What to Bring Back from Germany or How I Overfill My Suitcase Every Time

There is a rule in my family; when you travel to Germany, you must take along a list of what to bring back from Germany for yourself, and for everyone else. Each of us has special items that we can’t live without. My mother loves her instant Schweizer Krautertee (so we always pack along 3 extra cans), and my daughter loves getting the latest flavors of Ritter Sport. When I shop for myself, the list is always fairly long. (I am LITERALLY a kid in a candy store!). There was a time I tried to bring back 4 suitcases! And there was the time the kids wanted to bring back a Berg Pedal Car..it was just too big for the suitcase.

Lately, I’m finding that many of the products that I once considered rare gems only to be found in Germany, are everywhere. For better or worse, through the miracle of e-commerce, the products that I used to carefully shop for are available online. After years of honing my packing skills (can you put 15 square feet of products into a 3 foot bag? I can), it turns out that much of what I want is just a few keystrokes away….

But still… there is something wonderful about filling your bags with German Treats… and then unpacking them all when you get home. Bliss….

And more importantly, the COST of your favorite German items IN GERMANY is much cheaper than ordering them here in the US.

Go ahead, pack an extra bag along (just slide an empty bag into your regular suitcase), and go shopping!

Here are some of the things I still bring home from Germany.

what to bring back from Germany

What to Bring Back From Germany

There are so many things to bring home from Germany… food, souvenirs, things for your home, gifts for friends… memories!!

From the German Grocery Store-

Let’s start with the MOST IMPORTANT Things….

German Chocolate

This is where I get a little nutty, a trip to the grocery store candy aisle fills my suitcase: Ritter Sport, Milka, Kinder Schokolade, Toffifee, After Eights, Merci, Choco-crossis, Duplo, Riesen….. Look at the prices!

what to bring back from germany


Of course, these days, you can get a lot of them here. The first time I found Merci Chocolates at the drug store I bought their whole stock and gave them away as Christmas presents. German Chocolates are getting easier to find here in the US. You may have to look hard for your favorites though…and just because they are “German” Chocolates, doesn’t mean they are actually FROM GERMANY … so be warned! So, your best bet… buy them there!

German Seasonings

Maggi, Fondor, Hähnchen Würzsalz (Poultry Seasoning) are standard in my kitchen, so I always make sure to stock up. And lately I’ve been bringing home Pommessalz (French Fry salt) and Tomatensalz (tomato salt). Trust me, once you’ve used them, you will consider them essential too.

Fondor .This seasoning salt in the bright yellow canister from Maggi goes on all my steamed veggies. It has a great salty, buttery flavor (hmmm… I wonder how it would taste on Popcorn?).

Maggi Wurzmischung-Nr-1-gebratenes-Fleisch-fur Braune SosseMaggi has 5 seasoning mixes numbered 1-5, very efficient. Number 1 is for brown sauces and roasted meats. Yes, you can get gravy mix in the US, and there are bouillon cubes, but neither of these adds the exactly right flavor that I get from the brown sauce mix from Maggie. Just a shake or two and my gravies taste like Oma’s. I buy packets, and transfer the contents into a bottle… it’s looking a little sad (and empty) these days… time to go back!!

Brathänchen Würzsalz- My Oma used this special seasoning to make Brathähnchen (roast chicken), my mom uses this to make her Brathähnchen (roast chicken), and have never found a recipe or spice mix here in the US that I like as much. Every time I go I buy a huge container. One time I made the mistake of packing a large plastic bag of it in my suitcase, the bag tore, and everything in my luggage smelled like paprika! I managed to save as much as possible… and now I just get the plastic jars.

Baking Supplies

I no longer bring home Vanille Zucker (Vanilla Sugar) because I make my own… but I do like to bring home Oblaten and Lebkuchengewürz (Gingerbread Spices) for Christmas baking.

German Gummi Bears

Fill your suitcase with German Gummi Bears, because the Gummi Bears in the US are impostors. German Haribo Gummis do not contain corn syrup (when in doubt about the origin of your gummis, flip the package and look at that ingredient list).
what to bring back from germany

Plus, if you are really lucky, you can find one of these Gummi Bear SHOPS! They are filled with GUMMI TREASURE! Giant Gummi Bears, Gummis of all flavors, even Gummi Bear CAKE!


German Kitchen Tools and Gadgets

Tablecloths and fancy napkins for Kaffeeklatch… but also knives and serving utensils.


