, bike lights, and bike lockup areas make it easy to avoid being hit or having your bike stolen. I also see loads of them at Festivals. The drinking and driving laws are stringent in Germany, so biking is safer if you plan to have a few beers (although biking drunk can still get you into trouble). Besides, if everyone in town is there, where the heck do you plan to park?
At home, bikes are more of a “club” thing. You seldom see adults on bicycles unless they are wearing skin-tight pants, a colorful nylon shirt, a helmet, and funky shoes. Seriously, if I need some milk from the store, I don’t want to wear a costume, and I don’t want to pull out my car! While the bicycle culture is improving here, there is still a very long way to go.
Pfand Coins and REAL Glass
This is the one that gets me the most eye-rolls from friends who claim there is nothing wrong with drinking from a paper cup with a plastic lid. WRONG. It feels like I’m using a child’s sippy cup to drink my coffee. BLEH. You can’t blow on it or smell it, and it tastes funny (like paper, plastic, and a bit like the wooden stir stick). Give me a real cup and saucer any time!
And while you are at it, pass me the wine in a glass, the beer in a glass or Krug, and serve me my food on a plate with real silverware. I love that food and drink are served on real plates and cups, even at Festivals with hundreds of people. No flimsy paper plates and fragile plastic forks. (For those of you who think I’m contradicting myself….. I do love little Pommes Forks, after all…Keep in mind that Pommes Forks are just used for spearing and not for proper eating. ) (and, btw, this is my list…make your own) I am happy to hand over a Euro Pfand to get a real glass, and when I turn it back in, TA DA!… the coin comes back.
(Along those lines… grocery carts in Germany have coin slots. Want to prevent people from wandering all over town with your grocery cart? Give them their money back when they put the cart away. You Aldi shoppers know what I’m talking about. )
Kid’s Playgrounds
Now you think I’m really nuts; there are loads of playgrounds in the US. Yes, but they are all so darn SAFE that they forget the fun. Kids don’t need to be wrapped in cotton. My daughter LOVED the playground jumpers and managed to not hurt herself, even though the jumpers don’t have WALLS. You just jump. If you fall off, you go “bump” and get back on. High climbing structures, digging tools, swings that go high and wild… it’s a marvelous place to be a child. Kids learn their limits when they can stretch out without help.
I contrast that with a local park in my community. A child got their helmet stuck on the climbing structure (mom made him wear a helmet in case he fell)… well…. mom sued the city, the city pulled out the structure… and now the playground is empty.
Castles are pretty darn cool, and in Germany, they are EVERYWHERE. The famous ones get descended upon by busloads of tourists and find themselves on travel posters or souvenir plates. My favorites are the small castles. The everyday marvels that are just THERE, beautiful old fortified buildings that look like something out of Story Books. Some have grounds open for walking, others even have cafes… you can’t just visit and NOT have a piece of Apfelkuchen! They are as much a part of the German Landscape as the green hills and trees.
Maybe I like smaller Wasserbergen because my father spent part of his childhood living at one (his father was the groundskeeper for Schloss Buldern after the War), and when we were kids, we’d ride bikes all over the grounds.
There are no Castles in California. The closest we have to Royalty are tours of the Stars Homes (you can get a map for $12.00 on almost any corner in Hollywood, guaranteed to show you the gates of houses that may or may not belong to Brad Pitt or William Shatner.)
German Bread and Fresh Brötchen
Granted, thanks to artisan bakers and foreign travel, Americans are now offered more and better breads than ever. However, the stores are still overwhelmingly filled with processed factory produced bread. Finding a good Broetchen (never mind one with pumpkin seeds...) is like finding a unicorn. Is it the air? The water? The flour? Or is it just that the German culture demands good bread… while here, bread is just something to keep your sandwich together? Who knows…
German bread is available online, and while ordering bread is a bit more complex than popping into your neighborhood baker, it’s worth the effort.
German Politeness
Tangible, intangible? All I know is that if I walk down the street in my Oma’s town, everyone I pass says “Tag!” (short for Guten Tag). Here, people seem flustered if I say “good morning” as I pass them on my walk. Sharing tables in a restaurant or Bier Garten. Standing up for elderly people to give them a seat. Knowing who is next in line without forming an actual line. (Although to be fair, that politeness is balanced with German directness… and that can sometimes be difficult to take)
Whenever I greet someone, we shake hands, look each other in the eye and say “hello.” When you visit, you bring flowers or a bottle. And when you leave…you shake hands (or hug) and say goodbye.
