Every year I take a deeper look at under the hood of the German Girl in America website to get an idea of what interested all of you the most. I’ve been at this since 2014, and now with over 600 pages on the website (you read that right… 600 PAGES), it’s easy to lose track of things. Was it Christmas traditions? Maybe travel information? Or was it the pieces on German American History? Maybe my detailed look at the history of the Potato in Germany? Surprise! The most visited pages are recipes!
(I really didn’t think it would be the potato).
Well…. I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise…. I DID publish the bestselling Easy German Cookbook in November 2021…Maybe the surprise is which recipe ended up being the most visited?
So, here they are, the top 10 most visited pages on the German Girl in American website for 2022….(for those of you who AREN’T here for the food… I’ve also created a list the top 10 non-edible pages below)
Note- Some of these were written in 2022…others are old favorites that date back to the beginnings of the website in 2014!
Top Ten most Visited Pages on GermanGirlinAmerica.com for 2022
In reverse order for dramatic effect!
(Titles and images are linked, so you can get straight to the pages.)
10. Traditional German Glühwein Recipe- German Mulled Wine for a Cold Evening
Once the weather starts to cool, Glühwein, a traditional German mulled wine, appears on restaurant menus and is a Christmas Market essential. The tasty drink warms you to the core. Fortunately, you can easily make it at home!
9. Oma’s German Red Cabbage Recipe- Skip the Jar, Make it Yourself!
Cooking Red Cabbage smells like Christmas to me. Don’t bother with a jar, even someone who thinks they can’t cook can make this stuff. Added bonus, the recipe makes A LOT! So you can divide it up and freeze it in batches. (It may even be better reheated!)
8. Recipe for Apple Streusel Cake -A German Style Cake in an American Pan
Of the three Apple Cake Recipes on the website, my recipe for Apple Streusel Cake gets the most visits. (It also happens to be one of the first recipes ever added to the site). And no wonder. STREUSEL! Who doesn’t love Streusel? This “casual” cake bakes up in a rectangular pan, so it’s great for potlucks, but it’s easy enough for Tuesdays.
7. Easy and Delicious German Sour Cherry Cake Recipe
People rave about fancy German pastries and Tortes, but the truth is, this humble Cherry Cake makes almost everyone happy. Topped with a dusting of powdered sugar, and serve with a Schlag of whipped cream, and I’m back at Oma’s table for a Sunday coffee.
6. Oma’s Simple Salad with Creamy German Salad Dressing
Many people returning from a visit to Germany send me recipe requests for foods they enjoyed while traveling. Since I must have watched my Oma whisk up her Creamy Salad dressing a few times a week, it was time to write it down. This creamy salad dressing is unlike the 957 dressings that you find in the American Supermarket. Try it on Butter Lettuce.
5. Authentic and EASY German Potato Pancakes Recipe- Kartoffelpuffer
Who DOESN’T love Potato Pancakes? But getting the texture right, without losing the skin from your knuckles, can be tricky. I have a few tricks that I learned from my mom. (And an AMAZING variation using bacon…trust me).
4. Easy German Blueberry Cheesecake- Heidelbeerkuchen
Heidelbeer Kasekuchen? A Blueberry Cheesecake? While it is a German Recipe (adapted from Dr Oetker), the popularity of this one was a bit of a shock. Turns out, it’s a crossover hit, and gets visitors from American food sites… (like when a country music singer ends up on the pop charts!).
3. When your Parents Are German… Recognize these?
‘Things You Know When your Parents are German’ is not only one of the oldest pages on the website, but it also usually tops the list of my visited. This page reminds us all that we are one big club. (It’s ALL about the windows)
2. My Oma’s German Lemon Cake Recipe
Another OLD page, another simple cake, another Oma recipe (I’m sensing a theme). This tart, sweet cake fits in on the Kaffeeklatsch table, and it packs well in a lunch bag. Bake this Lemon Cake today, let the cake soak overnight, eat it tomorrow. You are welcome.
And now, what you’ve all been waiting for NUMBER 1 for 2022
1. German Tomato Salad Recipe with Variations
I know, I’m kind of surprised too. Tomato Salad? But think about it… most of us probably have a memory of THIS salad coming to the table as a side dish or part of a Salatteller. Tomato Salad is classic because it’s GOOD. And the fact that you can go from basic ingredients to table in under 5 minutes is a bonus. I also included a few variations to change things up.