Christmas table cloths embroidered with stars or candles, Easter table cloths with embroidered flowers, Summer table cloths printed with flowers.  Outdoor cloths are perfect for dressing up a Patio or Beer Garden table, and it’s nicer for laying out your food and drinks. (I remember the first time I brought a cloth to an American Brewery with a picnic, I got LOADS of compliments).  I love them all! (Especially the ones I inherited from my mother and Oma’s). Tablecloths just add that special something.  Sure, washing and ironing is a pain…but they look great, especially if you are hosting a Kaffee Klatsch.

what to bring back from Germany

Colored smaller tablecloths, toppers, are a nice contrast to a white tablecloth, and runners look nice on a table, even when you just put it over the wood (I like to use them because I don’t worry as much about having to remove them all the time.

Tomato Knives and Paring knives

Now, German knives in general are far superior to any other kitchen knives (don’t argue… I won’t listen). For those of us who eat a lot of tomatoes with our Abendbrot a good Tomaten Messer is essential. In Germany they are fairly inexpensive, so I buy several. Usually you would find them in a jar by the cash register (an impulse item?) in a Hauswaren Geschaeft.

what to bring back from Germany
The same with a good paring knife; Oma taught me to peel potatoes and apples with a knife, and what else would you use to cut small things? These high quality knives always sell for a good price in Germany. (My mother STILL uses the paring knife she got as a wedding gift almost 60 years ago!)



Soft Boiled Egg Cups and Spoons

There has been a lot of talk online lately (A LOT of talk, it’s kind of nuts!) about egg cups. Why? Germans eat their morning soft-boiled eggs from Egg Cups with egg spoons. I’ve always eaten my morning eggs this way. However, Eierloffel (egg spoons) for soft boiled eggs are forever vanishing from my kitchen. Where do they get to, I wonder? So, I have to replace them. And while I’m in the shop, there really are some CUTE styles of egg cups, especially for kids, so I grab those too…


And while I’m in the Kitchen Store (I can spend ALL AFTERNOON in the WMF store)… I might might find some other fun things like those flat Ice Cream Spoons that you get at the Eisdiele with your Spaghetti Eis.

A Quick Stop at Aldi

Aldi Germany carries snacks, seasonings, and sweets… but they also have that aisle with wonderful surprise items that you never knew you NEEDED.


For The Holidays

I’ve always loved German Holiday decorations, and I can’t imagine celebrating Christmas or Easter without wooden decorations, glass ornaments, Arches, Smokers, bunnies, window hangings or tablecloths. And even though my cabinets and attic are bursting… I always manage to find a new perfect something to bring home. (Hey, I have three kids! That means it will all be divided by 3 eventually…)

Wooden Christmas Decorations

Is there anything more beautiful than a lighted wooden Christmas Pyramid spinning on your holiday table? And the look in your child’s eyes as they watch in wonder? Most Christmas Ornaments and decorations are sold from November through January, or at Christmas Markets. AND if you make it to Seiffen or Black Forest where you can find shops full authentic wooden Christmas decorations that is certain to become a family heirloom. Pyramids, Arches, Smokers… and even a hand carved Nativity Scene (my mother still has hers from her childhood!). They cost a bit more than your average souvenir, but they will bring pleasure for generations!

what to bring back from Germany

Keep your eyes open for a Käthe Wohlfahrt Store… they have them in many of the larger cities (the one in Berlin was several stories tall!) You will find Christmas stuff… and other seasonal goodies!

what to bring back from germany


Eierlikör (Egg Liqueur in Germany)

I always felt so sophisticated because my Oma would let me have alcohol at age 12. No, she wasn’t pouring me Schnapps! For Nachtisch (dessert) Eierlikor  would sometimes find its way to the table.  Eierlikor is an Egg Liqueur (like a thick egg nog) that tastes delightful over ice cream or pudding. I’m sure that we didn’t get enough to have an effect, except maybe to quiet us down so she could have her nap in peace. Bringing the bottle home was tricky… as a 15 year old I would have to bury it in my suitcase, and hope it didn’t break! In the US you can find it under the name Advocaat at Bevmo (although, you may have to ask a special order). Sadly though, if you want the original Eierlikor, you will have to shop in Germany. (If you are just using it for Baking, I have a quick recipe here-> Eierlikör)

This German Girl brings home a LOT of Tea

Yes, you can now get German tea in the US, but the prices! It’s cheaper to fly over and do some shopping.