And for me, the goodbyes are the hardest part.
The List Goes On…
The smell of Bakeries. Festivals like a Wine Fest, Sport Woche, or Schützenfest. The Vine Stake Fences surrounding every garden. The million different Gummi Candies and Chocolates. Magazine stores filled with magazines about EVERYTHING! How about the way the evening news covers what is going on in the rest of the world? And the fact that TV shows aren’t constantly interrupted by commercials.
I could go on…
But this doesn’t mean I love America any less. Being German-American is like being a parent; you love both countries for different reasons, but each as much as the other.
So, how does your list compare to mine? What do you miss? What things tug at your heart?
love it. everything you listed. i miss the imbiss, the Gasthauses, sunday walks, tiergartens, Volksfeste, public transportation and ao much more.
Imbiss… walks… public transport… all of it
it’s Gasthaüser (pl. form of Gasthaus) i meant well, sorry.
I totally agree on the windows. I became enamored with these windows while making several holiday trips with my wife (her mom was born and raised in Germany – she still has family and many friends living there!) We bought a log home in Montana and moved from Seattle 18 years ago. It took some time and effort, but I found a rep. who offered the GERMAN TIlt/Turn windows. Took some time to get correct measurements (metric) and determine the type/color finish, etc. We replaced all 18 windows about 8 years ago, now, and thoroughly enjoy them every day. Definitely a high list item for us. THanks for sharing your list.
wow… I would love to have them here!
I totally agree with you on all the things that you love about Germany. One thing that I really miss is the corner bakery. My husband would always get us our Brötchen for breakfast.
Since you live in the area, there is a company in Martinez called Ask Windows Design Center and they can get the German windows for you. (Or at least that was the case several years ago when I talked to them.)
Thank you for letting me know about the windows!
check out ‘News of mine 1,2 and 3’
Some Germany chapters in there
thank you for all the nice comments. I was born and raised in Germany. Came to the USA in 1961.
The one thing I have noticed about the difference between those 2 countries….. Cleaning!! Not one comment about that. From the clean streets, clean windows, clean bathrooms, etc.etc.
Would really love to see some explanations on that. Thank you
Oh yes! CLEANING.. it’s in the culture… windows are designed to be cleaned, it’s traditional and expected to clean the steps and street in front of your home or place of business. People work hard to have what they do, and they keep it nice.
I met a German family years ago when they moved to U.S.A. & bought a house 3 houses down from me. Every morning, bright & early, my new friend could be seen actually mopping not only her walkway to her door; but also the public sidewalk the entire with of the front of their house! We all admired her, but all we ever did ourselves was to occasionally use our garden hose to spray off the sidewalk in front of our houses ! LOL!
Every Saturday… the steps and the walkway are cleaned.
Nobody mops the walkway or sidewalk anymore. You may wash them off with a hose, that’s all! I think what you are talking about may have happened 50 years ago!
Used to love seeing people, usually women, scrubbing the cobblestone streets in front of their homes in the small villages. I was near Kaiserslautern ’67-70, ’75-79, and again ’80-83, and loved every minute of that time!
I’m all for letting the men scrub those cobblestones… but I do like the cleanliness
Really enjoyed your story.I left Germany with my family when I was 4years old and returned after almost 60 years to live here again. All the items you mentioned as being favorites on your list happen to be some of mine also.Thanks for sharing.
Those are all the things I miss too! Brot und Broetchen, mmmmmm! Aufschnitt, Kaese, Eiscreme in fancy glasses with liquer in it; Caffee’s mit coffee and Torten, Wanderungen, Schnitzelplatz, Bratwurst mit Senf, so many things!
lots of food things!
I do miss everything about Germany and I mean everything! Been in the US over 50 years. If I knew then what I know now, I would stay in my home land! Of course I’m saying that now. My home was the former DDR! That part I was happy to leave ! What I can say is, there was no crime because you would go to a place with no return! I’m an American citizen and I do love my adopted country! Germany will always be #1!!!