Non- Recipe Favorites for 2022
The top Ten non-recipe pages that got the most visits really show just how varied the content on the German Girl in America website is. History, culture, holidays, travel, traditions… it’s all here.
The History of Old German Cursive Alphabet and Typefaces
My daughter calls me a ‘nerd’… and I wear the badge proudly. History fascinates me, and researching this piece on the changes in German handwriting actually sent me to a new avenue of study (I’m taking the Germanology Unlocked courses to learn MORE… watch this space)
German Easter Traditions, Facts and Customs- All About Easter in Germany!
For the Easter Traditions round up page to come in so high was a bit of a surprise… I sort of expected Christmas Traditions to come in higher (maybe because there are SO MANY Christmas pages, the vote got split?) The page covers recipes and traditions, vocabulary and customs, chocolate bunnies, Sorbian Eggs, and DATES (remember, Easter shifts…). You’ll find links to everything you need to celebrate a German Easter.
German Genealogy Databases Online -Find your German Family
My Genealogy Databases page started out as a basic resource page (I also have pages for restaurants, schools, events…), and it grows every year. You’ll find links to resource materials that you can use to trace your family history… or find family that may have been lost more recently. This year my mother showed me a packet of paperwork about the family, so I’m getting more involved with Genealogy. This is another page that will grow over the next year.
Easy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made Simple
In November 2020 I published my first cookbook, the Easy German Cookbook: 80 Classic Recipes Made Simple. I’m incredibly proud to say, it’s done well! I ended up on the Bestseller list for German cookbooks (I know, a small niche, but I never won Sports awards). The well recieved book covers the basics of German cooking. Check it out (you can even order a signed copy!)
Hotels in Germany – Tips to Make Your Stay Even Better
Another surprise. Before Covid (can we just say BC?) I wrote up quite a few travel experiences. I love that this page about the differences in German hotels made a come back (I’m guessing it has something to do with the photo of my confused husband)
German Nursery Rhymes and Songs
Nursery Rhymes and simple German Songs are all a part of our collective memory. Opa singing ‘Hoppa Hoppa Reiter’ while bouncing you on his knee, Oma playing ‘Backe Backe Kuchen’ while clapping hands with you, and Mama singing ‘Alle Meine Enten’ while you play with the rubber duckie in the bath… This page has some favorites, and the English translations (yes, the ravens do eat the rider when he falls in a ditch…)
Roemer Glass- Green Stemmed Wine Glasses
Craftsmen have been making Römer Glass for 2000 years! Since you find those wine glasses with the green stem in the Schrank of most German Omas, and you still find them all over Germany in restaurants and bars, it’s no wonder people are still excited to learn the history (and maybe order a few for their own home).
What Is Walpurgisnacht? And How did An English Nun Become Associated with Witches?
Germany has long history of witches in stories, legends, and fairy tales. And on April 30th, the witches traditionally all come together on the Brocken in the Harz. Walpurgisnacht is mentioned by Grimm, by Faust, and Thomas Mann… it even gets mention in Stoker’s Dracula.
How to Watch German TV and Movies in the US
I love watching German programs because it keeps the language in my ear. My parents are fans of German News programs because they talk about the world, and not just what’s happening here in the US (they are also super fans of Bares für Räres… a mix of Antiques Roadshow and Pawn Stars). But how to see all that? This is another resource page that has lists of options (and is always getting updates)
The German St Nicholas Day Tradition
Finally, St Nicholas Day! This Christmas Season tradition isn’t celebrated in the United States. My page explains all about it. Who was St Nicholas? And why do children put out their shoes for treats? There’s also an introduction to his scary companions like Knecht Ruprecht and KRAMPUS!
That’s IT…. My roundup of German Girl in America’s top Ten visited pages… (plus the non-recipe top 10s). It was interesting to see what you all enjoyed or sought out the most. (Seriously, how could you not be busting down the door to read about the potato? I put HOURS into that post.) And I’m excited to see what will interest you in 2023. My editorial calendar has some fun stuff lined up!