Hagebutte-We had tea with dinner every night growing up, and a caffeinated Lipton was not always welcome. Hagebutte or Rose hip tea has a refreshing tart flavor; my Uncle won’t drink anything else. I find that it is delicious iced or hot. You can get Rose Hip Tea here, but I prefer the flavor of the German brands. The flavor is stronger… more tart.

Ostfriesen Tee- Lipton just doesn’t have the power of a good strong Ostfriesen Tee. Designed to keep hearty Fishermen warm and alert, this is the stuff that puts hair on your chest . It’s a wonderful substitute for coffee…. and even better when you add Kluntje (rock sugar). To really appreciate Ostfriesen tee, and the lovely ceremony, bring back loose tea from Germany.



German Cleaning Products

… Because…It has to be CLEAN

Gallseiffe- This miracle laundry product takes the stains out of clothes like nothing I’ve found here in the US. It’s a liquid that comes in a bottle with a brush on the top to really rub it in. Gallseiffe translates to gall soap… and I can only assume that the miracle fat and protein stain fighting abilities come from a gall bladder. I prefer the bottle with the scrubber brush. Unfortunately, it costs the earth on Amazon! So, buy it in Germany.


From the Apotheke or Drogerie

Baldrian Tabletten /Dagrees I’ve always had trouble sleeping; it’s as if shutting off the light flips the on switch in my brain. Baldrian/Valarian is a nice herbal way to slow things down a bit and helps me get the rest I need. These herbal tablets are sold in Apothekes and Drogeries. I’m finding them now on Amazon, but they are a bit pricey. Still a chemical free, good night’s sleep is worth it, so swing by the Apoteke for a few boxes…

German Herbal Teas or Medicinal TeasInstant Blasen and Knieren Tee (Bladder and Kidney tea), Husten tee (coughing tee), Nervenruh ( nerve rest) are all vital components in my first aid arsenal… And I’d much rather reach for these healthy teas than more pills. The instant teas are quick to fix (just add to hot water and stir), and they taste delicious.

Hand and Wundschutz Crème  Like most German mothers, my mama was and still is ALWAYS reminding me to use lotions and creams. Hands dry out so quickly, because of heat, cold, wet, whatever, so I keep a tin of Nivea in the Bathroom, in the kitchen, and in my purse; and there is something about the smell that just brings back happy memories. For me the original German brand is far superior to what is found here in the US or in Mexico.
And for little ones? there is no better butt cream than Penaten Wundschutz Crème. I used it all the time when the kids were babies. It’s unbelievably thick! In fact, I believe you could schmear it all over your body and swim the English Channel without getting wet or cold. Original German Nivea, Atrix and Penaten crème- are now on Amazon at crazy prices, and the selection in Germany is bigger.

German Manicure Set

Yes, I know, you can get nail files and clippers on every drug store rack… but a good Fingernagel Etui will last a lifetime! (Keep in mind… they are NOT CHEAP on either side of the Atlantic, but you can pay over $300 for a good Wusthof set here in the US. Plus, they are compact, and fit neatly in your luggage (DO NOT carry them ON the plane… those little scissors are considered deadly weapons, and will be confiscated by TSA).



SHOES For My Feet!

After all… You need to put on comfy shoes after all that shopping!

Birkenstock/ Hausschuhe  I was buying Birkenstock before they were “cool”. Yup, want to stick out in a crowd in 1984? Slide into a party wearing Birkenstock clogs. Oh boy. I still prefer to buy them in Germany, because they have all kinds and styles, and I can try them on. (Remember, sizing in Germany is different!) Yes, you can find them online now, and in many shoe stores. And luckily, they no longer carry the image of granola-eating hippies they once did here in the US. And Hausschuhe are just better in Germany….

German Reading Materials

German Magazines Ladies Magazines like-Brigitte, Bella, Burda and Fur Sie, Bastel (Craft) and Handarbeits (stitching) Magazines, Cooking magazines like Essen & Trinken loaded with recipes, and my favorite, Landlust, which is full of articles and photos of the countryside I adore. GEO, an amazing magazine that covers the world like National Geographic. And seriously, there is an astonishing LACK of soccer magazines here in the US. For Dad, a copy of Stern. I love reading them, and then I pass some along to friends. Oddly, my local newsstand has a few. But it’s not the same, and they are wildly expensive as imports.

what to bring back from Germany


You can sometimes find them on Amazon, or get an overseas subscription (kind of pricey). But really, I get a lot of satisfaction browsing in Magazine shops in Germany. Such astonishing variety!