My kids also love German playgrounds- so fun! I love Germany’s options for maternity leaves- way longer, more options and financial support as well as job security. Also love the care for pregnant mothers- pre and postnatally. I also prefer kids starting school at age 6-7 and not having all day school in the younger grades. Your list was fun to read- I’ve spend more of my life in the US but German born and raised and some preferences never change 🙂
I love the way Parents and kids are treated in Germany! Less helicoptering, more exploring and freedom. And mom’s are taken care of.
come to Wisconsin you can find many of the things you mentioned here. Sorry, family, Pommes Gabeln & Fenster Rouladen excluded.
Honestly… so many Wisconsinites are telling me to move there. I will be visiting this summer!
I like the fact that if you are looking for something at a store and you can’t find it where you are, usually if you ask someone if they have it at that store and they know they don’t have it there they will tell you where you can find it and give you directions and sometimes give you the name of the person there you should talk too.
I also find that if you go into a bakery and order Bretzel oder Semmel and some are just about to come out of the oven they will ask if you want to wait for ‘fresh out of the oven’ before they sell you the stuff on display.
We lived in Germany for 5 years. We loved Rauch Bier, Deutsche Bundesbahn, Wurst mit Gemuse, kartoffel salat und bier. The wines of Franconia, Christmas markets like Nurnberg and Wurzburg. The Residenze in Wurzburg, the craftsmanship of Tilman Reiemenschneider. Die Romantische Strasse, Will Bier, Wurzburger Hofbrau, the palace in Vietschochheim. Just to name a few!
I also like the respect people use in the language. It’s always frau or herr and not just “du” and your first name. People take better care of their things, cars are not as rusty and banged up, clothes is nicer. And what I really like are the “manners”. Even in Gasthäuser are fresh flowers on the table and a tablecloth! I could go on also. Yes, I miss the windows and Rolläden too, especially in the summer (I live in Alaska now).
All the above! And I miss the Stadtbummel. Especially in Heidelberg. Train rides through sun-dappled woods. Which is, in a way, what you mentioned, the woody or grassy areas between towns. I live in Campbell, California now and when I take a train to San Francisco, there is no green in between, only some dried out edges of industrial areas. I miss cultural outings that are affordable. Like an afternoon trumpet concert in a church. Or a Sunday afternoon play in a small theatre. Miss outdoor coffee shops. Kaffee in Kännchen.. Many food items.
the correct spelling is “Gasthäuser”
And with real glasses bottles and cups, you don’t see the litter that we see everywhere in the US. Visited Germany in 2009, the best vacation ever. So clean . Loved it.
I loved your article. I couldn’t have written it better myself. Vielen dank!!!
thank you
I loooved reading your “what I miss about Germany” part. i live in the South Bay area in CA since 2011 and was back in Germany for 6 months and now back forever – just got married to an American and I can’t describe how much I miss HoMe now that I will be living here forever!!!!! Thank you for your website, it helps me a lot and one thing I miss so much (even though I brought one over) are Stoevchen for The Teekanne 🙂
Keep writing your wonderful blog! Thank you!
Aren’t those the best! Who wants cold tea on the table?
Thank you!
Amen to all of the above! I live in a very small town in southern New Jersey, and would you believe that when we remodeled our house 13 years ago I learned that we have a local company which imports the tilt and turn windows! I always wished I could find them here in the US…and found them right in my own back yard, so to speak.
lucky you!
Just love this summary, I am a German citizen living in Texas, so wished I had never left,
All that you said is making me home sick
Ohhh… don’t be sad! you can always visit!
Your list pretty well covers my list. My parents actually installed fenster roladen on their home several years ago in Kansas.
The Bernkastel wine festival always brings back very fond memories. Great wine and schwenkbraten!!
Your list is so accurate, things that are hard to explain to people that haven’t experienced them, I really enjoyed reading them. I was two when we moved from Germany, but went back for a year with my oma and opa when I was 16 (that was in 2005). I know this isn’t traditional German food, but I fell in love with döner while I was there. Any time I go back and visit I get a few. Not sure if somebody else mentioned them already in the comments. Of course brötchen made the list but while I was in school there if you wanted a nice “snack” the käsebrötchen (regular brötchen with cheese melted on top) was always at the top of my list. Eierkuchen, chocolate, kaffee und kuchen, the canals and the long transport boats on the canals… I could go on. So many things that I love about Germany.
Those long boats on the canal… we used to wave at them when they passed us on the Dortmund Ems canal