German Books and Books on CD

A good Krimi, maybe a Roman, and always a book loaded with photos of Germany. When I was younger I brought back the Hanni and Nanni Series, also the Funf Freunde! Later, romances from Utta Danella. Historical novels like Der Medicus. Mysteries by Donna Leon (Ok, she’s not German, but I like the stories, and reading in German is good) Whatever caught my eye. Photo essay books of home are wonderful for the coffee table, and I can flip to pages. Last trip I found a wonderful book about the Wasserbergen (Water Castles of Westphalia) Schloss Buldern is in it!

And the books on CD, this is sort of an extension of the books. Hearing the language is amazingly helpful once I’m home again. Plus I can listen in the car, which makes a nice change. Not a shock, books can now be ordered from Amazon. However, I really LOVE browsing bookstores… browsing online isn’t as fun.

what to bring back from Germany

Craft Projects or Handarbeiten

My mother is never without either a book, or a Handarbeit… I have the same problem. Just sitting in front of the TV is not an option!

Handarbeit I always stop in at a Handarbeits Geschaeft (Embroidery shop) for a project to make at home. I’ve done embroidery in the past, to stitch simple tablecloths or pictures. But I’ve also enjoyed sewing projects. My favorite is a little book is one that shows how to make beaded stars for the Christmas tree. My daughter and I have made many of these to hang on our own tree, and to give away.
Now, there is a store here where I live that sells stitching materials and patterns. I can even find books and patterns online. But again, it’s not the same.

Something im Trend!

One thing you notice about Germany is that a certain something will be in each year; maybe it’s a mouse ornament, one year it’s an angel, another time it’s hearts that you hang in the window. I like to take one of these along, to keep the connection. I love knowing that the heart hanging in my window is also hanging in thousands of windows across Germany.

what to bring back from germany

One year giant Gummi Bear Lamps were in (the problem with the plug kept me from buying it!) Walk down the street and look in shop windows… especially the flower stores…. you will see certain trendy items repeated.

Buy one.

They won’t be there next time you go!

Something That Lasts Forever

Many many many people love to bring home Cuckoo Clocks…. be sure to visit the Haus of 1000 Uhren! But you can also find Smokers, Wooden Christmas Pyramids and Arches, Carved figures…  These beautiful heirloom pieces cost much less in Germany than they do here in the US (although, they are available in the US). Often, when you visit during the summer, you can find them in specialty shops, especially in tourist towns in the Black Forest.

what to bring back from Germany


And remember, some things may cost a bit more, but the lifetime value from these beautiful heirloom pieces… the pleasure you get from them, and the memories they give you… make it worthwhile.


Sadly, Some things are Gone Forever

Oma’s Marmarlade Nothing was better than my Oma’s Erdbeer Rhabarbaer (Strawberry Rhubarb) and Johannisbeer (Red Current) Jam, there is no substitute. Every time I went, a few jars from the Keller would come home with me. I would STREEEECH it out to last as long as possible, and I’d practically lick the inside of the jar when it was gone. Sadly, it’s all eaten up, and gone forever. I may find similar recipes, but they won’t be the same. Oma’s touch made the difference.

Phew… That’s a lot of stuff!!

Luckily, it’s easy to take my work along with me….because I ALWAYS have to work while I’m on the road. While you plan your visit to Germany make sure you carry these two useful technologies with your Hosted Citrix VDI and Cloud Hosted QuickBooks from Apps4Rent that lets you access your work remotely from anywhere, anytime on any device.

Take the RIGHT Suitcase

Of course, I would always have to shop for a new bag or suitcase to schlepp it all home with. Funny, I fill my suitcase with gifts and goodies for my German family, so you think there would be room in the suitcase to bring it all home. But, I never calculate right, and chocolate can be bulky.

Still… I take great pleasure in using the treasures I brought home with me. The foods, the products, even the simple things like spoons.

I can not emphasize enough how important a sturdy suitcase is for bringing things home. Really, there is no point in buying an expensive Nutcracker or piece of Porcelain, only to have it wrecked in your bag on the way home. To be sure it’s safe, CARRY ON anything particularly valuable or fragile. And because people have a tendency to just SHOVE things into the overhead compartment… make sure your bag is hard sided. The Chester Minima Carry on bag is perfect for keeping your valuables safe! It fits neatly in the overhead, has hard sides and a lock, and has different compartments to keep things safe. Also, at only 7 lbs (around 3 kilo) it’s lightweight!

CHESTER Minima Carry-On Luggage / 22CHESTER Minima Carry-On Luggage / 22CHESTER Minima Carry-On Luggage / 22

What to see how I get it all in?

See my Packing List for Germany here-> Packing List
Including my essentials for traveling to Germany-> Essential accessories for Germany

Time to Go Back!!

what to bring back from germany

67 thoughts on “What to Bring Back from Germany or How I Overfill My Suitcase Every Time

    1. Hmmm…. Dr Oetker makes the seasoning, but the only online source I found is a Swedish store…
      There is a brand called Batavia Arrack von Oosten available in some larger liquor stores, and possibly online.

      1. How does the shop work? If I order today, how long will it take to arrive?

        Thank you

        1. The items are linked to either Amazon or GermanShop 24… Amazon listing should have a shipping time (some items are prime, which means you can get them quickly). German Shop 24 usually gets items out in a day or two, with a 3 day delivery time.
          Hope that helps!

    2. Thank u so much for telling us we’re to find things on amazon. I am looking for german duvet covers in german sizes. Also, been trying to find german vier Ecken table clothes and wonderful runners. They had some on amazon, but shipping cost from germany was to Expensive . Would anyone know were I could find them here in America? The curtains too! Thank u ahead of time if anyone could help me find them !
      I love all the things u write about , which are all so helpful and true ! Danke schöne !❤❤❤❤❤

      1. I will do some digging for a consistant source… you could check on Etsy.com

  1. I brought home so many good things from Germany, too. First it was gummibaers. Those you find at Walmart now. Curry ketchup, herring in tomatensosse, books, and pumpernickel brick bread. That we can order now at germandeli.com.
    I still bring back Nimm2 bonbons, ledertuecher (chamis) and books. Books, because I love to see the books first. My favorite bookstore is niederlechner and they know me.
    I love your Facebook stories a lot. And the recipes.

    1. Thank you… I love browsing books stores. How wonderful that they know you!

    2. If you want a broad selection of delicious German foods, check out The German Deli — I LOVE IT! They offer even mixes to bake your bread yourself, or you can buy entire loaves or rolls, pretzels, etc. Huge selection!


      1. P. S. — You’ll find some of our prices are BETTER than those above — for example, the Teekanne Hagebutte Tee (Rosehip Tea) is only $3.99 at germandeli.com! We also have other varieties by Teekanne as well! 🙂

  2. Love doing a Stadtbummel top andespecially stoppind at Aldi, and the little coffee shops that always sold little other things. Did lots like you in80’s as German speaking flight attendant translator. What fun 5 x a month to Frankfurt. Thanks for the memories. Will checkout your store

  3. Love everything on here ! I did not know i can get so much stoff from Amazon! Thank you for this info. I am German born and raised, from München Bayern. And seeing this site hier is such a blessing! I have visited Germany twice between 2 years,and i was packed to the limits bringen candy etc back home to USA. Now i can fin some things here, thank you!!

    1. Glad to help! A friend just got hit with a $150 fee PER SUITCASE…. it certainly is getting cheaper to buy it here!

  4. You also need to buy Nutella in Deutschland, since the American version is not the same. Loved you article and suddenly I am so homesick.

    1. True! I do wish that the Americans would impose the same restrictions that the Germans do… we don’t need all the sugar and chemicals!

  5. A really nice article, I enjoyed reading it. Seems there are a few things about my homecountry I can be (sort of) proud.

    Now, thinking about my two trips to the US and what I did miss in those weeks – how do you rate the different (darker) bread varieties we do have here?


    1. Thorsten… There are a LOT of things about Germany to be proud of. The dark parts of history can not completely wipe out all of the positive contributions Germany has made to the world.

      As for the bread…I love the darker crusted bread! Chewy, crusty, flavorful… and delicious.

  6. I am thrilled everytime I find a German import locally. So now I find that the things I want to bring home with me are the things that don’t travel well or keep. The Brötchen, Brezeln, rote Johannisbeeren, Haselnuss Eis. The liquor filled chocolates. So like a kid in a candy store I indulge on as much as possible when I am there. You nailed it. There is a certain something that is only to be had with the German product. Btw, my baby shower gifts to all new moms always include the large jar of Penaten Creme.

    1. Great idea! Penaten is so much better than anything I’ve found here.

  7. I’m not German and have never been to Germany, so thank God the Germans export Birkenstocks. I couldn’t live without them. 😉

  8. What luck to have found your site! I’ve truly been enjoying reading the posts. My dad was stationed in Bad Kreuznach in the late 50s when he meet my mom…she was a typical German girl but he won her heart and brought her to the states. This post reminds me of the many trips we made to Germany. Each time I shipped my clothes back via air mail just to make room in my suitcase!

    1. I have been known to abandon things myself to make room….

      1. My favorite Birk’s are a silver studded pair by Heidi Klum that are perfect for any festive occasion!

  9. I’m looking forward to stocking up on Eucerin products when I go back to Germany 🙂 There are about a dozen products from them available in Canadian stores… and 60+ on the shelves in Apothekes! So much better selection!

    And Eierlikor is an absolute must. My husband became accustomed to having it on crepes with bananas and Nutella – and somehow Advocat just isn’t quite the same 😉

    1. I understand… the original always tastes a lot better!

  10. I am looking for back Oblaten. Not the little round ones but the large rectangular one. I can not find them here in Texas.

    1. Check on German Shop 24… the link is in the right column of the website. They have Eckige Backoblaten 120 x 200mm

    2. You can find them at German Deli , I also love them.

  11. Would like to know where to buy the German chocolate that is orange flavored and shaped like orange slices. So delicious.

  12. Penaten creme works on EVERYTHING ! I am a RN and I swear by it ! : )

  13. We brought back 3 Berg Pedal Cars when we moved back to the States at the first of the year!

    We love them! Haven’t had a chance to bring them out in our new neighborhood yet 🙂 But both my husband and I can ride the larger ones!

  14. If you want to see and buy HAFLINGER Shoes in Germany, you can visit us in Goslar the home of HAFLINGER in our show room 9AM – 4PM
    We have about 10.000 pairs in our stock but we are selling them also to USA by airmail. (free shipping)
    You can find a variety of HAFLINGER at: https://www.german-slippers.com/Brand-Haflinger.html
    and it is still growing.

    Best regards from Goslar, Germany


    1. Thank you!! I will visit next time I’m in Germany

  15. Thanks for the fun! I just came back from Germany with dirty laundry in the carry-on and a suitcase (49lbs) full of food and German bed covers (Bettbezuege) since I’m fortunate to have German beds, but Americans haven’t discovered the marriage saving advantages of individual twin size duvets. – However, when I NEED additional German food I order from Germandeli.com it’s cheaper than Germanshop24 and delivers faster.

  16. It basically is my shopping list also 🙂 For me it’s always Ostfriesentee and lots of Teekandis; wooden Brotteller for the entire family; Hanuta wafer chocolates; hot water bottles with funny covers for the grandchildren; Tropfenfaenger for the teapot; they’re small enough to pack easily — a conversation and fun piece to use when friends come over; the chocolate with the puffed wheat and Milka with all the air holes (can’t think of the names now); always bought Penaten creme for the grandbabies; seasonal decorating items; and lots of beautiful scarves. The list goes on 🙂

  17. Wow thanks ! Ill b heading to FFM in 2 weeks and cant wait to bring stuff back to Nairobi. First Stop is ussually DM and Tchibo . I will surely add a lot of whats on your list 1:)

  18. Thanks these are nice tips for my next visit to Frankfurt in 2 weeks. Cant wait.
    Sylvia <Nairobi

  19. I am not German, but I do love Germany & visit regularly. I always bring back the beautiful German soups in the large cans. They are a meal in a can & much tastier than anything I can get in the UK. I also like the little sachets to put on salads, curry sauce & pumpernickel bread. I love it all

  20. I love reading all of these! We love going to Germany and I could spend hours walking around a grocery or drug store there! We ALWAYS bring back tubes of Thomy Senf and mayo (so so good compared to American mayonnaise)! Lots of soups, sauce mixes, hot chocolate, etc. come back with me. I do the same thing as above – we pack foldable duffle bags in our suitcases, throw all the dirty laundry in them and then the gifts, groceries, etc. go in the suitcases. My kids love Bounty and Rittersport chocolate. I wish I could bring back the real meats./sausages from there so I could make Wurstsalat here. Dinkel Lacker would be awesome if they sold it here in the States.. We’re heading over in a few weeks and I’m writing up my list.

  21. We are leaving for Germany tomorrow and I packed an extra duffel bag in my suitcase. 🙂 I haven’t been “home” in 13 years – it’s going to be an epic trip!

  22. I am currently in Germany and bought 20 pounds of sause zu braten .it makes the best gravy and I can’t find it in America in such large quantities and at such a good price.

  23. I found this site by accident. So glad I did. We just also found an authentic German meat producer in Chicago, IL: stiglmeier. Wonderful Lebenkaeze, knackwurst, bratwurst, weiszwurst,etc.

  24. Thanx for this article! Nothing beats German a German paring knife or manicure scissors! Years ago I used to get a mail order catalogue called Quelle where I ordered many of the household items as well as clothing and other items. It was like a Sears catalogue of German items at very inexpensive prices and super quality. I haven’t found that catalogue in recent years. Guess it no longer exists. 😢

  25. Just found this web page and it’s brought back so many memories. Am English born of German mother and lived and worked there many years. Penaten creme !! Used to sell it. This was 50 years ago. Sooo love the German food. Lucky enough to have been back several times.

  26. What about things like Rübenkraut and Senfgurken…. mmmm.

    1. I actually can get them here… but if you can’t YES! Bring them! (BUT wrap it up so it doesn’t break… what a mess that would be!)

  27. Hello, great article! Gold Bears are definitely a classic.
    When we missed Germany, after our trip to Munich, we ordered a souvenir-box from a website called mygermanbox.com.
    We bought the Munich Oktoberfest box with products, such as original bavarian white sausage, white beer or a gingerbread heart, which you usually only get on the oktoberfest.

    1. Thanks for sharing the info about My German box! Looks like a great gift idea

  28. So true, all of that. I fondly remember the times of having two suitcases per person and both of them heavier because that meant we had 8 suitcases to bring home. Once I bought a Bobbycar and had it in one of the bags. I always loved having the special German things throughout the year and my kids as well. It has been much harder these days, not a lot of extra space left. I can live with US Gummibaerchen, I prefer twin snakes anyway, but I have to load up on Niederegger and licorice and I always buy loads of loose tea. My mom grows black currants in her garden plot just for making jelly for us, which we call Oma-lade (the kids thought Marmalade was Mama-lade and therefore the one Oma made was Oma-lade and that stuck). Of course, I cannot agree more on the question of knifes, there is no contest. Nice blog!

    1. Thanks for that!
      I’m going to use Oma-lade from now on!

  29. Don’t forget the felted clogs for inside the home!
    Also, I grab a half dozen Brezen from Penny (30 cents each) and put them in my carry-on the morning if my flight. Much better than $3 each at the American mall or worse, frozen from the grocery store. Some American restaurants sell them for $6-10! It’s also a nice surprise for folks at home who devour them within hours. And if course, one cannot find Käsebrezen in the USA.

  30. I can totally relate to the suitcase struggle! Every time I visit Germany, I end up bringing back countless souvenirs and delicious treats. Your suggestions are spot on, especially the local snacks and unique crafts. I’ll definitely be trying to pack lighter next time, but those amazing finds always make it hard! Thanks for sharing your experiences!

    1. It’s true… I try to pack lighter, but then I find things that can’t stay behind.
      Taking along an extra empty bag in my suitcase makes it easier to bring things home (one time I even packed my small suitcase of clothing inside a larger suitcase so that I had 2 suitcases for the return trip!)

  31. When I go to Germany, or any place that is not home I try to enjoy all the specialties while I am there. My joy was to discover that the restaurant near our Hotel in Nuremberg had Leberklöse on the menu, I love them, I ordered them for dinner every day as the first course for the few days we were there for the Weltmeistershaft in 2006, …so long ago. In the next town I discovered more old favorites and new treats. I enjoyed them and went on. I learned it was more fun to make new discoveries than to turn my visit into a continuous shopping trip. Perhaps, I am fortunate to live in a large metropolitan area where every grocery store has an international section and I can purchase so many of the goodies mentioned here, even german bakeries and butcher shops. Sure, Nürnbergerbratwurst are more expensive in the US, so don’t buy them here! Go to the Bratwurstglöckerl while in Nürnberg and enjoy them there and savor the memory.

    1. There are some things you just have to be in Germany to enjoy. I think the atmosphere contributes to the enjoyment. Bratwurst at home don’t taste like the Bratwurst you enjoy standing at an Imbiß table.

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